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Poker Packets

this package contains all files needed to

  • build and create all relevant poker classes
  • convert these packets to json structures
  • convert these packets to the binary poker protocol
  • only rely on attributes sections!

for more information please read the docstrings or take a look at the documentation at

Packet (id: 0)

Packet base class

PacketString (id: 1)

Packet containing a single string


string: string: <length of string as unsigned short (2 bytes)><string>

PacketInt (id: 2)

Packet containing an unsigned integer value


value: unsigned int (4 bytes)

c example:

struct packet_int {
    unsigned int value;

PacketError (id: 3)

Packet describing an error


message: string: <length of string as unsigned short (2 bytes)><string>
code: unsigned int (4 bytes)
other_type: unsigned char (1 byte)

PacketAck (id: 4)

PacketPing (id: 5)

PacketSerial (id: 6)

Semantics: the serial number of the authenticated user
           associated to the client after a PacketLogin
           was sent. This packet is sent to the client
           after the PacketAuthOk acknowledging the success
           of the authentication.

Direction: server => client

serial: the unique number associated to the user.


serial: unsigned int (4 bytes)

c example:

struct packet_serial {
    unsigned int serial;

PacketQuit (id: 7)

Client tells the server it will leave

PacketAuthOk (id: 8)

Semantics: authentication request succeeded.

Direction: server => client

PacketAuthRefused (id: 9)

Semantics: authentication request was refused by the server.

Direction: server => client

message: human readable reason for the authentication failure
code: machine readable code matching the human readable message
      the list of which can be found in the PacketPokerSetAccount
      packet definition
other_type: the type of the packet that triggered the authentication
            error, i.e. :class:`PACKET_LOGIN <pokerpackets.packets.PacketLogin>`


message: string: <length of string as unsigned short (2 bytes)><string>
code: unsigned int (4 bytes)
other_type: unsigned char (1 byte)

PacketLogin (id: 10)

Semantics: authentify user "name" with "password".

Direction: server <= client

If the user/password combination is valid, the
PacketAuthOk packet will be sent back to the client,
immediately followed by the PacketSerial packet that
holds the serial number of the user.

If the user/password combination is invalid, the
PacketAuthRefused packet will be sent back to the client.
If the user is already logged in, a PacketError is sent
with code set to PacketLogin.LOGGED.

name: valid user name as a string
password: matching password string


name: string: <length of string as unsigned short (2 bytes)><string>
password: string: <length of string as unsigned short (2 bytes)><string>

PacketAuthRequest (id: 11)

Packet to ask authentification from the client

PacketList (id: 12)

Packet containing a list of packets


packets: packet list: <number of packets as unsigned short (2 bytes)>[<binary packed packet>,..]

PacketLogout (id: 13)

Login out

PacketBootstrap (id: 14)

PacketProtocolError (id: 15)

Client protocol version does not match server protocol version.


message: string: <length of string as unsigned short (2 bytes)><string>
code: unsigned int (4 bytes)
other_type: unsigned char (1 byte)

PacketMessage (id: 16)

server => client
Informative messages


string: string: <length of string as unsigned short (2 bytes)><string>

PacketAuth (id: 25)

Semantics: authentify user with "auth" token.

Direction: server <= client

If the auth string is valid, the
PacketAuthOk packet will be sent back to the client,
immediately followed by the PacketSerial packet that
holds the serial number of the user.

If the auth string is invalid, the
PacketAuthRefused packet will be sent back to the client.
If the user is already logged in, a PacketError is sent
with code set to PacketAuth.LOGGED.

auth: valid user auth hash as a string


auth: string: <length of string as unsigned short (2 bytes)><string>

PacketPokerSeats (id: 50)

Semantics: attribution of the seats of a game to the players.

Context: packet sent at least once per turn. It is guaranteed
that no player engaged in a turn (i.e. who shows in a
 :class:`PACKET_POKER_IN_GAME <pokerpackets.networkpackets.PacketPokerInGame>` packet) will leave their seat before
the turn is over (i.e. before packet  :class:`PACKET_POKER_STATE <pokerpackets.networkpackets.PacketPokerState>` packet
with string == "end" is received).
It is guaranteed that all PACKET_PLAYER_ARRIVE packets for
all players listed in the "seats" have already been sent
by the server.

Notes: The list is 10 seats long even when a game only allows 5
players to seat.

seats: list of serials of players. The list contains exactly 10 integers.
       The position of the serial of a given player is the seat number.
       A serial of 0 means the seat is empty.
       Example: [ 0, 0, 201, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 305, 0 ]
game_id: integer uniquely identifying a game.


seats: list of numbers, <length of list as unsigned char(1 byte)>[<number as unsigned int (4 bytes)>,..]
game_id: unsigned int (4 bytes)

PacketPokerId (id: 51)

abstract packet with game id and serial


serial: unsigned int (4 bytes)
game_id: unsigned int (4 bytes)

c example:

struct packet_poker_id {
    unsigned int serial;
    unsigned int game_id;

PacketPokerMessage (id: 52)

server => client
Informative messages


serial: unsigned int (4 bytes)
game_id: unsigned int (4 bytes)
string: string: <length of string as unsigned short (2 bytes)><string>

PacketPokerError (id: 53)

Packet describing an error


serial: unsigned int (4 bytes)
game_id: unsigned int (4 bytes)
message: string: <length of string as unsigned short (2 bytes)><string>
code: unsigned int (4 bytes)
other_type: unsigned char (1 byte)

PacketPokerPosition (id: 54)

Semantics: the player "serial" is now in position for game
"game_id" and should act. If "serial" is 0, no player is
in position.

Direction: server  => client

Context: emitted by the server when paying blinds or antes,
in which case the "serial" field does not contain a
serial number but a position. This packet is discarded
when other packets are inferred. Inferred by the client
during all other betting rounds.
A :class:`PACKET_POKER_POSITION <pokerpackets.networkpackets.PacketPokerPosition>` with serial 0 is inferred by the
client at the end of each turn.

serial: integer uniquely identifying a player.
game_id: integer uniquely identifying a game.


game_id: unsigned int (4 bytes)
position: unsigned char (1 byte, -1 encoded as 255)
serial: unsigned int (4 bytes)

PacketPokerInt (id: 55)

base class for a int coded amount


serial: unsigned int (4 bytes)
game_id: unsigned int (4 bytes)
amount: unsigned int (4 bytes)

c example:

struct packet_poker_int {
    unsigned int serial;
    unsigned int game_id;
    unsigned int amount;

PacketPokerBet (id: 56)

base class for raise. It is not used. To bet use PokerRaise instead.


serial: unsigned int (4 bytes)
game_id: unsigned int (4 bytes)
amount: unsigned int (4 bytes)

c example:

struct packet_poker_bet {
    unsigned int serial;
    unsigned int game_id;
    unsigned int amount;

PacketPokerFold (id: 57)

Semantics: the "serial" player folded.

Direction: server <=> client

serial: integer uniquely identifying a player.
game_id: integer uniquely identifying a game.


serial: unsigned int (4 bytes)
game_id: unsigned int (4 bytes)

c example:

struct packet_poker_fold {
    unsigned int serial;
    unsigned int game_id;

PacketPokerState (id: 58)

Semantics: the state of the game "game_id" changed to
"string". The common game states are:

 null : new game.
 end : a game just ended.
 blindAnte : players are paying blinds and/or antes.

The other game states are not pre-determined and depend on the content
of the variant file. For instance, the states matching the
poker.holdem.xml variant file are : pre-flop, flop, turn and river.

Direction: server  => client

Context: the sequence of states is guaranteed, i.e. "turn" will never be
sent before "flop". However, there is no guarantee that the next state
will ever be sent. For instance, if a holdem game is canceled
(i.e. :class:`PACKET_POKER_CANCELED <pokerpackets.networkpackets.PacketPokerCanceled>` is sent) because no player is willing to pay
the blinds, the client must know that it will never receive the
packet announcing the "pre-flop" state. The "end" state is not
sent when a game is canceled (i.e. :class:`PACKET_POKER_CANCELED <pokerpackets.networkpackets.PacketPokerCanceled>` is sent).

serial: the unique number associated to the user.
game_id: integer uniquely identifying a game.
string: state of the game.


serial: unsigned int (4 bytes)
game_id: unsigned int (4 bytes)
string: string: <length of string as unsigned short (2 bytes)><string>

PacketPokerWin (id: 59)

Semantics: the "serials" of the players who won
the turn for game "game_id" to display the showdown.

Context: this packet is sent even when there is no showdown, i.e. when all
other players folded. However, it is not sent if the game is canceled
(i.e. :class:`PACKET_POKER_CANCELED <pokerpackets.networkpackets.PacketPokerCanceled>` is sent). It is sent after
the :class:`PACKET_POKER_STATE <pokerpackets.networkpackets.PacketPokerState>` packet announcing the "end" state and after all
necessary information is sent to explain the
showdown (i.e. the value of the losing cards). The client may deduce
the serials of players who won from previous packets and use the
packet information for checking purposes only.

The client infers the following packets from :class:`PACKET_POKER_WIN <pokerpackets.networkpackets.PacketPokerWin>`:

 :class:`PACKET_POKER_PLAYER_NO_CARDS <pokerpackets.clientpackets.PacketPokerPlayerNoCards>`
 :class:`PACKET_POKER_BEST_CARDS <pokerpackets.clientpackets.PacketPokerBestCards>`
 :class:`PACKET_POKER_CHIPS_POT_MERGE <pokerpackets.clientpackets.PacketPokerChipsPotMerge>`
 :class:`PACKET_POKER_POT_CHIPS <pokerpackets.clientpackets.PacketPokerPotChips>`
 :class:`PACKET_POKER_PLAYER_CHIPS <pokerpackets.networkpackets.PacketPokerPlayerChips>`

They roughly match the following logic. Some players mucked their
losing cards (:class:`PACKET_POKER_PLAYER_NO_CARDS <pokerpackets.clientpackets.PacketPokerPlayerNoCards>`). The winners show their
best five card combination (high and/or low)
 :class:`PACKET_POKER_BEST_CARDS <pokerpackets.clientpackets.PacketPokerBestCards>`. If there are split pots and a player wins
more than one pot, merge the chips together before giving them to the
winner (:class:`PACKET_POKER_CHIPS_POT_MERGE <pokerpackets.clientpackets.PacketPokerChipsPotMerge>`). Give each player the part of
the pot they won (PACKET_POKER_CHIPS_POT2PLAYER): there may be more
than one packet for each player if more than one pot is involved. When
the distribution is finished all pots are empty
(:class:`PACKET_POKER_POT_CHIPS <pokerpackets.clientpackets.PacketPokerPotChips>`) and each player has a new amount of chips in
their stack (:class:`PACKET_POKER_PLAYER_CHIPS <pokerpackets.networkpackets.PacketPokerPlayerChips>`). These last two packets make
it possible for the client to ignore the chips movements and only deal
with the final chips amounts.

The :class:`PACKET_POKER_BEST_CARDS <pokerpackets.clientpackets.PacketPokerBestCards>` is only infered for actual winners. Not
for players who participated in the showdown but lost. The cards of
these losers are known from a :class:`PACKET_POKER_CARDS <pokerpackets.networkpackets.PacketPokerCards>` sent before the
 :class:`PACKET_POKER_WIN <pokerpackets.networkpackets.PacketPokerWin>`.

Direction: server  => client

serials: list of serials of players who won.
game_id: integer uniquely identifying a game.


serial: unsigned int (4 bytes)
game_id: unsigned int (4 bytes)
serials: list of numbers, <length of list as unsigned char(1 byte)>[<number as unsigned int (4 bytes)>,..]

PacketPokerCards (id: 60)

base class for player / board / best cards


serial: unsigned int (4 bytes)
game_id: unsigned int (4 bytes)
cards: list of numbers, <length of list as unsigned char(1 byte)>[<number as unsigned char (1 byte)>,..]

PacketPokerPlayerCards (id: 61)

Semantics: the ordered list of "cards" for player "serial"
in game "game_id".

Direction: server  => client

cards: list of integers describing cards.
       255 == placeholder, i.e. down card with unknown value
       bit 7 and bit 8 set == down card
       bit 7 and bit 8 not set == up card
       bits 1 to 6 == card value as follows:

       2h/00  2d/13  2c/26  2s/39
       3h/01  3d/14  3c/27  3s/40
       4h/02  4d/15  4c/28  4s/41
       5h/03  5d/16  5c/29  5s/42
       6h/04  6d/17  6c/30  6s/43
       7h/05  7d/18  7c/31  7s/44
       8h/06  8d/19  8c/32  8s/45
       9h/07  9d/20  9c/33  9s/46
       Th/08  Td/21  Tc/34  Ts/47
       Jh/09  Jd/22  Jc/35  Js/48
       Qh/10  Qd/23  Qc/36  Qs/49
       Kh/11  Kd/24  Kc/37  Ks/50
       Ah/12  Ad/25  Ac/38  As/51

serial: integer uniquely identifying a player.
game_id: integer uniquely identifying a game.


serial: unsigned int (4 bytes)
game_id: unsigned int (4 bytes)
cards: list of numbers, <length of list as unsigned char(1 byte)>[<number as unsigned char (1 byte)>,..]

PacketPokerBoardCards (id: 62)

Semantics: the ordered list of community "cards"
for game "game_id".

Direction: server  => client

cards: list of integers describing cards.
       255 == placeholder, i.e. down card with unknown value
       bit 7 and bit 8 set == down card
       bit 7 and bit 8 not set == up card
       bits 1 to 6 == card value as follows:

       2h/00  2d/13  2c/26  2s/39
       3h/01  3d/14  3c/27  3s/40
       4h/02  4d/15  4c/28  4s/41
       5h/03  5d/16  5c/29  5s/42
       6h/04  6d/17  6c/30  6s/43
       7h/05  7d/18  7c/31  7s/44
       8h/06  8d/19  8c/32  8s/45
       9h/07  9d/20  9c/33  9s/46
       Th/08  Td/21  Tc/34  Ts/47
       Jh/09  Jd/22  Jc/35  Js/48
       Qh/10  Qd/23  Qc/36  Qs/49
       Kh/11  Kd/24  Kc/37  Ks/50
       Ah/12  Ad/25  Ac/38  As/51

game_id: integer uniquely identifying a game.


serial: unsigned int (4 bytes)
game_id: unsigned int (4 bytes)
cards: list of numbers, <length of list as unsigned char(1 byte)>[<number as unsigned char (1 byte)>,..]

