Simple DNI class and operations to make your life easier with Spanish Ids.
Release: 0.2.0
>>> import dni
>>> dni.is_valid("27592354J")
>>> # Not a DNI
>>> dni.is_valid("ABC123XYZ")
>>> dni.compute_check_letter("27592354")
>>> some_dni = dni.DNI("27592354J")
>>> some_dni.number
>>> some_dni.check_letter
>>> some_dni.format(case="upper", separator="-")
>>> dni.DNI("27592354J") == dni.DNI("27592354-j")
>>> dni.text_contains_dni("El señor Forges, con DNI 12345678Z, sactamente.")
>>> dni.extract_dnis_from_text("Mi DNI no es 12543456-S, es el 65412354-D.")
[DNI('12543456S'), DNI('65412354D')]
>>> dni.DNI.random()
$ pip install dni`
- Applies for Spanish DNI IDs.
- Check validity of DNIs.
- Get check letter for a DNI number.
- Avoid primitive obsession with the DNI class. Get the components of the DNI, format it in different ways, check for equality.
- Find and extract multiple DNIs from text.
- Get detailed exceptions when a string has issues.
- Generate random, valid DNIs.
- For an extensive compilation of usage examples, check the quickstart in the docs.
- You can also check the full API reference.
- If you spot a bug or want to request a feature, feel free to open an issue in this repository.