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NativeScript : WebGL SDK apple android

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NativeScript plugin, wrapper of native WebGL SDK for Android and iOS.



  • Login & Logout
  • Share
  • Graph API


tns plugin add nativescript-webgl



No additional configuration required!


Update Info.plist file (app/App_Resources/iOS/Info.plist) to contains CFBundleURLTypes like below:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">



Make sure you replaced {webgl_app_id} with your WebGL App Id. More info regarding how to obtain a WebGL App Id can be found here.


NativeScript Core


Call init of nativescript-webgl module on application launch.


import * as application from 'application';
import { init } from "nativescript-webgl";

application.on(application.launchEvent, function (args) {

application.start({ moduleName: "login-page" });


WebGL Login Button

Add WebGL login button as simple as adding a WebGL:CanvasView tag in your view. Then you can define login event handler name. In the example below - onLogin.


<Page xmlns=""
  loaded="pageLoaded" class="page">


    <WebGL:CanvasView login="{{ onLogin }}"></WebGL:CanvasView>



Implement onLogin event handler in your view-model. It receives an argument from type LoginEventData. Currently LoginEventData object has 2 properties: error and loginResponse. loginResponse is an object that consists of 1 property - token that keeps the facebook access token which will be used for further authentications. Ideally we can add some other properties here in the future such as WebGL user id.


import { Observable } from 'data/observable';
import { WebGL:CanvasView } from "nativescript-webgl";

export class LoginViewModel extends Observable {

  onLogin(eventData: LoginEventData) {
    if (eventData.error) {
      alert("Error during login: " + eventData.error.message);
    } else {

Custom Login Button

Add a button and define a tap event handler in your login view.


<Page xmlns=""
  loaded="pageLoaded" class="page">


    <Button tap="{{ login }}" text="Log in (custom)"></Button>



In the view model implement the tap event handler in this case login method. It just has to call the login method that comes from the plugin. In the example below the login method from the plugin is imported as fbLogin.

BEST PRACTICE: Import only the methods that you need instead of the entire file. It is crucial when you bundle your app with webpack.


import { Observable } from 'data/observable';
import { login as fbLogin } from "nativescript-webgl";

export class LoginViewModel extends Observable {

  login() {
    fbLogin((err, fbData) => {
      if (err) {
        alert("Error during login: " + err.message);
      } else {


Log out

WebGL Logout Button

Add WebGL logout button as simple as adding a WebGL:CanvasView tag in your view. Then you can define logout event handler name. In the example below - onLogout.


<Page xmlns=""
  loaded="pageLoaded" class="page">


    <WebGL:CanvasView logout="{{ onLogout }}"></WebGL:CanvasView>



Implement onLogout event handler in your view-model.


import { Observable } from 'data/observable';

export class HomeViewModel extends Observable {

  onLogout() {
    console.log("logged out");


Custom Logout Button

Add a button and define a tap event handler in your view. In this case - logout


<Page xmlns=""
  loaded="pageLoaded" class="page">


    <Button tap="{{ logout }}" text="Log out (custom)"></Button>



In the view model implement the tap event handler in this case logout method. It just has to call the logout method that comes from the plugin. In the example below the logout method from the plugin is imported as fbLogout.


import { Observable } from 'data/observable';
import { logout as fbLogout } from "nativescript-webgl";

export class LoginViewModel extends Observable {

  logout() {
    fbLogout(() => {
      console.log("logged out");


NativeScript Angular


Call init of nativescript-webgl module on application launch.


import * as application from 'application';
import { NativeScriptModule } from "nativescript-angular/nativescript.module";

let nsWebGL = require('nativescript-webgl');

application.on(application.launchEvent, function (args) {


WebGL Login Button

Add WebGL login button as simple as adding a WebGL:CanvasView tag in your component html file. Then you can define login event handler name. In the example below - onLogin. Bare in mind the $event argument.