PacketPokerChips (id: 63)

base class


serial: unsigned int (4 bytes)
game_id: unsigned int (4 bytes)
bet: unsigned long long (8 bytes)

c example:

struct packet_poker_chips {
    unsigned int serial;
    unsigned int game_id;
    unsigned long long bet;

PacketPokerPlayerChips (id: 64)

Semantics: the "money" of the player "serial" engaged in
game "game_id" and the "bet" currently wagered by the player, if any.

Direction: server  => client

Context: this packet is infered each time the bet or the chip
stack of a player is modified.

bet: the number of chips wagered by the player for the current betting round.
money: the number of chips available to the player for this game.
serial: integer uniquely identifying a player.
game_id: integer uniquely identifying a game.


serial: unsigned int (4 bytes)
game_id: unsigned int (4 bytes)
bet: unsigned long long (8 bytes)
money: unsigned long long (8 bytes)

c example:

struct packet_poker_player_chips {
    unsigned int serial;
    unsigned int game_id;
    unsigned long long bet;
    unsigned long long money;

PacketPokerCheck (id: 65)

Semantics: the "serial" player checked in game

Direction: server <=> client

serial: integer uniquely identifying a player.
game_id: integer uniquely identifying a game.


serial: unsigned int (4 bytes)
game_id: unsigned int (4 bytes)

c example:

struct packet_poker_check {
    unsigned int serial;
    unsigned int game_id;

PacketPokerStart (id: 66)

Semantics: start the hand "hand_serial" for game "game_id". If
"level" is greater than zero, play at tournament level "level".
If "level" is greater than zero, meaning that the hand is part
of a tournament, the fields "hands_count" is set to the number
of hands since the beginning of the tournament and "time" is set to
the number of seconds since the beginning of the

Direction: server  => client

Context: this packet is sent exactly once per turn, after the
 :class:`PACKET_POKER_DEALER <pokerpackets.networkpackets.PacketPokerDealer>` and :class:`PACKET_POKER_IN_GAME <pokerpackets.networkpackets.PacketPokerInGame>` packets relevant to
the hand to come.
A :class:`PACKET_POKER_CHIPS_POT_RESET <pokerpackets.clientpackets.PacketPokerChipsPotReset>` packet is inferred after this packet.
A :class:`PACKET_POKER_PLAYER_CHIPS <pokerpackets.networkpackets.PacketPokerPlayerChips>` packet is inferred for each player sit after
this packet.

hands_count: total number of hands dealt for this game.
time: number of seconds since the first hand dealt for this game.
hand_serial: server wide unique identifier of this hand.
level: integer indicating the tournament level at which the current
       hand is played.
game_id: integer uniquely identifying a game.


serial: unsigned int (4 bytes)
game_id: unsigned int (4 bytes)
hands_count: unsigned int (4 bytes)
time: unsigned int (4 bytes)
hand_serial: unsigned int (4 bytes)
level: unsigned char (1 byte)

c example:

struct packet_poker_start {
    unsigned int serial;
    unsigned int game_id;
    unsigned int hands_count;
    unsigned int time;
    unsigned int hand_serial;
    unsigned char level;

PacketPokerInGame (id: 67)

Semantics: the list of "players" serials who are participating
in the hand to come or the current hand for the game "game_id".

Context: this packet is sent before the hand starts (i.e. before
the :class:`PACKET_POKER_START <pokerpackets.networkpackets.PacketPokerStart>` packet is sent). It may also be sent before
the end of the "blindAnte" round (i.e. before a :class:`PACKET_POKER_STATE <pokerpackets.networkpackets.PacketPokerState>`
packet changing the state "blindAnte" to something else is sent).
The later case happen when a player refuses to pay the blind or
the ante. When the hand is running and is past the "blindAnte" round,
no :class:`PACKET_POKER_IN_GAME <pokerpackets.networkpackets.PacketPokerInGame>` packet is sent.

Direction: server => client

players: list of serials of players participating in the hand.
game_id: integer uniquely identifying a game.


serial: unsigned int (4 bytes)
game_id: unsigned int (4 bytes)
players: list of numbers, <length of list as unsigned char(1 byte)>[<number as unsigned int (4 bytes)>,..]

PacketPokerCall (id: 68)

Semantics: the "serial" player called in game "game_id".

Direction: server <=> client

serial: integer uniquely identifying a player.
game_id: integer uniquely identifying a game.


serial: unsigned int (4 bytes)
game_id: unsigned int (4 bytes)

c example:

struct packet_poker_call {
    unsigned int serial;
    unsigned int game_id;

PacketPokerRaise (id: 69)

Semantics: the "serial" player raised "amount" chips in
game "game_id".

Direction: server <=> client

Context: the client infers a :class:`PACKET_POKER_BET_LIMIT <pokerpackets.clientpackets.PacketPokerBetLimit>` packet each
time the position changes.

amount: the number of chips for the raise. A value of all 0 means the lowest possible raise.
     A value larger than the maximum raise will be clamped by
     the server.
serial: integer uniquely identifying a player.
game_id: integer uniquely identifying a game.


serial: unsigned int (4 bytes)
game_id: unsigned int (4 bytes)
amount: unsigned int (4 bytes)

c example:

struct packet_poker_raise {
    unsigned int serial;
    unsigned int game_id;
    unsigned int amount;

PacketPokerDealer (id: 70)

Semantics: the dealer button for game "game_id" is at seat "dealer".
and the previous dealer was at seat "previous_dealer"

Direction: server  => client

Context: this packet is guaranteed to be sent when the game is not
running. The dealer is never altered while the game is running.
It is never sent for non button games such as stud 7.

dealer: the seat number on wich the dealer button is located [0-9].
previous_dealer: the seat number on wich the previous dealer button is located [0-9].
game_id: integer uniquely identifying a game.


game_id: unsigned int (4 bytes)
dealer: unsigned char (1 byte, -1 encoded as 255)
previous_dealer: unsigned char (1 byte, -1 encoded as 255)

PacketPokerTableJoin (id: 71)

Semantics: player "serial" wants to become an observer
of the game "game_id".

There are three possible outcomes for the client in response to a

  (0) In the case that the join is completely successful, or if the player
      had already joined the table, the following packets are sent:

          :class:`PACKET_POKER_TABLE <pokerpackets.networkpackets.PacketPokerTable>`
          :class:`PACKET_POKER_BATCH_MODE <pokerpackets.networkpackets.PacketPokerBatchMode>`
          for each player in the game:
               :class:`PACKET_POKER_PLAYER_ARRIVE <pokerpackets.networkpackets.PacketPokerPlayerArrive>`
          if the player is playing:
                :class:`PACKET_POKER_PLAYER_CHIPS <pokerpackets.networkpackets.PacketPokerPlayerChips>`
          if the player is sit:
                :class:`PACKET_POKER_SIT <pokerpackets.networkpackets.PacketPokerSit>`
          :class:`PACKET_POKER_SEATS <pokerpackets.networkpackets.PacketPokerSeats>`
          if the game is running:
                the exact packet sequence that lead to the current state
                of the game. Varies according to the game.
          :class:`PACKET_POKER_STREAM_MODE <pokerpackets.networkpackets.PacketPokerStreamMode>`

      Note clearly that if the player had already previously joined the
      table, the packets above will be sent as if the player just joined.
      However, in that case, the packet will have no side effect.

   (1) If the the player was unable to join the table specifically that
       the server has reached the maximum number of joined players, two
       packets will be sent to the client, the second of which is

        (a) the following packet (recommended way of testing for failure):
            PacketPokerError(code      = PacketPokerTableJoin.FULL,
                            message   = "This server has too many seated players and observers.",
                           other_type = :class:`PACKET_POKER_TABLE_JOIN <pokerpackets.networkpackets.PacketPokerTableJoin>`,
                           serial     = <player's serial id>,
                           game_id    = <id of the table>)

        (b) a packet, :class:`PACKET_POKER_TABLE <pokerpackets.networkpackets.PacketPokerTable>`, with serial 0 will be sent.  It
            will contain no meaningful information.  (THIS BEHAVIOR IS
            DEPRECATED, and is left only for older clients.
            New clients should not rely on this behavior.)

  (2) If the player cannot join the table for any reason (other than the
      table is FULL (as per (1) above), two packets will be sent to the
      client, one of which is deprecated:

       (a) the following packet (recommended way of testing for failure):
           PacketPokerError(code      = PacketPokerTableJoin.GENERAL_FAILURE,
                            message   = <some string of non-zero length, for use
                                        in displaying to the user>,
                           other_type = :class:`PACKET_POKER_TABLE_JOIN <pokerpackets.networkpackets.PacketPokerTableJoin>`,
                           serial     = <player's serial id>,
                           game_id    = 0)

       (b) a packet, :class:`PACKET_POKER_TABLE <pokerpackets.networkpackets.PacketPokerTable>`, with serial 0 will be sent.  It
           will contain no meaningful information.  (THIS BEHAVIOR IS
           DEPRECATED, and is left only for older clients.
           New clients should not rely on this behavior.)

Direction: server <= client

serial: integer uniquely identifying a player.
game_id: integer uniquely identifying a game.


serial: unsigned int (4 bytes)
game_id: unsigned int (4 bytes)

c example:

struct packet_poker_table_join {
    unsigned int serial;
    unsigned int game_id;

PacketPokerTableSelect (id: 72)

Semantics: request the list of tables matching the "string" constraint.
The answer is a possibly empty :class:`PACKET_POKER_TABLE_LIST <pokerpackets.networkpackets.PacketPokerTableList>` packet.

Direction: server <=  client

string: currency<tabulation>variant
        Examples: 1 holdem selects all holdem tables using this currency
        The specials value "my" restricts the search to the tables
        in which the player id attached to the connection is playing.


string: string: <length of string as unsigned short (2 bytes)><string>

PacketPokerTable (id: 73)

Semantics: the full description of a poker game. When sent
to the server, act as a request to create the corresponding
game. When sent by the server, describes an existing poker

The answer sent to the client will be the same as the answer
sent when receiving a PacketPokerTableJoin packet.

Direction: server <=> client

Display information:
# 10 seats (P01 to P10)
# a dealer button (D)
# each player has two chip stacks displayed on the table
## the chips that are not engaged in the game (M)
## the chips that were bet during this betting round (B)
# each player two places for cards
## up to 5 cards hidden in his hand (H)
## up to 7 cards on the table in front of him (some up some down) (V)
# 5 community cards are displayed face up in the middle (C)
# up to 9 pots are in the middle, each for a player who is allin (P1 to P9)
# at showdown the winning hands are
## two hands for high / low variants (colors on H, V or C)
## as many winning hands per allin player
         P09     P10      P01     P02
         B M     B M      B M     B M
  HHHHH                               HHHHH
   P08 M B        CCCCC            B M P03

         B M     B M      B M     B M D
         P07     P06       P05     P04

name: symbolic name of the game.
variant: base name of the variant that must match a poker.<variant>.xml
         file containing a full description of the variant.
betting_structure: base name of the betting structure that must
                   match a poker.<betting_structure>.xml file containing
                   a full description of the betting structure.
                   The betting_structure has a naming convention:
                   <small blind>-<big_blind>_<min buy_in>-<max buy_in>_<something>
id: integer used as the unique id of the game and referred to
    with the "game_id" field in all other packets.
seats: maximum number of seats in this game.
average_pot: the average amount put in the pot in the past few minutes.
percent_flop: the average percentage of players after the flop in the past
              few minutes.
players: the number of players who joined the table and are seated
observers: the number of players who joined (as in :class:`PACKET_POKER_TABLE_JOIN <pokerpackets.networkpackets.PacketPokerTableJoin>`)
           the table but are not seated.
waiting: the number of players in the waiting list.
player_timeout: the number of seconds after which a player in position is forced to
         play (by folding).
muck_timeout: the number of seconds after which a player is forced to muck.
currency_serial: int currency id
skin: name of the level model to use
reason: string representing the reason that this packet is being sent to
        the client.  Possible values are ("", "TableList", "TablePicker",
        "TourneyMove", "TourneyStart", "TableJoin", "TableCreate", "HandReplay")


id: unsigned int (4 bytes)
seats: unsigned char (1 byte)
average_pot: unsigned int (4 bytes)
hands_per_hour: unsigned short (2 bytes)
percent_flop: unsigned char (1 byte)
players: unsigned char (1 byte)
observers: unsigned short (2 bytes)
waiting: unsigned char (1 byte)
player_timeout: unsigned short (2 bytes)
muck_timeout: unsigned short (2 bytes)
currency_serial: unsigned int (4 bytes)
name: string: <length of string as unsigned short (2 bytes)><string>
variant: string: <length of string as unsigned short (2 bytes)><string>
betting_structure: string: <length of string as unsigned short (2 bytes)><string>
skin: string: <length of string as unsigned short (2 bytes)><string>
reason: string: <length of string as unsigned short (2 bytes)><string>
tourney_serial: unsigned int (4 bytes)
player_seated: not transmitted over network (ignored)

PacketPokerTableList (id: 74)

Semantics: a list of :class:`PACKET_POKER_TABLE <pokerpackets.networkpackets.PacketPokerTable>` packets sent as a
response to a PACKET_POKER_SELECT request.

Direction: server  => client

packets: a list of :class:`PACKET_POKER_TABLE <pokerpackets.networkpackets.PacketPokerTable>` packets.


packets: packet list: <number of packets as unsigned short (2 bytes)>[<binary packed packet>,..]
players: unsigned int (4 bytes)
tables: unsigned int (4 bytes)

PacketPokerSit (id: 75)

Semantics: the player "serial" is willing to participate in
the game "game_id".

