Framework to use HCP tooling to manage AMI's CA auth from boundary via vault driven byy github actions and Terraform
This configures:
- HCP Vault
- ssh auth method
- kvv2 to store the public key in
- HCP Boundary
- test org
- project
- host catalog
- credential store
- test users
- Terraform
- 3 x Workspaces
- Packer
- Project
- Channel
- Version
- 3 x t2 micro EC2's built with packer AMI
Github actions drives:
- Terraform sets up SSH auth method, setup a kvv2 store and store the private key in it
- Vault action retrieves private key for use in action pipeline
- Packer builds image containing SSH private key for SSH ca auth
- Image is uploaded/dated in AWS AMI store
- Terraform sets up Boundary and Vault cred association
- Terraform Boundary credentials store
- Terraform setups Boundary users
- Terraform setup some t2 micro ec2's for testing
- Fork the repository
- Setup the Github actions secrets
- push (PR) a minor change to the repo
- watch action for completion
- you will be able to boundary auth then ssh to one of your AWS instances
- Create Github actions secrets for:
- Create Github actions secrets for:
note: as per Create HCP service principal and set env var
- need to use an team owner token for access
- this will auto magically setup 3 workspaces for use with this action, repo name prefaced by action it's used by
- need to use workspace and organisation human readable names not ID's in secrets
- Create Github actions secrets for:
In addition to the secrets you also need to setup the following Github action variables
- TF_CLOUD_ORGANIZATION = the neame of your TF cloud organisation
- TF_SSH_SETUP_WORKSPACE = HCP-boundary-vault-auto-ca-manage
- TF_BOUNDARY_SETUP_WORKSPACE = HCP-boundary-vault-boundary_setup
- TF_INFRA_SETUP_WORKSPACE = HCP-boundary-vault-infra_setup
- Create Github actions secrets for:
note: You need an orphaned token for Terraform to use for this. To create it use the following and if not testing, set the policy appropriately:
NAMESPACE=admin vault token create -policy=hcp-root -period=1440h -orphan
- Ensure you have a "free registry" created in HCP packer
- The script will create a bucket named as your repo and a channel based of your branch name if it doesn't already exist
- Create Github actions secrets for:
note: The boundary user needs to be root or have root equivalent permissions
Note: the keyring-type
flag may not be necessary depending on your OS keyring configuration
boundary authenticate -keyring-type="secret-service"
boundary connect ssh -host-id <host id> -target-id <target id> -keyring-type="secret-service
- Use Vault namespaces
- move all possible secrets to Vault
- Implement terraform Cloud secrets engine
- tag AMI's with project name and add to Boundary host set filter
- Setup session recording