Why should the Romans not enjoy the web, just because they are all dead?
This project includes a simple webserver, fork from nolibc-httpd with the status code replaced with the corresponding roman numeral.
To make sure we still adhere to the HTTP spec, we use the 0r
prefix for the status code.
Thanks @ylebre for this suggestion!
Clone the repo and build the server:
git clone https://github.com/potherca-blog/roman-numeral-http-status-codes.git
cd roman-numeral-http-status-codes && ./build.sh
Start the server:
./httpd index.html
Visit the page: http://localhost:MMXXII and, as you can see, the response is "OK".
Sadly the browser does not show Roman Numerals, but the status is there!
Use curl
to see it:
$ curl --include http://localhost:MMXXII
HTTP/1.1 0rCC OK
<title>hello world!</title>
<h1>hello world!</h1>
To see a "Not Found" response, start the server with a non-existent file:
./httpd whatever.html
curl --include http://localhost:MMXXII
HTTP/1.1 0rCDIV Not Found
Use | Instead of | For |
C | 100 | Continue |
CI | 101 | Switching Protocols |
CII | 102 | Processing (WebDAV; RFC 2518) |
CIII | 103 | Early Hints (RFC 8297) |
CX | 110 | Response is Stale |
CXI | 111 | Revalidation Failed |
CXII | 112 | Disconnected Operation |
CXIII | 113 | Heuristic Expiration |
CXCVIV | 199 | Miscellaneous Warning |
CC | 200 | OK |
CCI | 201 | Created |
CCII | 202 | Accepted |
CCIII | 203 | Non-Authoritative Information |
CCIV | 204 | No Content |
CCV | 205 | Reset Content |
CCVI | 206 | Partial Content (RFC 7233) |
CCVII | 207 | Multi-Status (WebDAV; RFC 4918) |
CCVIII | 208 | Already Reported (WebDAV; RFC 5842) |
CCXIV | 214 | Transformation Applied |
CCXXVI | 226 | IM Used (RFC 3229) |
CCXCVIV | 299 | Miscellaneous Persistent Warning |
CCC | 300 | Multiple Choices |
CCCI | 301 | Moved Permanently |
CCCII | 302 | Found (Previously "Moved temporarily") |
CCCIII | 303 | See Other (since HTTP/1.1) |
CCCIV | 304 | Not Modified (RFC 7232) |
CCCV | 305 | Use Proxy (since HTTP/1.1) |
CCCVI | 306 | Switch Proxy |
CCCVII | 307 | Temporary Redirect (since HTTP/1.1) |
CCCVIII | 308 | Permanent Redirect (RFC 7538) |
CD | 400 | Bad Request |
CDI | 401 | Unauthorized (RFC 7235) |
CDII | 402 | Payment Required |
CDIII | 403 | Forbidden |
CDIV | 404 | Not Found |
CDV | 405 | Method Not Allowed |
CDVI | 406 | Not Acceptable |
CDVII | 407 | Proxy Authentication Required (RFC 7235) |
CDVIII | 408 | Request Timeout |
CDVIV | 409 | Conflict |
CDX | 410 | Gone |
CDXI | 411 | Length Required |
CDXII | 412 | Precondition Failed (RFC 7232) |
CDXIII | 413 | Payload Too Large (RFC 7231) |
CDXIV | 414 | URI Too Long (RFC 7231) |
CDXV | 415 | Unsupported Media Type (RFC 7231) |
CDXVI | 416 | Range Not Satisfiable (RFC 7233) |
CDXVII | 417 | Expectation Failed |
CDXVIII | 418 | I'm a teapot (RFC 2324, RFC 7168) |
CDXVIV | 419 | Page Expired (Laravel Framework) |
CDXX | 420 | Enhance Your Calm (Twitter) |
CDXX | 420 | Method Failure (Spring Framework) |
CDXXI | 421 | Misdirected Request (RFC 7540) |
CDXXII | 422 | Unprocessable Entity (WebDAV; RFC 4918) |
CDXXIII | 423 | Locked (WebDAV; RFC 4918) |
CDXXIV | 424 | Failed Dependency (WebDAV; RFC 4918) |
CDXXV | 425 | Too Early (RFC 8470) |
CDXXVI | 426 | Upgrade Required |
CDXXVIII | 428 | Precondition Required (RFC 6585) |
CDXXVIV | 429 | Too Many Requests (RFC 6585) |
CDXXX | 430 | Request Header Fields Too Large (Shopify) |
CDXXXI | 431 | Request Header Fields Too Large (RFC 6585) |
CDXL | 440 | Login Time-out |
CDXLIV | 444 | No Response |
CDXLVIV | 449 | Retry With |
CDL | 450 | Blocked by Windows Parental Controls |
CDLI | 451 | Redirect |
CDLI | 451 | Unavailable For Legal Reasons (RFC 7725) |
CDLX | 460 | 460 |
CDLXIII | 463 | 463 |
CDXCIV | 494 | Request header too large |
CDXCV | 495 | SSL Certificate Error |
CDXCVI | 496 | SSL Certificate Required |
CDXCVII | 497 | HTTP Request Sent to HTTPS Port |
CDXCVIII | 498 | Invalid Token (Esri) |
CDXCVIV | 499 | Client Closed Request |
CDXCVIV | 499 | Token Required (Esri) |
D | 500 | Internal Server Error |
DI | 501 | Not Implemented |
DII | 502 | Bad Gateway |
DIII | 503 | Service Unavailable |
DIV | 504 | Gateway Timeout |
DV | 505 | HTTP Version Not Supported |
DVI | 506 | Variant Also Negotiates (RFC 2295) |
DVII | 507 | Insufficient Storage (WebDAV; RFC 4918) |
DVIII | 508 | Loop Detected (WebDAV; RFC 5842) |
DVIV | 509 | Bandwidth Limit Exceeded |
DX | 510 | Not Extended (RFC 2774) |
DXI | 511 | Network Authentication Required (RFC 6585) |
DXX | 520 | Web Server Returned an Unknown Error |
DXXI | 521 | Web Server Is Down |
DXXII | 522 | Connection Timed Out |
DXXIII | 523 | Origin Is Unreachable |
DXXIV | 524 | A Timeout Occurred |
DXXV | 525 | SSL Handshake Failed |
DXXVI | 526 | Invalid SSL Certificate |
DXXVII | 527 | Railgun Error |
DXXVIV | 529 | Site is overloaded |
DXXX | 530 | 530 |
DXXX | 530 | Site is frozen |
DLXI | 561 | Unauthorized |
DXCVIII | 598 | Network read timeout error |
DXCVIV | 599 | Network Connect Timeout Error |
All feedback and contributions are welcome.
Created by @Potherca under the April Fools' Public License.