Direction: server <=> client

Context: this packet must occur after getting a seat for the
game (i.e. a :class:`PACKET_POKER_SEAT <pokerpackets.networkpackets.PacketPokerSeat>` is honored by the server). A
number of :class:`PACKET_POKER_SIT <pokerpackets.networkpackets.PacketPokerSit>` packets are inferred from the
 :class:`PACKET_POKER_IN_GAME <pokerpackets.networkpackets.PacketPokerInGame>` packet. The server will broadcast to
all players and observers the :class:`PACKET_POKER_SIT <pokerpackets.networkpackets.PacketPokerSit>` in case of
success. The server will not send anything back if an error

serial: integer uniquely identifying a player.
game_id: integer uniquely identifying a game.


serial: unsigned int (4 bytes)
game_id: unsigned int (4 bytes)

c example:

struct packet_poker_sit {
    unsigned int serial;
    unsigned int game_id;

PacketPokerTableDestroy (id: 76)



serial: unsigned int (4 bytes)
game_id: unsigned int (4 bytes)

c example:

struct packet_poker_table_destroy {
    unsigned int serial;
    unsigned int game_id;

PacketPokerTimeoutWarning (id: 77)

Semantics: the player "serial" is taking too long to play and will
be folded automatically shortly in the game "game_id".

Direction: server  => client

serial: integer uniquely identifying a player.
game_id: integer uniquely identifying a game.


serial: unsigned int (4 bytes)
game_id: unsigned int (4 bytes)
timeout: unsigned int (4 bytes)
when: not transmitted over network (ignored)

c example:

struct packet_poker_timeout_warning {
    unsigned int serial;
    unsigned int game_id;
    unsigned int timeout;

PacketPokerTimeoutNotice (id: 78)

Semantics: the player "serial" is took too long to play and has
been folded in the game "game_id".

Direction: server  => client

serial: integer uniquely identifying a player.
game_id: integer uniquely identifying a game.


serial: unsigned int (4 bytes)
game_id: unsigned int (4 bytes)

c example:

struct packet_poker_timeout_notice {
    unsigned int serial;
    unsigned int game_id;

PacketPokerSeat (id: 79)

Semantics: the player "serial" is seated on the seat "seat"
in the game "game_id". When a client asks for seat 255,
it instructs the server to chose the first seat available.
If the server refuses a request, it answers to the
requestor with a :class:`PACKET_POKER_SEAT <pokerpackets.networkpackets.PacketPokerSeat>` packet with a seat field
set to 255.

Direction: server <=> client

Context: the player must join the game (:class:`PACKET_POKER_TABLE_JOIN <pokerpackets.networkpackets.PacketPokerTableJoin>`)
before issuing a request for a seat. If the request is a success,
the server will send a :class:`PACKET_POKER_PLAYER_ARRIVE <pokerpackets.networkpackets.PacketPokerPlayerArrive>` and a

seat: a seat number in the interval [0,9] or 255 for an invalid seat.
serial: integer uniquely identifying a player.
game_id: integer uniquely identifying a game.


serial: unsigned int (4 bytes)
game_id: unsigned int (4 bytes)
seat: unsigned char (1 byte, -1 encoded as 255)

PacketPokerTableMove (id: 80)

Semantics: move player "serial" from game "game_id" to
game "to_game_id". Special operation meant to reseat a player
from a tournament game to another. The player is automatically
seated at sit-in in the new game.

Direction: server  => client

Context: this packet is equivalent to a PACKET_POKER_LEAVE immediately
followed by a PACKET_POKER_JOIN, a :class:`PACKET_POKER_SEAT <pokerpackets.networkpackets.PacketPokerSeat>` and a :class:`PACKET_POKER_SIT <pokerpackets.networkpackets.PacketPokerSit>`
without the race conditions that would occur if using multiple packets.

serial: integer uniquely identifying a player.
game_id: integer uniquely identifying a game.
to_game_id: integer uniquely identifying a game.


serial: unsigned int (4 bytes)
game_id: unsigned int (4 bytes)
seat: unsigned char (1 byte, -1 encoded as 255)
to_game_id: unsigned int (4 bytes)

PacketPokerPlayerLeave (id: 81)

Semantics: the player "serial" leaves the seat "seat" at game "game_id".

Direction: server <=> client

Context: ineffective in tournament games. If the player is playing a
hand the server will wait until the end of the turn to relay the
packet to other players involved in the same hand. A player is allowed
to leave in the middle of the game but the server hides this to the
other players.

serial: integer uniquely identifying a player.
game_id: integer uniquely identifying a game.
seat: the seat left in the range [0,9]


serial: unsigned int (4 bytes)
game_id: unsigned int (4 bytes)
seat: unsigned char (1 byte, -1 encoded as 255)

PacketPokerSitOut (id: 82)

Semantics: the player "serial" seated at the game "game_id"
is now sit out, i.e. not willing to participate in the game.

Direction: server <=> client

Context: if the game is not running (i.e. not between :class:`PACKET_POKER_START <pokerpackets.networkpackets.PacketPokerStart>`
packet and a :class:`PACKET_POKER_STATE <pokerpackets.networkpackets.PacketPokerState>` with state == "end" or a :class:`PACKET_POKER_CANCELED <pokerpackets.networkpackets.PacketPokerCanceled>` )
or still in the blind / ante phase (i.e. the last :class:`PACKET_POKER_STATE <pokerpackets.networkpackets.PacketPokerState>` was
state == "blindAnte"), the server honors the request immediately and broadcasts the packet
to all the players watching or participating in the game. If the game
is running and is not in the blind / ante phase, the request is
interpreted as a will to fold (equivalent to :class:`PACKET_POKER_FOLD <pokerpackets.networkpackets.PacketPokerFold>`) when
the player comes in position and to sit out when the game ends
(i.e. the :class:`PACKET_POKER_SIT_OUT <pokerpackets.networkpackets.PacketPokerSitOut>` is postponed to the end of the game).

serial: integer uniquely identifying a player.
game_id: integer uniquely identifying a game.


serial: unsigned int (4 bytes)
game_id: unsigned int (4 bytes)

c example:

struct packet_poker_sit_out {
    unsigned int serial;
    unsigned int game_id;

PacketPokerTableQuit (id: 83)

Semantics: the player "serial" is will to be disconnected from
game "game_id".

Direction: server <=  client / client <=> client

Context: inferred when sent to the server because no answer
is expected from the server.

serial: integer uniquely identifying a player.
game_id: integer uniquely identifying a game.


serial: unsigned int (4 bytes)
game_id: unsigned int (4 bytes)

c example:

struct packet_poker_table_quit {
    unsigned int serial;
    unsigned int game_id;

PacketPokerBuyIn (id: 84)

Semantics: the player "serial" is willing to participate in
the game "game_id" with an amount equal to "amount". The server
will ensure that the "amount" fits the game constraints (i.e.
player bankroll or betting structure limits).

Direction: server <=  client.

Context: this packet must occur after a successfull :class:`PACKET_POKER_SEAT <pokerpackets.networkpackets.PacketPokerSeat>`
and before a :class:`PACKET_POKER_SIT <pokerpackets.networkpackets.PacketPokerSit>` for the same player. The minimum/maximum
buy in are determined by the betting structure of the game, as
specified in the :class:`PACKET_POKER_TABLE <pokerpackets.networkpackets.PacketPokerTable>` packet.

amount: integer specifying the amount to bring to the game.
serial: integer uniquely identifying a player.
game_id: integer uniquely identifying a game.


serial: unsigned int (4 bytes)
game_id: unsigned int (4 bytes)
amount: unsigned int (4 bytes)

c example:

struct packet_poker_buy_in {
    unsigned int serial;
    unsigned int game_id;
    unsigned int amount;

PacketPokerRebuy (id: 85)

Semantics: the player "serial" is willing to participate in
the game "game_id" with an amount equal to "amount". The server
will ensure that the "amount" fits the game constraints (i.e.
player bankroll or betting structure limits).

Direction: server <=  client.

Context: this packet must occur after a successfull :class:`PACKET_POKER_BUY_IN <pokerpackets.networkpackets.PacketPokerBuyIn>`
The minimum/maximum rebuy are determined by the betting structure of
the game, as specified in the :class:`PACKET_POKER_TABLE <pokerpackets.networkpackets.PacketPokerTable>` packet. The player
may rebuy at any moment if he has less than the maximum amount of money
allowed by the betting structure.

amount: integer specifying the amount to bring to the game.
serial: integer uniquely identifying a player.
game_id: integer uniquely identifying a game.


serial: unsigned int (4 bytes)
game_id: unsigned int (4 bytes)
amount: unsigned int (4 bytes)

c example:

struct packet_poker_rebuy {
    unsigned int serial;
    unsigned int game_id;
    unsigned int amount;

PacketPokerChat (id: 86)

Semantics: a text "message" sent to all players seated
at the poker table "game_id".

Direction: server  <=> client

message: a text message string (2^16 long max)
game_id: integer uniquely identifying a game.


serial: unsigned int (4 bytes)
game_id: unsigned int (4 bytes)
message: string: <length of string as unsigned short (2 bytes)><string>

PacketPokerPlayerInfo (id: 87)

Semantics: the player "serial" descriptive informations. When
sent to the server, sets the information and broadcast them
to other players. When sent from the server, notify the client
of a change in the player descriptive informations.

Direction: server <=> client

name: login name of the player.
url: outfit url to load from
outfit: name of the player outfit.
serial: integer uniquely identifying a player.


serial: unsigned int (4 bytes)
game_id: unsigned int (4 bytes)
name: string: <length of string as unsigned short (2 bytes)><string>
outfit: string: <length of string as unsigned short (2 bytes)><string>
url: string: <length of string as unsigned short (2 bytes)><string>

PacketPokerPlayerArrive (id: 88)

Semantics: the player "serial" is seated at the game "game_id".
Descriptive information for the player such as "name" and "outfit"
is provided.

Direction: server  => client

Context: this packet is the server answer to successfull
 :class:`PACKET_POKER_SEAT <pokerpackets.networkpackets.PacketPokerSeat>` request. The actual seat allocated to the player
will be specified in the next :class:`PACKET_POKER_SEATS <pokerpackets.networkpackets.PacketPokerSeats>` packet.

name: login name of the player.
outfit: name of the player outfit, usually referring to the organization he belongs
serial: integer uniquely identifying a player.
game_id: integer uniquely identifying a game.


serial: unsigned int (4 bytes)
game_id: unsigned int (4 bytes)
name: string: <length of string as unsigned short (2 bytes)><string>
outfit: string: <length of string as unsigned short (2 bytes)><string>
url: string: <length of string as unsigned short (2 bytes)><string>
blind: bool string: <length of string as unsigned short (2 bytes)><string>, there are two special strings ('_TRUE'/'_FALSE')
remove_next_turn: unsigned char (1 byte, true = 1 false = 0)
sit_out: unsigned char (1 byte, true = 1 false = 0)
sit_out_next_turn: unsigned char (1 byte, true = 1 false = 0)
auto: unsigned char (1 byte, true = 1 false = 0)
auto_blind_ante: unsigned char (1 byte, true = 1 false = 0)
wait_for: unsigned char (1 byte, true = 1 false = 0)
buy_in_payed: unsigned char (1 byte, true = 1 false = 0)
seat: unsigned char (1 byte, None/NULL encoded as 255)

PacketPokerHandSelect (id: 89)

Semantics: query the hand history for player "serial"
and filter them according to the "string" boolean expression.
Return slice of the matching hands that are in the range
["start", "start" + "count"[

Direction: server <=  client

Context: the answer of the server to this query is a
 :class:`PACKET_POKER_HAND_LIST <pokerpackets.networkpackets.PacketPokerHandList>` packet.

string: a valid SQL WHERE expression on the hands table. The
available fields are "name" for the symbolic name of the hand,
"description" for the python expression describing the hand, "serial"
for the unique identifier of the hand also known as the hand_serial
in the :class:`PACKET_POKER_START <pokerpackets.networkpackets.PacketPokerStart>` packet.
start: index of the first matching hand
count: number of matching hands to return starting from start
serial: integer uniquely identifying a player.


string: string: <length of string as unsigned short (2 bytes)><string>
start: unsigned int (4 bytes)
count: unsigned char (1 byte)

PacketPokerHandList (id: 90)

Semantics: a list of hand serials known to the server.

Direction: server  => client

Context: reply to the :class:`PACKET_POKER_HAND_SELECT <pokerpackets.networkpackets.PacketPokerHandSelect>` packet.

hands: list of integers uniquely identifying a hand to the server.


string: string: <length of string as unsigned short (2 bytes)><string>
start: unsigned int (4 bytes)
count: unsigned char (1 byte)
hands: list of numbers, <length of list as unsigned char(1 byte)>[<number as unsigned int (4 bytes)>,..]
total: unsigned int (4 bytes)

PacketPokerHandSelectAll (id: 91)

Semantics: query the hand history for all players
and filter them according to the "string" boolean expression.
The user must be logged in and have administrative permissions
for this query to succeed.

Direction: server <=  client

Context: the answer of the server to this query is a
 :class:`PACKET_POKER_HAND_LIST <pokerpackets.networkpackets.PacketPokerHandList>` packet.

string: a valid SQL WHERE expression on the hands table. The
available fields are "name" for the symbolic name of the hand,
"description" for the python expression describing the hand, "serial"
for the unique identifier of the hand also known as the hand_serial
in the :class:`PACKET_POKER_START <pokerpackets.networkpackets.PacketPokerStart>` packet.


string: string: <length of string as unsigned short (2 bytes)><string>

PacketPokerUserInfo (id: 92)

Semantics: read only user descriptive information, complement
of :class:`PACKET_POKER_PLAYER_INFO <pokerpackets.networkpackets.PacketPokerPlayerInfo>`.

Direction: server  => client

Context: answer to the :class:`PACKET_POKER_GET_USER_INFO <pokerpackets.networkpackets.PacketPokerGetUserInfo>` packet.

rating: server wide ELO rating.
serial: integer uniquely identifying a player.


serial: unsigned int (4 bytes)
rating: unsigned int (4 bytes)
affiliate: unsigned int (4 bytes)
name: string: <length of string as unsigned short (2 bytes)><string>
password: string: <length of string as unsigned short (2 bytes)><string>
email: string: <length of string as unsigned short (2 bytes)><string>
money: money: <number of currencys as unsigned short (2 bytes)>[<currency serial as unsinged integer (4 bytes)><money as unsigned long long (8 bytes)><in game money as unsinged long long (8 bytes)><points as unsgined long long (8 bytes)>,..]