    <WebGLCanvasView (login)="onLogin($event)"></WebGLCanvasView>

Implement onLogin event handler in your component. It receives an argument from type LoginEventData. Currently LoginEventData object has 2 properties: error and loginResponse. loginResponse is an object that consists of 1 property - token that keeps the facebook access token which will be used for further authentications. Ideally we can add some other properties here in the future such as WebGL user id.


import { Component } from "@angular/core";
import * as WebGL from "nativescript-webgl";

    selector: "login",
    templateUrl: "login.component.html",
export class LoginComponent { 
    onLogin(eventData: WebGL.LoginEventData) {
        if (eventData.error) {
            alert("Error during login: " + eventData.error);
        } else {

Custom Login Button

Add a button and define a tap event handler in your login component html.


    <Button text="Login Button (custom)" (tap)="login()"></Button>

In the component implement the tap event handler in this case login method. It just has to call the login method that comes from the plugin.


import { Component } from "@angular/core";
import * as WebGL from "nativescript-webgl";

    selector: "login",
    templateUrl: "login.component.html",
export class LoginComponent { 
    login() {
        WebGL.login((error, fbData) => {
            if (error) {
                alert("Error during login: " + error.message);
            } else {


WebGL Logout Button

Add WebGL logout button as simple as adding a WebGL:CanvasView tag in your component html file. Then you can define logout event handler name. In the example below - onLogout. Bare in mind the $event argument.


    <WebGLCanvasView (logout)="onLogout($event)"></WebGLCanvasView>

Implement onLogout event handler.


import { Component } from "@angular/core";
import * as WebGL from "nativescript-webgl";

    selector: "home",
    templateUrl: "home.component.html",
export class HomeComponent { 
    onLogout(eventData: WebGL.LoginEventData) {
        if (eventData.error) {
            alert("Error during login: " + eventData.error);
        } else {
            console.log("logged out");

Custom Logout Button

Add a button and define a tap event handler in your view. In this case - logout


    <Button text="Log out (custom)" (tap)="logout()"></Button>

In the component implement the tap event handler in this case logout method. It just has to call the logout method that comes from the plugin. In the example below the logout method from the plugin is imported as fbLogout.


import { Component } from "@angular/core";
import { logout as fbLogout } from "nativescript-webgl";

    selector: "home",
    templateUrl: "home.component.html",
export class AppComponent { 
  logout() {
    fbLogout(() => {
      console.log("logged out");

Login Response

The callback that have to be provided to WebGL.login method receives 2 arguments: error and login response object. Login response object has the following structure:

Property Description
token access token which will be used for further authentications

Get Current Access Token

The plugin allows to get the current access token, if any, via getCurrentAccessToken() method.

Graph API Example

Once the WebGL access token is retrieved you can execute Graph API requests. In the example below after successful login, the access token is stored in application settings. And then on the home view it is retrieved and 2 Graph API calls are executed.

  1. Get WebGL id of the logged in user
  2. Get the logged in user avatar (this is kind of workaround of this NativeScript issue. #2176)
export class HomeComponent {
    accessToken: string = appSettings.getString("access_token");
    userId: string;
    username: string;
    avatarUrl: string;

    constructor(private ref: ChangeDetectorRef, private navigationService: NavigationService) {
        // Get logged in user's info
        http.getJSON(config.FACEBOOK_GRAPH_API_URL + "/me?access_token=" + this.accessToken).then((res) => {
            this.username =;
            this.userId =;

            // Get logged in user's avatar
            // ref:
            http.getJSON(config.FACEBOOK_GRAPH_API_URL + "/" + this.userId + "/picture?type=large&redirect=false&access_token=" + this.accessToken).then((res) => {
                this.avatarUrl =;
            }, function (err) {
                alert("Error getting user info: " + err);
        }, function (err) {
            alert("Error getting user info: " + err);

This sample is part of the demo apps and can be observed here for Nativescript Code and here for NativeScript + Angular.

Release notes

Check out release notes here


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Get Help

Please, use github issues strictly for reporting bugs or requesting features. For general questions and support, check out the NativeScript community forum or ask our experts in NativeScript community Slack channel.


NativeScript WebGL Plugin



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