TDAmeritrade component for Home Assistant
In order to use this component, you must register for a developer account with TDAmeritrade.
Once registered add a new app. Ensure that you configure the callback URL as such.
Note: The callback URL must be https, http is not supported.
Clone the repo and copy the tdameritrade folder to custom_components or use HACS
In the UI select Configuration > Integrations > Add.
In the list choose TDAmeritrade.
You will be prompted to enter your consumer key and accounts.
When setting your consumer key, you must append @AMER.OAUTHAP
Accounts are entered as a comma seperated list.
You will be prompted to authenticate with TDAmeritrade, this requests an offline token and will be good for 90 days.
Restart Home Assistant.
The component will create a binary sensor for the regular market hours and a sensor for each account.
symbol: SPMD
This will create an entitiy in the following form get_quote_service.spmd, with the market price as the value.
price: 10
instruction: BUY
quantity: 5
symbol: SPMD
account_id: 012344567
order_type: LIMIT
session: NORMAL
duration: DAY
orderStrategyType: SINGLE
assetType: EQUITY
alias: Place order for SPMD in Roth IRA
description: Buy SPMD with all available funds in Roth account
- at: 09:45:00
platform: time
- condition: state
state: 'on'
service: homeassistant.turn_on
entity_id: script.buy_stock_ira
ticker: SPMD
account: "{{ states.sensor.available_funds_0218.attributes.accountId }}"
av_funds: "{{ states.sensor.available_funds_0218.state }}"
alias: Roth Autotrade
- data_template:
symbol: "{{ ticker }}"
service: tdameritrade.get_quote
- condition: template
value_template: "{{ ((av_funds | float) // (states.get_quote_service[ticker|lower].attributes.bidPrice | float)) > 0 }}"
- data_template:
account_id: "{{ account }}"
assetType: EQUITY
duration: DAY
instruction: BUY
orderStrategyType: SINGLE
order_type: LIMIT
price: "{{ states.get_quote_service[ticker|lower].attributes.bidPrice }}"
quantity: "{{ ((av_funds | float) // (states.get_quote_service[ticker|lower].attributes.bidPrice | float)) }}"
session: NORMAL
symbol: "{{ ticker }}"
service: tdameritrade.place_order
- data_template:
message: "Placed order for {{ ((av_funds | float) // (states.get_quote_service[ticker|lower].attributes.bidPrice | float)) }} shares of {{ ticker }} at {{ sttes.get_quote_service[ticker|lower].attributes.bidPrice }} in account {{ account }}."
title: "TDAmeritrade - Order Placed"
service: notify.pushbullet