PacketPokerGetUserInfo (id: 93)

Semantics: request the read only descriptive information
for player "serial".

Direction: server <=  client

Context: a user must first login (:class:`PACKET_LOGIN <pokerpackets.packets.PacketLogin>`) successfully
before sending this packet.

serial: integer uniquely identifying a player.


serial: unsigned int (4 bytes)

c example:

struct packet_poker_get_user_info {
    unsigned int serial;

PacketPokerAnte (id: 94)

Semantics: the player "serial" paid an amount of
"amount" for the ante in game "game_id".

Direction: server <=> client

Context: the server always sends a :class:`PACKET_POKER_POSITION <pokerpackets.networkpackets.PacketPokerPosition>` before
sending this packet. The client may send this packet after
receiving a :class:`PACKET_POKER_ANTE_REQUEST <pokerpackets.networkpackets.PacketPokerAnteRequest>`.

Note: the amount may be lower than requested by the betting structure
when in tournament. Ring games will refuse a player to enter the with
less than the required amount for blind or/and antes.

amount: amount paid for the ante.
serial: integer uniquely identifying a player.
game_id: integer uniquely identifying a game.


serial: unsigned int (4 bytes)
game_id: unsigned int (4 bytes)
amount: unsigned int (4 bytes)

c example:

struct packet_poker_ante {
    unsigned int serial;
    unsigned int game_id;
    unsigned int amount;

PacketPokerBlind (id: 95)

Semantics: the player "serial" paid an amount of
"amount" for the blind and "dead" for the dead
in game "game_id".

Direction: server <=> client

Context: the server always sends a :class:`PACKET_POKER_POSITION <pokerpackets.networkpackets.PacketPokerPosition>` before
sending this packet. The client may send this packet after
receiving a :class:`PACKET_POKER_BLIND_REQUEST <pokerpackets.networkpackets.PacketPokerBlindRequest>`.

Note: the dead and amount fields are ignored in packets sent
to the server. They are calculated by the server according to
the state of the game.

Note: the amount may be lower than requested by the betting structure
when in tournament. Ring games will refuse a player to enter the with
less than the required amount for blind or/and antes.

dead: amount paid for the dead (goes to the pot).
amount: amount paid for the blind (live for the next betting round).
serial: integer uniquely identifying a player.
game_id: integer uniquely identifying a game.


serial: unsigned int (4 bytes)
game_id: unsigned int (4 bytes)
amount: unsigned int (4 bytes)
dead: unsigned int (4 bytes)

c example:

struct packet_poker_blind {
    unsigned int serial;
    unsigned int game_id;
    unsigned int amount;
    unsigned int dead;

PacketPokerWaitBigBlind (id: 96)

Semantics: the player "serial" wants to wait for the big blind
to reach his seat in game "game_id" before entering the game.

Direction: server <=  client

Context: answer to a :class:`PACKET_POKER_BLIND_REQUEST <pokerpackets.networkpackets.PacketPokerBlindRequest>`. The server
will implicitly sit out the player by not including him in
the :class:`PACKET_POKER_IN_GAME <pokerpackets.networkpackets.PacketPokerInGame>` packet sent at the end of the "blindAnte"
round. The :class:`PACKET_POKER_WAIT_FOR <pokerpackets.networkpackets.PacketPokerWaitFor>` packet is inferred to avoid complex
interpretation of :class:`PACKET_POKER_IN_GAME <pokerpackets.networkpackets.PacketPokerInGame>` and can be considered
equivalent to a :class:`PACKET_POKER_SIT_OUT <pokerpackets.networkpackets.PacketPokerSitOut>` packet if the distinction is
not important to the client.

serial: integer uniquely identifying a player.
game_id: integer uniquely identifying a game.


serial: unsigned int (4 bytes)
game_id: unsigned int (4 bytes)

c example:

struct packet_poker_wait_big_blind {
    unsigned int serial;
    unsigned int game_id;

PacketPokerAutoBlindAnte (id: 97)

Semantics: the player "serial" asks the server to automatically post the
           blinds or/and antes for game "game_id".  In response to this
           packet, the server sends PacketPokerAutoBlindAnte() if
           AutoBlindAnte has been successfully turned on, otherwise, it
           sends PacketPokerNoautoBlindAnte().

Direction: server <=  client

Context: by default the server will not automatically post the blinds
or/and antes. 

serial: integer uniquely identifying a player.
game_id: integer uniquely identifying a game.


serial: unsigned int (4 bytes)
game_id: unsigned int (4 bytes)

c example:

struct packet_poker_auto_blind_ante {
    unsigned int serial;
    unsigned int game_id;

PacketPokerNoautoBlindAnte (id: 98)

Semantics: the player "serial" asks the server to send a
           :class:`PACKET_POKER_BLIND_REQUEST <pokerpackets.networkpackets.PacketPokerBlindRequest>` or/and :class:`PACKET_POKER_ANTE_REQUEST <pokerpackets.networkpackets.PacketPokerAnteRequest>`
           when a blind or/and ante for game "game_id" must be paid.

           In response ot this packet, the server sends
           PacketPokerNoautoBlindAnte() if AutoBlindAnte has been
           successfully turned off, otherwise, it sends

Direction: server <=  client

Context: by default the server behaves in this way.

serial: integer uniquely identifying a player.
game_id: integer uniquely identifying a game.


serial: unsigned int (4 bytes)
game_id: unsigned int (4 bytes)

c example:

struct packet_poker_noauto_blind_ante {
    unsigned int serial;
    unsigned int game_id;

PacketPokerCanceled (id: 99)

Semantics: the game is canceled because only the player
"serial" is willing to pay the blinds or/and antes.
The "amount" paid by the player is returned to him. If
no player is willing to pay the blinds or/and antes, the
serial is zero.

Direction: server  => client

amount: the amount to return to the player.
serial: integer uniquely identifying a player.
game_id: integer uniquely identifying a game.


serial: unsigned int (4 bytes)
game_id: unsigned int (4 bytes)
amount: unsigned int (4 bytes)

c example:

struct packet_poker_canceled {
    unsigned int serial;
    unsigned int game_id;
    unsigned int amount;

PacketPokerBlindRequest (id: 100)

Semantics: the player "serial" is required to pay the a blind
of "amount" and a dead of "dead" for game "game_id". The logical
state of the blind is given in "state".

Direction: server  => client

Context: a :class:`PACKET_POKER_POSITION <pokerpackets.networkpackets.PacketPokerPosition>` packet is sent by the server before
this packet. The answer may be a :class:`PACKET_POKER_SIT_OUT <pokerpackets.networkpackets.PacketPokerSitOut>` (to refuse to
pay the blind), :class:`PACKET_POKER_BLIND <pokerpackets.networkpackets.PacketPokerBlind>` (to pay the blind),
 :class:`PACKET_POKER_WAIT_BIG_BLIND <pokerpackets.networkpackets.PacketPokerWaitBigBlind>` (if not willing to pay a late blind but
willing to pay the big blind when due).

state: "small", "big", "late", "big_and_dead".
dead: amount to pay for the dead (goes to the pot).
amount: amount to pay for the blind (live for the next betting round).
serial: integer uniquely identifying a player.
game_id: integer uniquely identifying a game.


serial: unsigned int (4 bytes)
game_id: unsigned int (4 bytes)
amount: unsigned int (4 bytes)
dead: unsigned int (4 bytes)
state: string: <length of string as unsigned short (2 bytes)><string>

PacketPokerAnteRequest (id: 101)

Semantics: the player "serial" is required to pay the an ante
of "amount" for game"game_id".

Direction: server  => client

Context: a :class:`PACKET_POKER_POSITION <pokerpackets.networkpackets.PacketPokerPosition>` packet is sent by the server before
this packet. The answer may be a :class:`PACKET_POKER_SIT_OUT <pokerpackets.networkpackets.PacketPokerSitOut>` (to refuse to
pay the ante), :class:`PACKET_POKER_ANTE <pokerpackets.networkpackets.PacketPokerAnte>` (to pay the ante).

amount: amount to pay for the ante.
serial: integer uniquely identifying a player.
game_id: integer uniquely identifying a game.


serial: unsigned int (4 bytes)
game_id: unsigned int (4 bytes)
amount: unsigned int (4 bytes)

c example:

struct packet_poker_ante_request {
    unsigned int serial;
    unsigned int game_id;
    unsigned int amount;

PacketPokerAutoFold (id: 102)

Semantics: the player "serial" will be folded by the server
when in position for tournament game "game_id".

Direction: server  => client

Context: this packet informs the players at the table about
a change of state for a player in tournament games. This
state can be canceled by a :class:`PACKET_POKER_SIT <pokerpackets.networkpackets.PacketPokerSit>` packet for the same

serial: integer uniquely identifying a player.
game_id: integer uniquely identifying a game.


serial: unsigned int (4 bytes)
game_id: unsigned int (4 bytes)

c example:

struct packet_poker_auto_fold {
    unsigned int serial;
    unsigned int game_id;

PacketPokerWaitFor (id: 103)

Semantics: the player "serial" waits for the late
blind (if "reason" == "late") or the big blind (if
"reason" == "big") in game "game_id". Otherwise equivalent
to :class:`PACKET_POKER_SIT_OUT <pokerpackets.networkpackets.PacketPokerSitOut>`.

Direction: server  => client / client <=> client

Context: when sent by the server, it means that the answer of a client
to a :class:`PACKET_POKER_BLIND_REQUEST <pokerpackets.networkpackets.PacketPokerBlindRequest>` or a :class:`PACKET_POKER_ANTE_REQUEST <pokerpackets.networkpackets.PacketPokerAnteRequest>` was to
wait for something (i.e.  :class:`PACKET_POKER_WAIT_BIG_BLIND <pokerpackets.networkpackets.PacketPokerWaitBigBlind>`) or that the
server denied him the right to play this hand because he was on the
small blind or on the button. When inferred, this packet can be
handled as if it was a :class:`PACKET_POKER_SIT_OUT <pokerpackets.networkpackets.PacketPokerSitOut>`.

reason: either "big" or "late".
serial: integer uniquely identifying a player.
game_id: integer uniquely identifying a game.


serial: unsigned int (4 bytes)
game_id: unsigned int (4 bytes)
reason: bool string: <length of string as unsigned short (2 bytes)><string>, there are two special strings ('_TRUE'/'_FALSE')

PacketPokerStreamMode (id: 104)

Semantics: the packets received after this one are
a stream describing poker games changing as time passes.

Direction: server  => client

Context: this is the default mode in which the packets
are to be interpreted by the client. This packet is
only needed after a :class:`PACKET_POKER_BATCH_MODE <pokerpackets.networkpackets.PacketPokerBatchMode>` packet was sent,
to come back to the default mode.

serial: integer uniquely identifying a player.
game_id: integer uniquely identifying a game.


serial: unsigned int (4 bytes)
game_id: unsigned int (4 bytes)

c example:

struct packet_poker_stream_mode {
    unsigned int serial;
    unsigned int game_id;

PacketPokerBatchMode (id: 105)

Semantics: the packets received after this one are
a batch describing a poker game state at a given point
in time.

Direction: server  => client / client <=> client

Context: the server will send this packet before sending
a batch of packets describing the current state of a game,
such as when joining a table. That may involve a long set
of packets describing the whole action of the game until
showdown. The client is free to replay it (in accelerated
mode or as a play back) or to merely use these packets to
rebuild the state of the game. It is produced by the client
when the resendPacket method is called in order to send a
sequence of packets describing a game for which the client
already knows everything (this is handy when switching tables,
for instance).

serial: integer uniquely identifying a player.
game_id: integer uniquely identifying a game.


serial: unsigned int (4 bytes)
game_id: unsigned int (4 bytes)

c example:

struct packet_poker_batch_mode {
    unsigned int serial;
    unsigned int game_id;

PacketPokerLookCards (id: 106)

Semantics: the player "serial" is looking at his cards
in game "game_id".

Direction: server <=> client

serial: integer uniquely identifying a player.
game_id: integer uniquely identifying a game.


serial: unsigned int (4 bytes)
game_id: unsigned int (4 bytes)
state: not transmitted over network (ignored)

c example:

struct packet_poker_look_cards {
    unsigned int serial;
    unsigned int game_id;

PacketPokerTableRequestPlayersList (id: 107)

Semantics: client request the player list of the game "game_id".

Direction: server <= client

game_id: integer uniquely identifying a game.


serial: unsigned int (4 bytes)
game_id: unsigned int (4 bytes)

c example:

struct packet_poker_table_request_players_list {
    unsigned int serial;
    unsigned int game_id;

PacketPokerPlayersList (id: 108)

Semantics: List of players participating in "game_id". 

Direction: server => client

game_id: integer uniquely identifying a game.
players: list of player serials participating in "game_id"
 for each player, a list of two numbers:
     name: name of the player
     chips: integer player chips in cent
     flag: byte 0


game_id: unsigned int (4 bytes)
players: players: <number of players as unsinged short (2 bytes)>[<length of name as unsinged short (2 bytes)><name (string)><chips as unsigned int (4 bytes)><flags as unsinged char (1 bytes)>,..]

PacketPokerPersonalInfo (id: 109)


serial: unsigned int (4 bytes)
rating: unsigned int (4 bytes)
affiliate: unsigned int (4 bytes)
name: string: <length of string as unsigned short (2 bytes)><string>
password: string: <length of string as unsigned short (2 bytes)><string>
email: string: <length of string as unsigned short (2 bytes)><string>
money: money: <number of currencys as unsigned short (2 bytes)>[<currency serial as unsinged integer (4 bytes)><money as unsigned long long (8 bytes)><in game money as unsinged long long (8 bytes)><points as unsgined long long (8 bytes)>,..]
firstname: string: <length of string as unsigned short (2 bytes)><string>
lastname: string: <length of string as unsigned short (2 bytes)><string>
addr_street: string: <length of string as unsigned short (2 bytes)><string>
addr_street2: string: <length of string as unsigned short (2 bytes)><string>
addr_zip: string: <length of string as unsigned short (2 bytes)><string>
addr_town: string: <length of string as unsigned short (2 bytes)><string>
addr_state: string: <length of string as unsigned short (2 bytes)><string>
addr_country: string: <length of string as unsigned short (2 bytes)><string>
phone: string: <length of string as unsigned short (2 bytes)><string>
gender: string: <length of string as unsigned short (2 bytes)><string>
birthdate: string: <length of string as unsigned short (2 bytes)><string>

PacketPokerGetPersonalInfo (id: 110)

Semantics: request the read only descriptive information
for player "serial".

