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pluvio72 committed Apr 12, 2019
1 parent 7bc1dfa commit d91355f
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Showing 14 changed files with 651 additions and 0 deletions.
Binary file added core/cnn.model
Binary file not shown.
52 changes: 52 additions & 0 deletions core/
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@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
from keras.layers import Conv2D, BatchNormalization,MaxPooling2D, Flatten, Dense, Dropout
from keras.models import Sequential
from keras import backend as K

class ConvolutionalNeuralNet:
def build(width, height, depth, classes):
#initlialize model along with input shape to be
#"channels last" and channels dimension itself
model = Sequential()
inputShape = (width, height, depth)
chanDim = -1

#if we are using "channels first" update the
#input shape and channels dimension
if K.image_data_format() == "channels_first":
inputShape = (depth, height, width)
chanDim = 1

model.add(Conv2D(32, (3,3), padding='same', activation='relu', input_shape=inputShape))

#(CONV -> RELU) * 2 -> POOL
model.add(Conv2D(64, (3,3), padding='same', activation='relu'))
model.add(Conv2D(64, (3,3), padding='same', activation='relu'))

#(CONV -> RELU) * 2 -> POOL
model.add(Conv2D(128, (3,3), padding='same', activation='relu'))
model.add(Conv2D(128, (3,3), padding='same', activation='relu'))

#first and only set of Fully Connected layers (FC -> RELU)
model.add(Dense(1024, activation='relu'))

#softmax classifier
model.add(Dense(2, activation='softmax'))

#return the constructed network architeture
return model
64 changes: 64 additions & 0 deletions core/
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@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
from ../scripts/constant import IMAGE_DIMS, BATCH_SIZE, INIT_LR, EPOCHS, IMAGE_PATH
from keras.preprocessing.image import ImageDataGenerator
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from cnn import ConvolutionalNeuralNet
from keras.models import Sequential
from keras.optimizers import Adam
#import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import cv2
import os

input_shape = IMAGE_DIMS

ad_directory = os.path.join(IMAGE_PATH, 'ad')
notad_directory = os.path.join(IMAGE_PATH, 'notad')

ad_images = [os.path.join(ad_directory, x) for x in os.listdir(ad_directory) if 'DS_Store' not in x][:MAX_IMAGES]
notad_images = [os.path.join(notad_directory, x) for x in os.listdir(notad_directory) if 'DS_Store' not in x][:MAX_IMAGES]
all_images = ad_images + notad_images

ad_labels = [1 for x in ad_images]
notad_labels = [0 for x in notad_images]
all_labels = ad_labels + notad_labels

#Loading images into arrays
print('[INFO] Loading images...')
all_image_data = [cv2.resize(cv2.imread(x, 0), (input_shape[0], input_shape[1])) for x in all_images]
random_permutation = np.random.permutation(len(all_image_data))
#Turn images and labels into a numpy array and randomise the indexes
x,y = (np.array(all_image_data, dtype='float')/255)[random_permutation], np.array(all_labels)[random_permutation]

x_train, x_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(x,y, test_size=0.27, random_state=37)

#Reshape array into [input_shape e.g. (num of iamges,100,100,1)
x_train = np.reshape(x_train, (x_train.shape[0], input_shape[0], input_shape[1], input_shape[2]))
x_test = np.reshape(x_test, (x_test.shape[0], input_shape[0], input_shape[1], 1))

#plt.imshow(x_train[0], cmap='gray')

aug = ImageDataGenerator(rotation_range=0, width_shift_range=0.1,
height_shift_range=0.1, shear_range=0.2, zoom_range=0.2,
horizontal_flip=True, fill_mode='nearest')

model =[0], height=input_shape[1],
depth=input_shape[2], classes=2)
opt = Adam(lr=INIT_LR, decay=INIT_LR / EPOCHS)

#Compile the model
print('[INFO] Compiling the model...')

#Train the model
print('[INFO] Training the network...')
model.fit_generator(aug.flow(x_train, y_train, batch_size=BATCH_SIZE),
validation_data=(x_test, y_test),
epochs=EPOCHS, verbose=1)

#Save the model locally
print('[INFO] Saving model...')"cnn.model")
97 changes: 97 additions & 0 deletions core/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
from ../scripts/constants import TMP_PATH
from ../scripts/constants import TMP_PATH
from multiprocessing.dummy import Pool as ThreadPool
from urllib.parse import urlparse
import subprocess
import requests
import pyprind
import urllib
import os
import re

class M3U8:
M3U8 Downloader using Multiprocessing to speed up download

RES_REGEX = "([0-9]{0,5})x([0-9]{0,5})"
URI_REGEX = 'URI="(.*?)"'

