This is just a gambling coin.
1 XAM equals 1 MATIC * tokensPerMatic var (default tokensPerMatic = 100). Using XAM bet against price of ETH in next (at least) 5 seconds - short, long, no change. If predicted correctly, you receive doubled bet price, otherwise bet is lost. The lost bet means that the token is burned.
Each transfer to another wallet costs 10% of sent amount, except for staking addresses. The price of XAM for each MATIC might be changed in future.
The price is checked directly in the smart contract by requesting the Chainlink node network.
Deployment: npx hardhat run --network mumbai scripts/deployMumbai.js, before deployment set privateKey and polygonMumbaiRPC (used
Tests: 1. npx node run, 2. npx hardhat test
Interaction with contract: use python api, remember to define keys in .env