Direction: server <=  client

Context: a personal must first login (:class:`PACKET_LOGIN <pokerpackets.packets.PacketLogin>`) successfully
before sending this packet.

serial: integer uniquely identifying a player.


serial: unsigned int (4 bytes)

c example:

struct packet_poker_get_personal_info {
    unsigned int serial;

PacketPokerTourneySelect (id: 111)

Semantics: request the list of tourneys matching the "string" constraint.
The answer is a :class:`PACKET_POKER_TOURNEY_LIST <pokerpackets.networkpackets.PacketPokerTourneyList>` packet. If no tournament matches
the constraint, the list will be empty.

Direction: server <=  client

string: 1) empty string selects all tournaments
        2) a string that contains no tabulation selects
           the tournament with the same name
        3) a string with a tabulation selects all tournaments
           of a given type (sit&go or regular) that can be played
           using a given currency. The string before the tabulation
           is the name of the currency, the string after the tabulation
           distinguishes between sit&go and regular.

        Examples: 1<tabulation>sit_n_go selects all sit&go tournaments
                  using currency 1.
                  2<tabulation>regular selects all regular tournaments
                  using currency 2


string: string: <length of string as unsigned short (2 bytes)><string>

PacketPokerTourney (id: 112)


serial: unsigned int (4 bytes)
schedule_serial: not transmitted over network (ignored)
buy_in: unsigned int (4 bytes)
rake: unsigned int (4 bytes)
start_time: unsigned int (4 bytes)
rebuy_time_remaining: unsigned int (4 bytes)
kick_timeout: unsigned int (4 bytes)
sit_n_go: unsigned char (1 byte, 'y' = 1, everything else = 0
players_quota: unsigned short (2 bytes)
registered: unsigned short (2 bytes)
currency_serial: unsigned int (4 bytes)
breaks_first: unsigned short (2 bytes)
breaks_interval: unsigned short (2 bytes)
breaks_duration: unsigned short (2 bytes)
description_short: string: <length of string as unsigned short (2 bytes)><string>
variant: string: <length of string as unsigned short (2 bytes)><string>
state: string: <length of string as unsigned short (2 bytes)><string>
name: string: <length of string as unsigned short (2 bytes)><string>
skin: string: <length of string as unsigned short (2 bytes)><string>

PacketPokerTourneyInfo (id: 113)


serial: unsigned int (4 bytes)
schedule_serial: not transmitted over network (ignored)
buy_in: unsigned int (4 bytes)
rake: unsigned int (4 bytes)
start_time: unsigned int (4 bytes)
rebuy_time_remaining: unsigned int (4 bytes)
kick_timeout: unsigned int (4 bytes)
sit_n_go: unsigned char (1 byte, 'y' = 1, everything else = 0
players_quota: unsigned short (2 bytes)
registered: unsigned short (2 bytes)
currency_serial: unsigned int (4 bytes)
breaks_first: unsigned short (2 bytes)
breaks_interval: unsigned short (2 bytes)
breaks_duration: unsigned short (2 bytes)
description_short: string: <length of string as unsigned short (2 bytes)><string>
variant: string: <length of string as unsigned short (2 bytes)><string>
state: string: <length of string as unsigned short (2 bytes)><string>
name: string: <length of string as unsigned short (2 bytes)><string>
skin: string: <length of string as unsigned short (2 bytes)><string>
description_long: string: <length of string as unsigned short (2 bytes)><string>

PacketPokerTourneyList (id: 114)

Semantics: a list of :class:`PACKET_POKER_TOURNEY <pokerpackets.networkpackets.PacketPokerTourney>` packets sent as a
response to a PACKET_POKER_SELECT request.

Direction: server  => client

packets: a list of :class:`PACKET_POKER_TOURNEY <pokerpackets.networkpackets.PacketPokerTourney>` packets.


packets: packet list: <number of packets as unsigned short (2 bytes)>[<binary packed packet>,..]
players: unsigned int (4 bytes)
tourneys: unsigned int (4 bytes)

PacketPokerTourneyRequestPlayersList (id: 115)

Semantics: client request the player list of the tourney "tourney_serial".

Direction: server <= client

Context: If the tournament "tourney_serial" is among the list of known tournamens,
a PacketPokerTourneyPlayersList is returned by the server. Otherwise,
a PacketError is returned with the code set to

tourney_serial: integer uniquely identifying a tournament.


serial: unsigned int (4 bytes)
tourney_serial: unsigned int (4 bytes)

c example:

struct packet_poker_tourney_request_players_list {
    unsigned int serial;
    unsigned int tourney_serial;

PacketPokerTourneyRegister (id: 116)

Semantics: register player "serial" to tournament "tourney_serial".

Direction: server <= client

If the player is registered successfully, the server will send
back the packet to the client.

If an error occurs during the tournament registration, the server
will send back

  PacketError(other_type = :class:`PACKET_POKER_TOURNEY_REGISTER <pokerpackets.networkpackets.PacketPokerTourneyRegister>`)

with the "code" field name set as follows:

DOES_NOT_EXIST : the "tourney_serial" field does not match any existing
ALREADY_REGISTERED : the "serial" player is already listed as
                 a registered player in the "tourney_serial" tournament.
REGISTRATION_REFUSED : the "serial" player registration was refused
                 because the "tourney_serial" tournament is no longer in
                 the registration phase or because the players
                 quota was exceeded.
NOT_ENOUGH_MONEY : the "serial" player does not have enough money
                 to pay the "tourney_serial" tournament.
SERVER_ERROR : the server failed to register the player because the
               database is inconsistent.
VIA_SATELLITE : registration is only allowed by playing a satellite

serial: integer uniquely identifying a player.
tourney_serial: integer uniquely identifying a tournament.


serial: unsigned int (4 bytes)
tourney_serial: unsigned int (4 bytes)

c example:

struct packet_poker_tourney_register {
    unsigned int serial;
    unsigned int tourney_serial;

PacketPokerTourneyUnregister (id: 117)

Semantics: unregister player "serial" from tournament "tourney_serial".

Direction: server <= client

If the player is successfully unregistered, the server will send
back the packet to the client.

If an error occurs during the tournament registration, the server
will send back

  PacketError(other_type = :class:`PACKET_POKER_TOURNEY_UNREGISTER <pokerpackets.networkpackets.PacketPokerTourneyUnregister>`)

with the "code" field name set as follows:

DOES_NOT_EXIST : the "tourney_serial" field does not match any existing
NOT_REGISTERED : the "serial" player is not listed as
                 a registered player in the "tourney_serial" tournament.
TOO_LATE : the "serial" player cannot unregister from the tournament
           because it already started.
SERVER_ERROR : the server failed to unregister the player because the
               database is inconsistent.

serial: integer uniquely identifying a player.
tourney_serial: integer uniquely identifying a tournament.


serial: unsigned int (4 bytes)
tourney_serial: unsigned int (4 bytes)

c example:

struct packet_poker_tourney_unregister {
    unsigned int serial;
    unsigned int tourney_serial;

PacketPokerTourneyPlayersList (id: 118)

Semantics: List of players participating in tourney "serial". 

Direction: server => client

serial: integer uniquely identifying a tourney.
players: list of player serials participating in tourney "tourney_serial"
 for each player, a list of two numbers:
     name: name of the player
     chips: integer -1
     flag: byte 0


tourney_serial: unsigned int (4 bytes)
players: players: <number of players as unsinged short (2 bytes)>[<length of name as unsinged short (2 bytes)><name (string)><chips as unsigned int (4 bytes)><flags as unsinged char (1 bytes)>,..]

PacketPokerHandHistory (id: 119)


serial: unsigned int (4 bytes)
game_id: unsigned int (4 bytes)
history: string: <length of string as unsigned short (2 bytes)><string>
serial2name: string: <length of string as unsigned short (2 bytes)><string>

PacketPokerSetAccount (id: 120)


serial: unsigned int (4 bytes)
rating: unsigned int (4 bytes)
affiliate: unsigned int (4 bytes)
name: string: <length of string as unsigned short (2 bytes)><string>
password: string: <length of string as unsigned short (2 bytes)><string>
email: string: <length of string as unsigned short (2 bytes)><string>
money: money: <number of currencys as unsigned short (2 bytes)>[<currency serial as unsinged integer (4 bytes)><money as unsigned long long (8 bytes)><in game money as unsinged long long (8 bytes)><points as unsgined long long (8 bytes)>,..]
firstname: string: <length of string as unsigned short (2 bytes)><string>
lastname: string: <length of string as unsigned short (2 bytes)><string>
addr_street: string: <length of string as unsigned short (2 bytes)><string>
addr_street2: string: <length of string as unsigned short (2 bytes)><string>
addr_zip: string: <length of string as unsigned short (2 bytes)><string>
addr_town: string: <length of string as unsigned short (2 bytes)><string>
addr_state: string: <length of string as unsigned short (2 bytes)><string>
addr_country: string: <length of string as unsigned short (2 bytes)><string>
phone: string: <length of string as unsigned short (2 bytes)><string>
gender: string: <length of string as unsigned short (2 bytes)><string>
birthdate: string: <length of string as unsigned short (2 bytes)><string>

PacketPokerCreateAccount (id: 121)


serial: unsigned int (4 bytes)
rating: unsigned int (4 bytes)
affiliate: unsigned int (4 bytes)
name: string: <length of string as unsigned short (2 bytes)><string>
password: string: <length of string as unsigned short (2 bytes)><string>
email: string: <length of string as unsigned short (2 bytes)><string>
money: money: <number of currencys as unsigned short (2 bytes)>[<currency serial as unsinged integer (4 bytes)><money as unsigned long long (8 bytes)><in game money as unsinged long long (8 bytes)><points as unsgined long long (8 bytes)>,..]
firstname: string: <length of string as unsigned short (2 bytes)><string>
lastname: string: <length of string as unsigned short (2 bytes)><string>
addr_street: string: <length of string as unsigned short (2 bytes)><string>
addr_street2: string: <length of string as unsigned short (2 bytes)><string>
addr_zip: string: <length of string as unsigned short (2 bytes)><string>
addr_town: string: <length of string as unsigned short (2 bytes)><string>
addr_state: string: <length of string as unsigned short (2 bytes)><string>
addr_country: string: <length of string as unsigned short (2 bytes)><string>
phone: string: <length of string as unsigned short (2 bytes)><string>
gender: string: <length of string as unsigned short (2 bytes)><string>
birthdate: string: <length of string as unsigned short (2 bytes)><string>

PacketPokerPlayerSelf (id: 122)


serial: unsigned int (4 bytes)
game_id: unsigned int (4 bytes)

c example:

struct packet_poker_player_self {
    unsigned int serial;
    unsigned int game_id;

PacketPokerGetPlayerInfo (id: 123)

Semantics: ask the server for a PacketPokerPlayerInfo packet
describing the player that is logged in with this connection.

If the user is not logged in the following packet is returned

PacketError(code = PacketPokerGetPlayerInfo.NOT_LOGGED,
            message = "Not logged in",
            other_type = :class:`PACKET_POKER_GET_PLAYER_INFO <pokerpackets.networkpackets.PacketPokerGetPlayerInfo>`)

If the user is logged in a PacketPokerPlayerInfo packet is sent
to the client.

Direction: server <= client

PacketPokerRoles (id: 124)


serial: unsigned int (4 bytes)
roles: string: <length of string as unsigned short (2 bytes)><string>

PacketPokerSetRole (id: 125)

Semantics: tell the server the purpose of the connection.
There are two possible roles : PLAY for a regular client
that plays poker, EDIT for a connection used to edit the
player properties but not play. There can only be one
active role per user at a given time.

The user must not be not logged in when this packet is
sent or undefined results will occur.

Direction: server <= client

roles: string PLAY or EDIT


serial: unsigned int (4 bytes)
roles: string: <length of string as unsigned short (2 bytes)><string>

PacketPokerReadyToPlay (id: 126)

Semantics: the "serial" player is ready to begin a new
hand at table "game_id".

Direction: server <= client

serial: integer uniquely identifying a player.
game_id: integer uniquely identifying a game.


serial: unsigned int (4 bytes)
game_id: unsigned int (4 bytes)

c example:

struct packet_poker_ready_to_play {
    unsigned int serial;
    unsigned int game_id;

PacketPokerProcessingHand (id: 127)

Semantics: the "serial" player is not ready to begin a new
hand at table "game_id" because the client is still processing
the data related to the previous hand.

Direction: server <= client

Context: should be sent by the client immediately after receiving
the :class:`POKER_START <pokerpackets.networkpackets.PacketPokerStart>` packet.

Note: the packet is ignored if the "serial" player is not at the table.

Note: because of a race condition, it will not work as expected
if the game plays too fast. For instance, if the hand finishes
before the packet :class:`POKER_PROCESSING_HAND <pokerpackets.networkpackets.PacketPokerProcessingHand>` is received by the server.
This will typically happen the first time a player gets a seat at the 

serial: integer uniquely identifying a player.
game_id: integer uniquely identifying a game.


serial: unsigned int (4 bytes)
game_id: unsigned int (4 bytes)

c example:

struct packet_poker_processing_hand {
    unsigned int serial;
    unsigned int game_id;

PacketPokerMuckRequest (id: 128)

Semantics: server is announcing a muck request to muckable players
in game "game_id". The packet is sent to all players at the table.
If a player in the list does not respond in time (the actual timeout
value depends on the server configuration and is usualy 5 seconds),
her hand will be mucked.

