2.3.0 (2024-02-13)
privacy mode (15f9671 )
remove strip_received_headers config option (ed2e62b )
Bug Fixes
add ruby platform to gemfile (1fceef7 )
explicitly disable TLS & starttls for unknown SSL modes (42ab5b3 ), closes #2564
fix bug with received header in SMTP server (ba5bfbd )
retry mysql connections on message DB pool (f9f7fb3 )
use correct method for disconnecting smtp connections (7c23994 )
rubocop: disable complexity cops for now (930cf39 )
rubocop: disable Style/SpecialGlobalVars (be97f43 )
rubocop: disable Style/StringConcatenation cop (d508772 )
rubocop: Layout/* (0e0aca0 )
rubocop: Layout/EmptyLineAfterMagicComment (0e4ed5c )
rubocop: Layout/EmptyLines (0cf35a8 )
rubocop: Layout/EmptyLinesAroundBlockBody (cfd8d63 )
rubocop: Layout/LeadingCommentSpace (59f299b )
rubocop: Layout/LineLength (e142d0d )
rubocop: Layout/MultilineMethodCallBraceLayout (a5d5ba5 )
rubocop: Lint/DuplicateBranch (a1dc0f7 )
rubocop: Lint/DuplicateMethods (bab6346 )
rubocop: Lint/IneffectiveAccessModifier (6ad56ee )
rubocop: Lint/MissingSuper (4674e63 )
rubocop: Lint/RedundantStringCoercion (12a5ef3 )
rubocop: Lint/ShadowedException (0966b44 )
rubocop: Lint/ShadowingOuterLocalVariable (7119e86 )
rubocop: Lint/SuppressedException (278ef08 )
rubocop: Lint/UnderscorePrefixedVariableName (ec7dcf4 )
rubocop: Lint/UnusedBlockArgument (ee94e4e )
rubocop: Lint/UselessAssignment (7590a46 )
rubocop: Naming/FileName (919a601 )
rubocop: Naming/MemoizedInstanceVariableName (9563f30 )
rubocop: relax method length and block nexting for now (b0ac9ef )
rubocop: remaining offences (ec63666 )
rubocop: Security/YAMLLoad (389ea77 )
rubocop: Style/AndOr (b9f3f31 )
rubocop: Style/ClassAndModuleChildren (e896f46 )
rubocop: Style/For (04a3483 )
rubocop: Style/FrozenStringLiteralComment (6ab36c0 )
rubocop: Style/GlobalStdStream (75be690 )
rubocop: Style/GlobalVars (157d114 )
rubocop: Style/HashEachMethods (c995027 )
rubocop: Style/HashExcept (83ac764 )
rubocop: Style/IdenticalConditionalBranches (6a58ecf )
rubocop: Style/MissingRespondToMissing (ffcb707 )
rubocop: Style/MultilineBlockChain (c6326a6 )
rubocop: Style/MutableConstant (129dffa )
rubocop: Style/NumericPredicate (c558f1c )
rubocop: Style/PreferredHashMethods (013b3ea )
rubocop: Style/SafeNavigation (00a02f2 )
rubocop: Style/SelectByRegexp (9ce28a4 )
rubocop: Style/StringLiterals (b4cc812 )
rubocop: Style/WordArray (bd85920 )
rubocop: update rubocop rules (6d4dea7 )
Miscellaneous Chores
annotate models (6214892 )
silence message DB migrations during provisioning (c83601a )
Code Refactoring
remove reloading on the smtp server (c3c304e )
add initial tests for Postal::SMTPServer::Client (dece1d4 )
FactoryBot.lint will lint all registered factories (25d7d66 )
You can’t perform that action at this time.