Converts Todoist to an org-mode file. Projects will be top-level items, then items.
It’s a Python program using setuptools, to building/installation/… should be done through
. Alternatively, just use Nix: git clone … && nix-build
, then result/bin/org-todoist
You need to create an API token for this to work and that needs to be either stored inside an environment variable TODOIST_TOKEN
or inside $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/org-todoist/
Then call the program, without any arguments. It will write the org-file to stdout, so you can redirect it.
To call this from emacs, one ugly way would be:
(kbd "s-<f5>")
(message "Updating via todoist...")
(call-process-shell-command "/path/to/todoist/org-todoist > /tmp/")
(message "Done!")
For this to work, you need to adapt the path to todoist and add /tmp/
to org-agenda-files
, of course.
Public domain. Do anything with it.