Direction: server <=> client
game_id: integer uniquely identifying a game.
muckable_serials: list of serials of players that are given a the choice to muck.


serial: unsigned int (4 bytes)
game_id: unsigned int (4 bytes)
muckable_serials: list of numbers, <length of list as unsigned char(1 byte)>[<number as unsigned int (4 bytes)>,..]

PacketPokerAutoMuck (id: 129)

Semantics: By default the client will not be proposed to muck : the
server will always muck for him.
The client may send the PacketPokerAutoMuck to inform the server of its
muck preferences for "game_id". The "info" field must be set to one
of the following:


When "info" is set to AUTO_MUCK_NEVER, the server will always send
a PacketPokerMuckRequest including the serial of the player for
this "game_id" when mucking is an option. If "info" is set to
AUTO_MUCK_WIN the server will
not include the serial of the player in the PacketPokerMuckRequest packet
for this "game_id" if the player wins but is not forced to
how its cards (i.e. when the opponent folded to him).
If "info" is set to AUTO_MUCK_LOSE the server will not include the serial
of the player in the PacketPokerMuckRequest packet for this "game_id"
when the player loses the hand but is not forced to show his cards.
AUTO_MUCK_ALWAYS is the equivalent of requesting AUTO_MUCK_LOSE and
AUTO_MUCK_WIN at the same time and is the default.

Direction: server <= client
game_id: integer uniquely identifying a game.
info: bitfield indicating what muck situations are of interest.


serial: unsigned int (4 bytes)
game_id: unsigned int (4 bytes)
auto_muck: unsigned char (1 byte)

c example:

struct packet_poker_auto_muck {
    unsigned int serial;
    unsigned int game_id;
    unsigned char auto_muck;

PacketPokerMuckAccept (id: 130)


serial: unsigned int (4 bytes)
game_id: unsigned int (4 bytes)

c example:

struct packet_poker_muck_accept {
    unsigned int serial;
    unsigned int game_id;

PacketPokerMuckDeny (id: 131)


serial: unsigned int (4 bytes)
game_id: unsigned int (4 bytes)

c example:

struct packet_poker_muck_deny {
    unsigned int serial;
    unsigned int game_id;

PacketPokerCashIn (id: 132)

Semantics: add "value" cents of currency "url" to the
"serial" player account using the "name"/"bserial" note.

Context: If the CASH_IN is successfull, PacketAck is returned.
Otherwise PacketError is returned with the "message" field set
to a human readable error explanation. The poker server must
be able to check the validity of the note provided
by accessing the currency server at "url".

The url, bserial, name, value fields content are filled from
the result of a request to a currency web service. For instance:


will return the following content

http://localhost/poker-web/currency_one.php     22      cfae906e9d7d6f6321b04d659059f4d6f8b86a34      100

that can be used to build a packet by setting:

url = http://localhost/poker-web/currency_one.php
bserial = 22
name = cfae906e9d7d6f6321b04d659059f4d6f8b86a34
value = 100

When the poker server honors the PacketPokerCashIn packet, it will
contact the currency server to change the note. It means the note sent
will become invalid and be replaced by a new one, known only to the
poker server.

Direction: server <= client

value: integer value of the note in cent
currency: url string of the currency server
bserial: integer value of the serial of the note
name: string cryptographic name of the note
note: tuple of (url, bserial, name, value) that overrides the parameters
      of the same name
serial: integer uniquely identifying a player.


serial: unsigned int (4 bytes)
url: string: <length of string as unsigned short (2 bytes)><string>
name: string: <length of string as unsigned short (2 bytes)><string>
application_data: string: <length of string as unsigned short (2 bytes)><string>
bserial: unsigned int (4 bytes)
value: unsigned int (4 bytes)

PacketPokerCashOut (id: 133)


serial: unsigned int (4 bytes)
url: string: <length of string as unsigned short (2 bytes)><string>
name: string: <length of string as unsigned short (2 bytes)><string>
application_data: string: <length of string as unsigned short (2 bytes)><string>
bserial: unsigned int (4 bytes)
value: unsigned int (4 bytes)

PacketPokerCashOutCommit (id: 134)


transaction_id: string: <length of string as unsigned short (2 bytes)><string>

PacketPokerCashQuery (id: 135)


application_data: string: <length of string as unsigned short (2 bytes)><string>

PacketPokerRake (id: 136)


value: unsigned int (4 bytes)
game_id: unsigned int (4 bytes)

c example:

struct packet_poker_rake {
    unsigned int value;
    unsigned int game_id;

PacketPokerTourneyRank (id: 137)

Semantics: a :class:`PACKET_POKER_TOURNEY_RANK <pokerpackets.networkpackets.PacketPokerTourneyRank>` sent to the player who leaves the tournament

Direction: server  => client

serial: serial of the tourney

rank: the rank.

players: the number of players in this tourney

money: the money won


serial: unsigned int (4 bytes)
game_id: unsigned int (4 bytes)
players: unsigned int (4 bytes)
money: unsigned int (4 bytes)
rank: unsigned int (4 bytes)

c example:

struct packet_poker_tourney_rank {
    unsigned int serial;
    unsigned int game_id;
    unsigned int players;
    unsigned int money;
    unsigned int rank;

PacketPokerHandReplay (id: 140)


serial: unsigned int (4 bytes)
game_id: unsigned int (4 bytes)

c example:

struct packet_poker_hand_replay {
    unsigned int serial;
    unsigned int game_id;

PacketPokerGameMessage (id: 141)


serial: unsigned int (4 bytes)
game_id: unsigned int (4 bytes)
string: string: <length of string as unsigned short (2 bytes)><string>

PacketPokerExplain (id: 142)

Semantics: control the level of verbosity of the server
according to the "value" bit field as follows:

Context: If the server accepts the request, a PacketAck is
returned. Otherwise a PacketError is returned with
other_type set to :class:`PACKET_POKER_EXPLAIN <pokerpackets.networkpackets.PacketPokerExplain>`.

Note: in order to produce the desired behaviour, the
PACKET_POKER_EXPLAIN must be sent before starting to
observe the action at a table (i.e. before sending PACKET_POKER_JOIN)
and before any PACKET_POKER_LOGIN is sent.

value == NONE
  The server assumes the client knows the poker rules, presumably
  by using poker-engine.

value == ALL
  The server assumes the client does not know poker and will
  explain every game event in great detail.

Direction: server <= client


value: unsigned int (4 bytes)

c example:

struct packet_poker_explain {
    unsigned int value;

PacketPokerStatsQuery (id: 143)


string: string: <length of string as unsigned short (2 bytes)><string>

PacketPokerStats (id: 144)


players: unsigned int (4 bytes)
hands: unsigned int (4 bytes)
bytesin: unsigned int (4 bytes)
bytesout: unsigned int (4 bytes)

c example:

struct packet_poker_stats {
    unsigned int players;
    unsigned int hands;
    unsigned int bytesin;
    unsigned int bytesout;

PacketPokerBuyInLimits (id: 145)

Semantics: the buy-in boundaries for "game_id" in the range
["min","max"]. An optimal buy-in is suggested in "best". A
player is considered broke unless he has at least "rebuy_min"
at the table.

Direction: server => client

Context: sent immediately after the PacketPokerTable packet.

min: minimum buy-in in cent.
max: minimum buy-in in cent.
best: optimal buy-in in cent.
rebuy_min: the minimum amount to play a hand.
game_id: integer uniquely identifying a game.


game_id: unsigned int (4 bytes)
min: unsigned int (4 bytes)
max: unsigned int (4 bytes)
best: unsigned int (4 bytes)
rebuy_min: unsigned int (4 bytes)

c example:

struct packet_poker_buy_in_limits {
    unsigned int game_id;
    unsigned int min;
    unsigned int max;
    unsigned int best;
    unsigned int rebuy_min;

PacketPokerMonitor (id: 146)

PacketPokerMonitorEvent (id: 147)


event: unsigned int (4 bytes)
param1: unsigned int (4 bytes)
param2: unsigned int (4 bytes)
param3: unsigned int (4 bytes)

c example:

struct packet_poker_monitor_event {
    unsigned int event;
    unsigned int param1;
    unsigned int param2;
    unsigned int param3;

PacketPokerGetTourneyManager (id: 148)

Semantics: Get tournement manager packet for tourney_serial

Direction: server <= client

If the tourney_serial is not found occurs, the server will send back

  PacketError(other_type = :class:`PACKET_POKER_GET_TOURNEY_MANAGER <pokerpackets.networkpackets.PacketPokerGetTourneyManager>`)

with the "code" field name set as follows:

DOES_NOT_EXIST : the "tourney_serial" field does not match any existing


tourney_serial: unsigned int (4 bytes)

c example:

struct packet_poker_get_tourney_manager {
    unsigned int tourney_serial;

PacketPokerTourneyManager (id: 149)

PacketPokerAutoPlay (id: 150)

Semantics: If the player leaves the keybord, or the connection breaks, a bot could play for player instead
This Behaviour could be defined by this package.

As soon as the player returns, or the connection is rebuild, the player should send a :class:`POKER_SIT <pokerpackets.networkpackets.PacketPokerSit>` packet.


Direction: server <= client
game_id: integer uniquely indentifying a game.


serial: unsigned int (4 bytes)
game_id: unsigned int (4 bytes)
auto_play: unsigned char (1 byte)

c example:

struct packet_poker_auto_play {
    unsigned int serial;
    unsigned int game_id;
    unsigned char auto_play;

PacketPokerGetPlayerPlaces (id: 151)


serial: unsigned int (4 bytes)
name: string: <length of string as unsigned short (2 bytes)><string>

PacketPokerPlayerPlaces (id: 152)


serial: unsigned int (4 bytes)
tables: list of numbers, <length of list as unsigned char(1 byte)>[<number as unsigned int (4 bytes)>,..]
tourneys: list of numbers, <length of list as unsigned char(1 byte)>[<number as unsigned int (4 bytes)>,..]

PacketPokerSetLocale (id: 153)

Semantics: the player "serial" is required to set the "locale" string,
which must be a locale supported by the server.  If the locale is
supported by the server, it will be made the locale used for strings sent
by PokerExplain packets.

Direction: server  <= client

Context: If the locale is supported by the server, a PacketAck is
returned, and future PokerExplain strings will be localized to the
requested language.  Otherwise a PacketError is returned with other_type
set to :class:`PACKET_POKER_SET_LOCALE <pokerpackets.networkpackets.PacketPokerSetLocale>`.

locale: string representing a valid locale supported by the server configuration (e.g.,  "fr_FR" or "fr")
serial: integer uniquely identifying a player.


serial: unsigned int (4 bytes)
game_id: unsigned int (4 bytes)
locale: string: <length of string as unsigned short (2 bytes)><string>

PacketPokerTableTourneyBreakBegin (id: 154)

Semantics: Players at table "game_id" will receive this packet when a
tournament break offically begins.

Direction: server  => client


game_id: integer uniquely identifying a game.
resume_time: time that the tourney will resume, in seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC.


game_id: unsigned int (4 bytes)
resume_time: unsigned int (4 bytes)

c example:

struct packet_poker_table_tourney_break_begin {
    unsigned int game_id;
    unsigned int resume_time;

PacketPokerTableTourneyBreakDone (id: 155)

Semantics: Players at table "game_id" will receive this packet when a
tournament break offically ends.

Direction: server  => client


game_id: integer uniquely identifying a game.


game_id: unsigned int (4 bytes)

c example:

struct packet_poker_table_tourney_break_done {
    unsigned int game_id;

PacketPokerTourneyStart (id: 156)

Semantics: If sent from the server: The "tourney_serial" tournament started and
the player is seated at table "table_serial". If sent from a client with appropriate
permissions, the tourney will be started before it's start_time.

Direction: server <=> client

Context: this packet is sent to the client when it is logged in. The 
player seated at the table "table_serial" is implicitly the logged in player.

serial: integer uniquely identifying a player. 
tourney_serial: integer uniquely identifying a tournament.
table_serial: integer uniquely identifying a game.


serial: unsigned int (4 bytes)
tourney_serial: unsigned int (4 bytes)
table_serial: unsigned int (4 bytes)

c example:

struct packet_poker_tourney_start {
    unsigned int serial;
    unsigned int tourney_serial;
    unsigned int table_serial;

PacketPokerGetTourneyPlayerStats (id: 157)

Semantics: if the player "serial" is participating in the tourney
           "tourney_serial", he can ask for information about his
           current performance (i.e. his rank) in the tourney and
           compare it to the chips leader and the average chips 

Direction: server  <=  client

Context: the packet can be sent by the player as long as the tourney
         is loaded in memory on the server. he will receive an error
         if the tourney is not existing (DOES_NOT_EXIST) or he is or
         was not participating in the tourney (NOT_PARTICIPATING).

serial: integer uniquely identifying a player.
tourney_serial: integer uniquely indentifying a tourney.


serial: unsigned int (4 bytes)
tourney_serial: unsigned int (4 bytes)

c example:

struct packet_poker_get_tourney_player_stats {
    unsigned int serial;
    unsigned int tourney_serial;

PacketPokerTourneyPlayerStats (id: 158)

Semantics: contains personalized information for user "serial"
           for tourney "tourney_serial" such as his rank, the 
           current chips leader, and so forth.

Direction: server  =>  client

Context: the packet is sent as a response to PacketPokerGetTourneyPlayerStats

serial: integer uniquely identifying a player.
tourney_serial: integer uniquely indentifying a tourney.
rank: integer the current rank of the player
players_active: integer the number of players who are 
                still participating in the tourney
chips_avg: the average amount of chips an active player has
chips_max: the amount of chips the highest ranked player has
player_chips_max_serial: the serial of the currently leading player
player_chips_max_name: the name of the currently leading player


serial: unsigned int (4 bytes)
tourney_serial: unsigned int (4 bytes)
rank: unsigned short (2 bytes)
players_active: unsigned short (2 bytes)
chips_avg: unsigned long long (8 bytes)
chips_max: unsigned long long (8 bytes)
player_chips_max_serial: unsigned int (4 bytes)
player_chips_max_name: string: <length of string as unsigned short (2 bytes)><string>
table_count: unsigned int (4 bytes)

PacketPokerTourneyCancel (id: 159)

Semantics: If sent from a client with appropriate permissions, the tourney 
will be canceled. This can only happen while the tourney is in the REGISTERING state.