# Init function initializes all variables
def __init__(self, m3u8_playlist_page,video_name):
self.playlist_page = m3u8_playlist_page
self.m3u8_url = ''
self.m3u8_body = ''
self.video_name = video_name
self.progress_bar = None
self.download_percentage = 0
parsed_playlist_path = os.path.basename(urlparse(m3u8_playlist_page).path)
self.basepath = m3u8_playlist_page.split(parsed_playlist_path)[0]

# Function which chooses the playlist e.g. the quality of the stream and saves the URL into self.m3u8_url
def choose_playlist(self, index):
req = requests.get(self.playlist_page)
split_response = req.text.split('\n')
m3u8_lines = []
# Split the m3u8 of any unecessary tags
for line in split_response:
if self.M3U8_TAG in line:
# Sort the m3u8 playlists in orser of resolution
m3u8_lines = sorted(m3u8_lines, key=lambda x: int(, x).group(1)), reverse=True)
print(f"[INFO] You have chosen the stream with resolution: {,m3u8_lines[index]).group(0)}")
print(f"[INFO] The URL is: {,m3u8_lines[index]).group(1)}")
print(f"[INFO] The Video Title is: {m3u8_lines[index]}")
# Select the m3u8 playlist and extract the url from the line
self.m3u8_url =, m3u8_lines[index]).group(1)

# Function which geoes through the chosen URL and saves the mp4 file URL's in the variable self.m3u8_body
def get_m3u8_body(self):
url_identifier = os.path.basename(self.m3u8_url).split('.')[0]
req = requests.get(self.m3u8_url)
regex = url_identifier + '.*?.ts'
results = re.findall(re.compile(regex), req.text)
# Skip every 2 because there are two urls per video section
results = [self.basepath + x for x in results][::2]
self.m3u8_body = results
self.progress_bar = pyprind.ProgBar(len(results))
print(f'[INFO] Number of .ts files: {len(results)}')

# Function which downloads a video from given URL and outputs the current % downloaded
def download_url(self, url, index):
self.download_percentage += 1
data = urllib.request.urlopen(url).read()
with open(f'{TMP_PATH}/{index}.ts', 'wb') as f:

# Main Download function which initiates a pool of workers to download the ts stream by multiprocessing
def download(self):
print("[STATUS] Downloading...")
pool = ThreadPool(14)
# Using starmap as it accepts a tuple for the function arguments
results = pool.starmap(self.download_url, zip(self.m3u8_body, range(len(self.m3u8_body))))
print('[STATUS] Joining files into single video')

# Cleanup tmp folder and turn into one video
def cleanup_writefile(self):
pattern = re.compile('([0-9]*?).ts')
files = [x for x in os.listdir('{TMP_PATH}/') if 'DS_Store' not in x]
# Sort list of files into the video number
files = sorted(files, key=lambda x: int(, x).group(1)))
files = [os.path.join(TMP_PATH, x) for x in files]

previous_data = b''
with open(f'{VIDEO_PATH}/{self.video_name.strip()}.ts', 'wb') as video_file:
for f in files:
with open(f, 'rb') as sub_file:
data =
if data != previous_data:
previous_data = data
Binary file added scripts/.DS_Store
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added scripts/__pycache__/constants.cpython-37.pyc
Binary file not shown.
36 changes: 36 additions & 0 deletions scripts/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
from keras.preprocessing.image import img_to_array
from keras.models import load_model
from constants import IMAGE_DIMS
import numpy as np
import argparse
import pickle
import cv2
import os

ap = argparse.ArgumentParser()
ap.add_argument("-i", "--image", required=True)
ap.add_argument("-m", "--model", required=True)
args = vars(ap.parse_args())

#load the image
image = cv2.imread(args["image"], 0)
output = image.copy()

#pre-process image for classification
#[::-1] because otherwise it reshaped with
#(input_shape[1], input_shape[0]) as new dim
image = cv2.resize(image,INPUT_DIMS[::-1])
image = image.astype('float') / 255.0
image = img_to_array(image)
#change shape to an array e.g. (72,72,1) to (1,72,72,1)
image = np.expand_dims(image, axis=0)

#load model
model = load_model(args["model"])

#classify the input image
print('[INFO] Classifying image...')
prb = model.predict(image)[0]
idx = np.argmax(prb)

20 changes: 20 additions & 0 deletions scripts/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
import os

# Video and image constants
VIDEO_EXT = '.mp4'
ASPECT_RATIO = 1080/1920
IMAGE_DIMS = (128, int(128*ASPECT_RATIO))

# Path constants
WORKING_DIR = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), '../'))
TMP_PATH = os.path.join(WORKING_DIR, 'tmp')
IMAGE_PATH = os.path.join(WORKING_DIR, 'images')
VIDEO_PATH = os.path.join(WORKING_DIR, 'videos')
VIDEO_CUT_PATH = os.path.join(VIDEO_PATH, 'cuts')
VIDEO_FINAL_PATH = os.path.join(VIDEO_PATH, 'final_videos')

# Learning constants
INIT_LR = 1e-3
53 changes: 53 additions & 0 deletions scripts/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
from import VideoFileClip
from constants import VIDEO_PATH, VIDEO_CUT_PATH
import subprocess
import argparse
import random
import cv2
import sys
import os

ap = argparse.ArgumentParser()
ap.add_argument('-s', '--start_time', required=True)
ap.add_argument('-d', '--duration', required=True)
ap.add_argument('-f', '--filename', required=True)
ap.add_argument('-g', '--get_images', type=bool)
ap.add_argument('-c', '--count', type=float)
ap.add_argument('-a', '--ad')
args = vars(ap.parse_args())

print('*' * 32)
print('\n\tArguments: \n\t Start Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds)\n\t End Time (Same) \n\t Cut Images (Bool) \n\t Image Cut Percentage (float) \n\t Ad Section (Bool)\n')
print('*' * 32)

filename, start_time, end_time = args['filename'], args['start_time'], args['duration']
# Start/end time is in the format '14.30' in minutes and subclip takes it in seconds so multiply mins by 60

