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Common Lisp s-expression code generator for C and C++ like languages. Examples for generating Cuda and Vulkan code.


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The cl-cpp-generator2 is a powerful Lisp package aimed at leveraging the robust macro system of Common Lisp to enhance languages that bear similarity to C or C++. This code generator incorporates features that are reminiscent of Common Lisp conventions, such as type declarations and operator names. It has also been designed to handle implicit function calls. This tool strives to provide a bridge between the worlds of Lisp and C-like languages, enabling users to reap the benefits of both paradigms in their coding projects.


Before you start, ensure you have quicklisp installed on your system in the folder ~/quicklisp.


Follow these steps to install the cl-cpp-generator2 package:

cd ~
mkdir stage
git clone
ln -s ~/stage/cl-cpp-generator2 ~/quicklisp/local-projects

It is recommended to extract the repo in the ~/stage directory.

Getting Started

To start, open gen01.lisp in emacs/slime and call the s-expressions in sequence. Modify the last large s-expression and press C-c C-c to regenerate all necessary C files.


For examples, check the project's example directory:


  • Why doesn't this library generate LLVM?
    The main interest lies in experimenting with Cuda, OpenCL, Vulkan, and some Microcontrollers that have C compilers, such as Arduino, Altera Nios in FPGA, and TI C28x DSP.


In this domain-specific language, I try to follow Common Lisp conventions as much as possible. However, conditional expressions do not return a value to keep the C code simpler and more readable. For a complete list of supported expressions, refer to the documentation.

short name lisp C++
defun name lambda-list [declaration*] form* (defun foo (a) (declare (type int a) (values int)) (return 2)) int foo(int a){ return 2;}
let ({var \vert (var [init-form])}) declaration form*" (let (a (b 3) (c 3)) (declare (type int a b)) ... int a; int b=3; auto c=3;
setf {pair}* (setf a 3 b (+ a 3)) a=3; b=a+3;
+ {summands}*, /, *, - (+ a b c) a+b+c
logior {arg}* (logior a b) a \vert b
logand {arg}* (logand a b) a & b
or {arg}* (or a b) a \vert \vert b
and {arg}* (and a b) a && b
/= a b, *=, <=, !=, ==, ^= (/= a b) a /= b
<<, >>, < (<< a b) a << b
incf a [b=1], decf (incf a 2) a+=2
when (when a b) if(a) { b; }
unless (unless a b) if(!a) { b; }
if (if a (do0 b) (do0 c)) if(a) { b; } else {c;}
case (case a (b (return 3)) (t (return 4))) switch a ..
string (string "a") "a"
char (char "a") 'a'
aref (aref a 2 3) a[2][3]
dot (dot b (f 3)) b.f(3)
lambda (lambda (x) y) & { return 3; }
defclass name ({superclass}) ({slot-specifier}) [[class-option]] (defclass Employee (Person) ... TBD class Employee : Person { ...
for start end iter (for ((= a 0) (< a 12) (incf a)) ...) for (a=0; a<12;a++){ ...
dotimes i n (dotimes (i 12) ...) for (int i=0; i<12; i++) { ...
while cond (while (== a 1) ...) while (a==1) { ...
foreach item collection (foreach (a data) ...) for (auto& a: data) { ...
deftype name lambda-list {form}* (deftype csf64 () "complex float") typedef complex float csf64
defstruct0 name {slot-description}* (defstruct0 Point (x int) (y int)) struct { int x; int y} Point; typedef sruct Point Point;
(uint32_t*) 42 (cast uint32_t* 42)

In cl-cpp-generator2, several operators can interpret a declare statement. These include for-range, dotimes, let, defun, defmethod, and lambda. Similar to Common Lisp, this feature can be utilized for defining variable types, function parameter types, and function return values.

Variable Types

Variables types can be defined using let as demonstrated below:

(let ((outfile))
  (declare (type "std::ofstream" outfile))

Function Parameter Types

The type of a function parameter can be defined within the function's declare statement.