Direction: server <= client

Context: This packet can be sent by a bailor or a user with administrative rights for
a tourney

serial: integer uniquely identifying a player. 
tourney_serial: integer uniquely identifying a tournament.


serial: unsigned int (4 bytes)
tourney_serial: unsigned int (4 bytes)

c example:

struct packet_poker_tourney_cancel {
    unsigned int serial;
    unsigned int tourney_serial;

PacketPokerStateInformation (id: 160)

Semantics: This message is sent to a client whenever the server
           has an inconsistent or otherwise not useful state of the player's
           session object. This packet should help the user to decide how to
           reinstate a correct connection by e.g. re-issuing a PacketPokerTableJoin
           or a PacketLogin packet
Direction: server  =>  client

Context: Since this packet is sent on the server's behalf, usually without the 
         client's direct interaction. It is difficult to define a determined context 
         for it. It is however possible to deduce if the packet is referring to a 
         determined game or not, by looking at the "game_id" field.
         The following error codes are currently used:
         - REMOTE_CONNECTION_LOST: The server is closing the connection to another
                                   remote server, because the session on the server the
                                   client is connected to is expired. 
         - REMOTE_TABLE_EPHEMERAL: Denotes the fact that after the current request the
                                   client's session will be destroyed again. This usually
                                   happens if the server never received a PacketPokerTable 
                                   packet on this connection --> send a PacketPokerTableJoin
         - SHUTTING_DOWN:          The table at game_id will be gone after the current hand.
                                   This message is sent to the clients on behalf of the server
                                   when the server is shutting down.
serial: integer uniquely identifying a player.
game_id: integer uniquely identifying a game.
message: string representing the error.
code: integer representing the error.


serial: unsigned int (4 bytes)
game_id: unsigned int (4 bytes)
code: unsigned int (4 bytes)
message: string: <length of string as unsigned short (2 bytes)><string>

PacketPokerPlayerStats (id: 161)

Semantics: the "rank" and "percentile" of the player "serial"
for the "currency_serial" currency. The player with the largest
amount of "currency_serial" money has "rank" 1. The "rank" is therefore
in the range [1..n] where n is the total number of players registered
on the poker server. The players are divided in G groups and the "percentile" is
the number of the player group. For instance, if the players are divided in 4 groups
the top 25% players will be in "percentile" 0, the next
25% will be in "percentile" 1 and the last
25% will be in "percentile" 3. The player with "rank" is always in
"percentile" 0 and the player with least chips in the "currency_serial"
money is always in the last "percentile".

Direction: server  => client


serial: integer uniquely identifying a player.
game_id: integer uniquely identifying a game. (optional)
currency_serial: int currency id
rank: rank of the player 
percentile: percentile of the player


serial: unsigned int (4 bytes)
game_id: unsigned int (4 bytes)
currency_serial: unsigned int (4 bytes)
rank: unsigned int (4 bytes)
percentile: unsigned int (4 bytes)

c example:

struct packet_poker_player_stats {
    unsigned int serial;
    unsigned int game_id;
    unsigned int currency_serial;
    unsigned int rank;
    unsigned int percentile;

PacketPokerTourneyRebuy (id: 162)

Semantics: When a client wants to rebuy during a tourney he sends this packet.

Direction: client => server

serial: user_serial
game_id: the game id the player is currently sitting at
tourney_serial: serial of the tourney


serial: unsigned int (4 bytes)
game_id: unsigned int (4 bytes)
tourney_serial: unsigned int (4 bytes)

c example:

struct packet_poker_tourney_rebuy {
    unsigned int serial;
    unsigned int game_id;
    unsigned int tourney_serial;

PacketPokerBetLimits (id: 163)


serial: unsigned int (4 bytes)
game_id: unsigned int (4 bytes)
min: unsigned int (4 bytes)
max: unsigned int (4 bytes)
step: unsigned int (4 bytes)
cap: unsigned char (1 byte)
limit: unsigned char (1 byte)

c example:

struct packet_poker_bet_limits {
    unsigned int serial;
    unsigned int game_id;
    unsigned int min;
    unsigned int max;
    unsigned int step;
    unsigned char cap;
    unsigned char limit;

PacketPokerTablePicker (id: 165)

Semantics: The player "serial" wishes to join a table that matches the
           criteria sent.  Empty or non existing entries in criteria means
           "match any".  The table that matches the given criteria, and
           has the most players already seated (but with a seat available
           for the requesting player) will be returned.  An error is
           returned if such a table cannot be found.  If multiple tables
           are equally appropriate, the one with the smallest serial is

           Note that the player has to be logged in order to pick a table,
           the "serial" field is mandatory.

           An additional criterion that is *not* sent by the user (but
           rather inferred by the server) is as follows: cash game tables
           whose minimum buy-in is less than the amount of money available
           to the player in a given currency are eliminated from

           If a table matching the criteria is available, it will be as if
           the client had sent the following sequence of packets (plus
           performed the pseudo-code logic below on client side):

               Send: PacketPokerTableJoin()
               Send: PacketPokerSeat()
               if auto_blind_ante: # in original packet
                    Send: PacketPokerAutoBlindAnte()
               Receive: PacketPokerBuyInLimits() [ returning "best", "min" ]
               if player.money_available < best:
                    Send: PacketPokerBuyIn(amount = min)
                    Send: PacketPokerBuyIn(amount = best)
               Send: PacketPokerSit()

           In the case of failure, an error packet as follows will be sent
           to the client:
             PacketPokerError(code      = PacketPokerTableJoin.GENERAL_FAILURE,
                              message   = <some string of non-zero length, for use
                                          in displaying to the user>,
                             other_type = :class:`PACKET_POKER_TABLE_PICKER <pokerpackets.networkpackets.PacketPokerTablePicker>`,
                             serial     = <player's serial id>,
                             game_id    = <if failure occured before table matching criteria was identified: 0
                                           else: for table where join was attempted>)

           In this case of success, the client can expect to receive all
           the packets that it would expect to receive in response to any
           of the packets listed in "Send" above.  These include:
                  PacketPokerTable()        # info about the table joined
                  PacketPokerBuyInLimits()  # still sent despite mention in pseudo-code above
                  PacketPokerPlayerArrive() # for client.serial
                  PacketPokerPlayerChips()  # for client.serial
                  if auto_blind_ante:
                  PacketPokerSit()          # for client.serial
           Note even if a valid PacketPokerTable() is received, it's
           possible, although unlikely, that the intervening operations --
           PacketPokerSeat(), PacketPokerBuyIn() and PacketPokerSit() --
           might fail.  If one of them fails, the client should expect to
           receive the normal errors it would receive if such an operation
           failed.  Clients are advised, upon receiving a valid
           PacketPokerTable() in response, to use the same handling
           routines that it uses for PacketPokerSeat(), PacketPokerBuyIn()
           and PacketPokerSit() to keep parity with the operations the
           server is performing on the client's behalf.

Direction: server <=  client


serial: integer uniquely identifying a player.
currency_serial: int currency id (criteria for search)
variant: base name of the variant sought.
betting_structure: base name of the betting structure.
auto_blind_ante: boolean, if True server will act as if
                PacketPokerAutoBlindAnte() were also sent by client.
                Defaults to False.


serial: unsigned int (4 bytes)
game_id: unsigned int (4 bytes)
currency_serial: unsigned int (4 bytes)
min_players: unsigned int (4 bytes)
variant: string: <length of string as unsigned short (2 bytes)><string>
betting_structure: string: <length of string as unsigned short (2 bytes)><string>
auto_blind_ante: unsigned char (1 byte, true = 1 false = 0)

PacketPokerCreateTourney (id: 166)

Semantics: The authorized player represented by "serial",
           seeks to create a new sit-n-go tournament for the players in
           the "players" list of serials. Each player in the list will
           be registered for the new tournament.

           The fields "name", "description_short", "description_long", "variant",
           "betting_structure", "seats_per_game", "player_timeout", "currency_serial"
           and "buy_in" have the same semantics as described in the database schema.

           Upon success, the response will be PacketAck() for the new sit-n-go tournament.
           If the request is issued by a user that is not authentified, the response will be:
           If at least one user cannot be registered, the response will be:
                   other_type = :class:`PACKET_POKER_CREATE_TOURNEY <pokerpackets.networkpackets.PacketPokerCreateTourney>`,
                   code       = REGISTRATION_FAILED 
                   serial     = the serial of the tournament for which registration failed

                   Note: the list of players for which registration has failed is included
                   in the message. An error message will be sent to each players for which
                   registration failed, if they have an active session.

Direction: server <=  client


serial:            integer uniquely identifying the administrative-level player.
name:              name for tournament
description_short: Short description of tournament
description_long:  Long description of tournament
variant:           base name of the variant for the new sit-n-go
betting_structure: base name of the betting structure that must
                   match a poker.<betting_structure>.xml file containing
                   a full description of the betting structure.
skin:              The skin used for all tourneys and its tables 
seats_per_game:    Maximum number of seats for each table in this tournament.
player_timeout:    the number of seconds after which a player in position is forced to
                   play (by folding).
currency_serial:   int currency id
buy_in:            Amount, in currency_serial, for buying into this tournament.
players_quota      Quota of the tournament. If smaller than len(players), len(players) 
                   is used (i.e. the tourney starts immediately).
players:           Serials of the players participating in the tournament.


serial: unsigned int (4 bytes)
name: string: <length of string as unsigned short (2 bytes)><string>
description_short: string: <length of string as unsigned short (2 bytes)><string>
description_long: string: <length of string as unsigned short (2 bytes)><string>
players_quota: unsigned int (4 bytes)
variant: string: <length of string as unsigned short (2 bytes)><string>
betting_structure: string: <length of string as unsigned short (2 bytes)><string>
skin: string: <length of string as unsigned short (2 bytes)><string>
seats_per_game: unsigned int (4 bytes)
player_timeout: unsigned int (4 bytes)
currency_serial: unsigned int (4 bytes)
prize_currency: unsigned int (4 bytes)
prize_min: unsigned int (4 bytes)
bailor_serial: unsigned int (4 bytes)
buy_in: unsigned int (4 bytes)
rake: unsigned int (4 bytes)
sit_n_go: unsigned char (1 byte, 'y' = 1, everything else = 0
start_time: unsigned int (4 bytes)
players: list of numbers, <length of list as unsigned char(1 byte)>[<number as unsigned int (4 bytes)>,..]

PacketPokerLongPoll (id: 167)



serial: unsigned int (4 bytes)
game_id: unsigned int (4 bytes)

c example:

struct packet_poker_long_poll {
    unsigned int serial;
    unsigned int game_id;

PacketPokerLongPollReturn (id: 168)


PacketSetOption (id: 169)

serial:     the user_serial that wants to set an option.
game_id:    the game that should be affetcted by this option.
name:       the option name.
value:      the option value as a string.

If the name is not known, or the value doesn't match to the name an PACKET_ERROR is send.
If everything is Ok, a PACKET_ACK is sent.


serial: unsigned int (4 bytes)
game_id: unsigned int (4 bytes)
option_id: unsigned char (1 byte)
value: unsigned char (1 byte)

c example:

struct packet_set_option {
    unsigned int serial;
    unsigned int game_id;
    unsigned char option_id;
    unsigned char value;

PacketPokerBestCards (id: 170)

Semantics: ordered list  of five "bestcards" hand for
player "serial" in game "game_id" that won the "side"
side of the pot. The "board", if not empty, is the list
of community cards at showdown. Also provides the
"cards" of the player.

Direction: client <=> client

cards: list of integers describing the player cards:

       2h/00  2d/13  2c/26  2s/39
       3h/01  3d/14  3c/27  3s/40
       4h/02  4d/15  4c/28  4s/41
       5h/03  5d/16  5c/29  5s/42
       6h/04  6d/17  6c/30  6s/43
       7h/05  7d/18  7c/31  7s/44
       8h/06  8d/19  8c/32  8s/45
       9h/07  9d/20  9c/33  9s/46
       Th/08  Td/21  Tc/34  Ts/47
       Jh/09  Jd/22  Jc/35  Js/48
       Qh/10  Qd/23  Qc/36  Qs/49
       Kh/11  Kd/24  Kc/37  Ks/50
       Ah/12  Ad/25  Ac/38  As/51
bestcards: list of integers describing the winning combination cards:
board: list of integers describing the community cards:
hand: readable string of the name best hand
besthand: 0 if it's not the best hand and 1 if it's the best hand
         best hand is the hand that win the most money
serial: integer uniquely identifying a player.
game_id: integer uniquely identifying a game.


serial: unsigned int (4 bytes)
game_id: unsigned int (4 bytes)
cards: list of numbers, <length of list as unsigned char(1 byte)>[<number as unsigned char (1 byte)>,..]
side: string: <length of string as unsigned short (2 bytes)><string>
hand: string: <length of string as unsigned short (2 bytes)><string>
bestcards: list of numbers, <length of list as unsigned char(1 byte)>[<number as unsigned char (1 byte)>,..]
board: list of numbers, <length of list as unsigned char(1 byte)>[<number as unsigned char (1 byte)>,..]
besthand: unsigned char (1 byte)

PacketPokerPotChips (id: 171)

Semantics: the "bet" put in the "index" pot of the "game_id" game.

Direction: client <=> client

context: this packet is sent at least each time the pot index is

bet: list of pairs ( chip_value, chip_count ).
index: integer uniquely identifying a side pot in the range [0,10[
game_id: integer uniquely identifying a game.


game_id: unsigned int (4 bytes)
index: unsigned char (1 byte)
bet: unsigned int (4 bytes)

PacketPokerBetLimit (id: 173)

Semantics: a raise must be at least "min" and most "max".
A call means wagering an amount of "call". The suggested
step to slide between "min" and "max" is "step". The step
is guaranteed to be an integral divisor of "call". The
player would be allin for the amount "allin". The player
would match the pot if betting "pot".