# If you want to generate images is the section being cut an ad section or not ads
image_extra_path = ''
get_images = False
every_second = 0
if len(args) > 3:
get_images = args['get_images']
every_second = args['count']
image_extra_path = 'ad' if args['ad'].strip() == 'True' else 'notad'

print(f"* Start Time: {start_time} , End Time: {end_time} *\n")
video_name = f'{os.path.basename(filename)[:-3].replace(" ", "")}_{str(start_time).replace(":", "-")}_{str(end_time).replace(":","-")}_{image_extra_path}'
new_video_path = os.path.join(VIDEO_CUT_PATH, video_name + '.mp4')

#new_clip.write_videofile(new_video_path, audio_codec='aac')['ffmpeg', '-ss', f'{start_time}','-i', f'{filename}','-to',f'{end_time}',
'-c','copy', f'{VIDEO_CUT_PATH}/{video_name}.mp4'])

if get_images:
video_f = VideoFileClip(new_video_path)
total_frame_count = video_f.duration
# Calculate how many images i need to cut (total seconds/images to cut per seconds)
image_cut_count = int(total_frame_count/every_second)
print(f'[STATUS] Cutting {image_cut_count} Images')
for image in range(image_cut_count):
print(f'\r [STATUS] {image_cut_count-image} Images Left', end='')
video_f.save_frame(f'images/{image_extra_path}/{os.path.basename(filename.strip())[0:3]}{random.randrange(1,1000000)}.jpg', t=image*every_second)

69 changes: 69 additions & 0 deletions scripts/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
from urllib.parse import urlparse
import subprocess
import requests
import argparse
import m3u8_downloader
import json
import os
import re

URL = ""

headers = {
'authority': "",
'cache-control': "max-age=0,no-cache",
'upgrade-insecure-requests': "1",
'user-agent': "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_14_3) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/72.0.3626.119 Safari/537.36",
'dnt': "1",
'accept': "text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,image/apng,*/*;q=0.8",
'referer': "",
'accept-encoding': "gzip, deflate, br",
'accept-language': "en-GB,en-US;q=0.9,en;q=0.8",
'cookie': "locale=en_GB; optimizelyEndUserId=oeu1550218223756r0.2747767037296329; _ga=GA1.2.1054216460.1550218224; _cb_ls=1; showSpoilers=true; _cb=BRYHJDCpz3rqBQ0dRl; __cfduid=ddf4186d24f9805e516c775a2cbdcab541550771447; session=jCRjuNS_4sTtazUOZi_-ug._hY9Xk1qwzVG1poL79tuhXOSBaJLUaEli4oeyknMvz3fxCcUh_oeL5IuI2DG5w4wf3IBYxbRWhC8uoXA_u3UXQ.1551982450964.86400000.jpokG5wnTF9qWh9s9wtjMO195w9Xvjon93dbbsvZKJs; _gid=GA1.2.1606585728.1551982452; _chartbeat2=.1550218225376.1551982462841.0000111001000001.BN9zODC8Ei_YKosLBCfQrCwBTXfPr.1;",
'Postman-Token': "14b6702a-d5f6-45b5-bd28-59fe7d21ac82"

req = requests.get(URL, headers=headers)
video_tags = re.compile('class="Card-link(.*?)"(.*?)data-mlg-embed="(.*?)"')
#get video url
top_video_urls = re.findall(video_tags, req.text)

#look over each video and get the title to choose from
data_title = re.compile('data-title="(.*?)"')
videos = []
for link in top_video_urls:
title_search =, link[1].strip())
title =

#there are preview's interviews etc. jut want full matches
if "Full Match" in title:
url = link[-1]
split_title = title.split("|")
videos.append((split_title[len(split_title)-1], url))

for video in videos:
print(f"Video {current_video}: {video[0]}")

chosen_video = int(input("Choose a video: "))
chosen_video_url = videos[chosen_video-1][1]
print(f"[INFO] Chosen Video: {videos[chosen_video-1][0]}")

#find m3u8 variable in javascript streamUrl: https://something.m3u8
req = requests.get(chosen_video_url)
variable = re.compile('streamUrl":"(.*?)(.m3u8)')
url = +

#parse url to get basepath for once i get the m3u8 url as it only has relative path
parsed_url = urlparse(url)
file_path = parsed_url.path
basepath = 'http://' + parsed_url.netloc + file_path.split(os.path.basename(file_path))[0]
#add http: beacuse the url is //m3u8urlhere
general_m3u8 = 'http:' + url
print("[INFO] Top-Level M3U8 URL: " + general_m3u8)

downloader = m3u8_downloader.M3U8(general_m3u8, videos[chosen_video-1][0])

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