Context: this packet is issued each time a position change

Direction: client <=> client

min: the minimum amount of a raise.
max: the maximum amount of a raise.
step: a hint for sliding in the [min, max] interval.
call: the amount of a call.
allin: the amount for which the player goes allin.
pot: the amount in the pot.
game_id: integer uniquely identifying a game.


serial: unsigned int (4 bytes)
game_id: unsigned int (4 bytes)
min: unsigned int (4 bytes)
max: unsigned int (4 bytes)
step: unsigned int (4 bytes)
call: unsigned int (4 bytes)
allin: unsigned int (4 bytes)
pot: unsigned int (4 bytes)

c example:

struct packet_poker_bet_limit {
    unsigned int serial;
    unsigned int game_id;
    unsigned int min;
    unsigned int max;
    unsigned int step;
    unsigned int call;
    unsigned int allin;
    unsigned int pot;

PacketPokerSitRequest (id: 174)


serial: unsigned int (4 bytes)
game_id: unsigned int (4 bytes)

c example:

struct packet_poker_sit_request {
    unsigned int serial;
    unsigned int game_id;

PacketPokerPlayerNoCards (id: 175)

Semantics: the player "serial" has no cards in game "game_id".

Direction: client <=> client

Context: inferred at showdown.

serial: integer uniquely identifying a player.
game_id: integer uniquely identifying a game.


serial: unsigned int (4 bytes)
game_id: unsigned int (4 bytes)

c example:

struct packet_poker_player_no_cards {
    unsigned int serial;
    unsigned int game_id;

PacketPokerChipsPlayer2Bet (id: 176)

Semantics: move "chips" from the player "serial" money chip stack
to the bet chip stack.

Direction: client <=> client

chips: list of pairs ( chip_value, chip_count ).
serial: integer uniquely identifying a player.
game_id: integer uniquely identifying a game.


serial: unsigned int (4 bytes)
game_id: unsigned int (4 bytes)
chips: unsigned int (4 bytes)

PacketPokerChipsBet2Pot (id: 177)

Semantics: move "chips" from the player "serial" bet chip stack
to the "pot" pot.

Direction: client <=> client

Context: the pot index is by definition in the range [0,9] because
it starts at 0 and because there cannot be more pots than players.
The creation of side pots is inferred by the client when a player
is all-in and it is guaranteed that pots are numbered sequentially.

pot: the pot index in the range [0,9].
chips: list of integers counting the number of chips to move.
     The value of each chip is, respectively:
     1 2 5 10 20 25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000 5000.
serial: integer uniquely identifying a player.
game_id: integer uniquely identifying a game.


serial: unsigned int (4 bytes)
game_id: unsigned int (4 bytes)
chips: unsigned int (4 bytes)
pot: unsigned char (1 byte, -1 encoded as 255)

PacketPokerChipsPot2Player (id: 178)

Semantics: move "chips" from the pot "pot" to the player "serial"
money chip stack. The string "reason" explains why these chips 
are granted to the player. If reason is "win", it means the player
won the chips either because all other players folded or because
he had the best hand at showdown. If reason is "uncalled", it means
the chips are returned to him because no other player was will or
able to call his wager. If reason is "left-over", it means the chips
are granted to him because there was an odd chip while splitting the pot.

Direction: client <=> client

Context: the pot index is by definition in the range [0,9] because
it starts at 0 and because there cannot be more pots than players.
The creation of side pots is inferred by the client when a player
is all-in and it is guaranteed that pots are numbered sequentially.

reason: may be one of "win", "uncalled", "left-over"
pot: the pot index in the range [0,9].
chips: list of integers counting the number of chips to move.
     The value of each chip is, respectively:
     1 2 5 10 20 25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000 5000.
serial: integer uniquely identifying a player.
game_id: integer uniquely identifying a game.


serial: unsigned int (4 bytes)
game_id: unsigned int (4 bytes)
chips: unsigned int (4 bytes)
pot: unsigned char (1 byte, -1 encoded as 255)
reason: string: <length of string as unsigned short (2 bytes)><string>

PacketPokerChipsPotMerge (id: 179)

Semantics: merge the pots whose indexes are listed in
"sources" into a single pot at index "destination" in game "game_id".

Direction: client <=> client

Context: when generating PACKET_POKER_CHIPS_POT2PLAYER packets, if
multiple packet can be avoided by merging pots (e.g. when one player
wins all the pots).

destination: a pot index in the range [0,9].
sources: list of pot indexes in the range [0,9].
game_id: integer uniquely identifying a game.


serial: unsigned int (4 bytes)
game_id: unsigned int (4 bytes)
sources: list of numbers, <length of list as unsigned char(1 byte)>[<number as unsigned char (1 byte)>,..]
destination: unsigned char (1 byte)

PacketPokerChipsPotReset (id: 180)

Semantics: all pots for game "game_id" are set to zero.

Direction: client <=> client

Context: it is inferred after a :class:`PACKET_POKER_TABLE <pokerpackets.networkpackets.PacketPokerTable>` or a
 :class:`PACKET_POKER_START <pokerpackets.networkpackets.PacketPokerStart>` packet is sent by the server. It is inferred
after the pot is distributed (i.e. after the game terminates
because a :class:`PACKET_POKER_WIN <pokerpackets.networkpackets.PacketPokerWin>` or :class:`PACKET_POKER_CANCELED <pokerpackets.networkpackets.PacketPokerCanceled>` is received).

game_id: integer uniquely identifying a game.


serial: unsigned int (4 bytes)
game_id: unsigned int (4 bytes)

c example:

struct packet_poker_chips_pot_reset {
    unsigned int serial;
    unsigned int game_id;

PacketPokerChipsBet2player (id: 181)

chips move from bet to player


serial: unsigned int (4 bytes)
game_id: unsigned int (4 bytes)
chips: unsigned int (4 bytes)

PacketPokerEndRound (id: 182)

Semantics: closes a betting round for game "game_id".

Direction: client <=> client

Context: inferred at the end of a sequence of packet related to
a betting round. Paying the blind / ante is not considered a
betting round. This packet is sent when the client side
knows that the round is finished but before the corresponding
packet (:class:`PACKET_POKER_STATE <pokerpackets.networkpackets.PacketPokerState>`) has been received from the server.
It will be followed by the :class:`POKER_BEGIN_ROUND <pokerpackets.clientpackets.PacketPokerBeginRound>` packet, either
immediately if the server has no delay between betting rounds
or later if the server waits a few seconds between two betting
It is not inferred at the end of the last betting round.

game_id: integer uniquely identifying a game.


serial: unsigned int (4 bytes)
game_id: unsigned int (4 bytes)

c example:

struct packet_poker_end_round {
    unsigned int serial;
    unsigned int game_id;

PacketPokerDealCards (id: 184)

Semantics: deal "numberOfCards" down cards for each player listed
in "serials" in game "game_id".

Direction: client <=> client

Context: inferred after the beginning of a betting round (i.e.
after the :class:`PACKET_POKER_STATE <pokerpackets.networkpackets.PacketPokerState>` packet is received) and after
the chips involved in the previous betting round have been
sorted (i.e. after PACKET_POKER_CHIPS_BET2POT packets are
inferred). Contrary to the :class:`PACKET_POKER_PLAYER_CARDS <pokerpackets.networkpackets.PacketPokerPlayerCards>`,
this packet is only sent if cards must be dealt. It
is guaranteed that this packet will always occur before
the :class:`PACKET_POKER_PLAYER_CARDS <pokerpackets.networkpackets.PacketPokerPlayerCards>` that specify the cards to
be dealt and that these packets will follow immediately
after it (no other packet will be inserted between this packet
and the first :class:`PACKET_POKER_PLAYER_CARDS <pokerpackets.networkpackets.PacketPokerPlayerCards>`). It is also guaranteed
that exactly one :class:`PACKET_POKER_PLAYER_CARDS <pokerpackets.networkpackets.PacketPokerPlayerCards>` will occur for each
serial listed in "serials".

numberOfCards: number of cards to be dealt.
serials: integers uniquely identifying players.
game_id: integer uniquely identifying a game.


serial: unsigned int (4 bytes)
game_id: unsigned int (4 bytes)
numberOfCards: unsigned char (1 byte)
serials: list of numbers, <length of list as unsigned char(1 byte)>[<number as unsigned int (4 bytes)>,..]

PacketPokerSelfInPosition (id: 187)

Semantics: the player authenticated for this connection
is in position. Otherwise identical to :class:`PACKET_POKER_POSITION <pokerpackets.networkpackets.PacketPokerPosition>`.


game_id: unsigned int (4 bytes)
position: unsigned char (1 byte, -1 encoded as 255)
serial: unsigned int (4 bytes)

PacketPokerSelfLostPosition (id: 188)

Semantics: the player authenticated for this connection
is in position. Otherwise identical to :class:`PACKET_POKER_POSITION <pokerpackets.networkpackets.PacketPokerPosition>`.


game_id: unsigned int (4 bytes)
position: unsigned char (1 byte, -1 encoded as 255)
serial: unsigned int (4 bytes)

PacketPokerHighestBetIncrease (id: 189)

Semantics: a wager was made in game "game_id" that increases
the highest bet amount. 

Direction: client <=> client

Context: inferred whenever a wager is made that changes
the highest bet (live blinds are considered a wager, antes are not).
Inferred once per blindAnte round: when the
first big blind is posted. It is therefore guaranteed not to be posted
if a game is canceled because noone wanted to pay the big blind, even
if someone already posted the small blind. In all other betting rounds it
is inferred for each raise.

game_id: integer uniquely identifying a game.


serial: unsigned int (4 bytes)
game_id: unsigned int (4 bytes)

c example:

struct packet_poker_highest_bet_increase {
    unsigned int serial;
    unsigned int game_id;

PacketPokerPlayerWin (id: 190)

Semantics: the player "serial" win.

Direction: client <=> client

Context: when a PacketPokerWin arrive from server. The packet is generated
from PACKET_PLAYER_WIN. For each player that wins something a packet
PlayerWin is generated.

serial: integer uniquely identifying a player.


serial: unsigned int (4 bytes)
game_id: unsigned int (4 bytes)

c example:

struct packet_poker_player_win {
    unsigned int serial;
    unsigned int game_id;

PacketPokerBeginRound (id: 197)

Semantics: opens a betting round for game "game_id".

Direction: client <=> client

Context: inferred when the client knows that a betting round will
begin although it does not yet received information from the server to
initialize it. Paying the blind / ante is not considered a betting
round. It follows the :class:`POKER_END_ROUND <pokerpackets.clientpackets.PacketPokerEndRound>` packet, either
immediatly if the server has no delay between betting rounds
or later if the server waits a few seconds between two betting

Example applied to holdem:


         blind     END
BEGIN    preflop   END
BEGIN    flop      END
BEGIN    turn      END
BEGIN    river

game_id: integer uniquely identifying a game.


serial: unsigned int (4 bytes)
game_id: unsigned int (4 bytes)

c example:

struct packet_poker_begin_round {
    unsigned int serial;
    unsigned int game_id;

PacketPokerCurrentGames (id: 198)

Semantics: "game_ids" contains the the list of games to 
which the client is connected. "count" is the length of
the "game_ids" list.

Direction: client <=> client

Context: inferred when the client receives a :class:`POKER_TABLE <pokerpackets.networkpackets.PacketPokerTable>` packet (for
instance, a :class:`POKER_TABLE <pokerpackets.networkpackets.PacketPokerTable>` packet is sent to the client when a
POKER_TABLE_JOIN was sent to the server).  The list of game ids
contains the id matching the :class:`POKER_TABLE <pokerpackets.networkpackets.PacketPokerTable>` packet that was just

Note to applications embedding the poker-network python library:
When not in the context of a :class:`POKER_EXPLAIN <pokerpackets.networkpackets.PacketPokerExplain>` server mode,
the packet is also inferred as a side effect of the 
PokerExplain.packetsTableQuit method that is called by the application 
when the user decides to leave the table.

game_ids: integers uniquely identifying a game.
count: length of game_ids.


game_ids: list of numbers, <length of list as unsigned char(1 byte)>[<number as unsigned int (4 bytes)>,..]
count: unsigned char (1 byte)

PacketPokerEndRoundLast (id: 199)


serial: unsigned int (4 bytes)
game_id: unsigned int (4 bytes)

c example:

struct packet_poker_end_round_last {
    unsigned int serial;
    unsigned int game_id;

PacketPokerSitOutNextTurn (id: 201)


serial: unsigned int (4 bytes)
game_id: unsigned int (4 bytes)

c example:

struct packet_poker_sit_out_next_turn {
    unsigned int serial;
    unsigned int game_id;

PacketPokerShowdown (id: 204)


serial: unsigned int (4 bytes)
game_id: unsigned int (4 bytes)
showdown_stack: json: <length of content as unsgined short (2 bytes)><json string>

PacketPokerClientPlayerChips (id: 205)


game_id: unsigned int (4 bytes)
serial: unsigned int (4 bytes)
bet: unsigned int (4 bytes)
money: unsigned int (4 bytes)

PacketPokerAllinShowdown (id: 209)

Semantics: the game "game_id" will automatically go to showdown

Direction: client <=> client

Context: when all players are all-in, the board cards will be
dealt automatically. The :class:`POKER_ALLIN_SHOWDOWN <pokerpackets.clientpackets.PacketPokerAllinShowdown>` packet is created
as soon as such a situation is detected. The client can chose
to behave differently, for instance to postpone the display of
the board cards until after the muck phase of the game.

game_id: integer uniquely identifying a game.


game_id: unsigned int (4 bytes)

c example:

struct packet_poker_allin_showdown {
    unsigned int game_id;

PacketPokerPlayerHandStrength (id: 210)

Semantics: "hand" is the human-readable description of the best
possible poker hand the player (represented by "serial") can currently
make in current hand being played in game, "game_id".  This
description includes only 'made' poker hands, not draws or potential
hands.  This description will be sent in the the language of the
players currently set locale (see PacketPokerSetLocale()), or "en.US"
if no translation is available.

Direction: client <=> client

Context: inferred on each street.

serial: integer uniquely identifying a player.
game_id: integer uniquely identifying a game.
hand: readable player best hand.


serial: unsigned int (4 bytes)
game_id: unsigned int (4 bytes)
hand: string: <length of string as unsigned short (2 bytes)><string>


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