(defun open (dev)
  (declare (type device& dev))

Function Return Values

Similarly, function return values can be specified using declare:

(defun try_release ()
  (declare (values int))

List of supported s-expression forms

Here is the list of supported forms:

  • comma .. Comma separated list. Example: (comma 1 2 3) => 1, 2, 3
  • semicolon .. Semicolon separated list. Example (semicolon 1 2 3) => 1; 2; 3
  • scope .. Merge a C++ name using scopes. Example: (scope std vector) => std::vector
  • space .. Merge several objects with space in between. Example: (space TEST (progn)) => TEST {}
  • space-n .. Like space but without semicolons. Example: (space-n "TEST" "XYZ") => TEST XYZ
  • comments .. C++ style comments. Example: (comments "This is a comment") => // This is a comment
  • lines .. Like comments but without the comment syntax. Example: (lines "line1" "line2") => line1\nline2
  • doc .. JavaDoc style comments. Example: (doc "Brief description" "Detailed description") => /** Brief description\n * Detailed description\n */
  • paren* .. Place parentheses only when needed. Example: (paren* + 5) => 5
  • paren .. Parentheses with comma separated values. Example: (paren 1 2 3) => (1, 2, 3)
  • angle .. Angle brackets with comma separated values. Example: (angle "typename T" "int N") => <typename T, int N>
  • bracket .. Square brackets with comma separated values. Example: (bracket 1 2 3) => [1, 2, 3]
  • curly .. Curly braces with comma separated values. Example: (curly "public:" "void func()") => {public: void func()}
  • designated-initializer .. C designated initializer syntax. Example: (designated-initializer key1 val1 key2 val2) => {.key1 = val1, .key2 = val2}
  • new .. C++ new operator. Example: (new int) => new int
  • indent .. Increase indentation. Example: (indent "code") => code
  • split-header-and-code .. Split header and code block.
  • do0 .. Execute forms, each in a new line.
  • pragma .. C pragma directive. Example: (pragma once) => #pragma once
  • include .. C include directive. Example: (include "myheader.h") => #include "myheader.h"
  • include<> .. C include directive with angle brackets. Example: (include<> "stdio.h") => #include <stdio.h>
  • progn .. Group a sequence of forms. Example: (progn (stmt1) (stmt2)) => {stmt1; stmt2;}
  • namespace .. C++ namespace definition. Example: (namespace ns (code)) => namespace ns {code}
  • defclass+ .. C++ class definition (force emission of defintion). Example: (defclass+ name (parent) (code))
  • defclass .. C++ class definition with only headers (allows to split implementation and declaration). Example: (defclass name (parent) (code))
  • protected .. C++ protected section in class. Example: (protected "void func()") => protected: void func();
  • public .. C++ public section in class. Example: (public "void func()") => public: void func();
  • defmethod .. C++ class method definition. Example: (defmethod type "name" (args) (code))
  • defun .. C++ function definition. Example: (defun type "name" (args) (code))
  • return .. C++ return statement. Example: (return value) => return value;
  • co_return .. C++ coroutine return statement. Example: (co_return value) => co_return value;
  • co_await .. C++ coroutine await statement. Example: (co_await expression) => co_await expression;
  • co_yield .. C++ coroutine yield statement. Example: (co_yield expression) => co_yield expression;
  • throw .. C++ throw statement. Example: (throw expression) => throw expression;
  • cast .. C++ cast operation. Example: (cast type value) => (type) value
  • let .. Lisp-like let construct. Example: (let ((x 5)) (use x))
  • setf .. Assign values to variables. Example: (setf x 5) => x = 5;
  • using .. Alias declaration or type alias. Example: (using alias type) => using alias = type;
  • not .. C++ logical not operation. Example: (not x) => !x
  • bitwise-not .. C++ bitwise not operation. Example: (bitwise-not x) => ~x
  • deref .. C++ pointer dereference. Example: (deref ptr) => *ptr
  • ref .. C++ address-of operation. Example: (ref var) => &var
    • .. C++ addition operation. Example: (+ x y) => x + y
    • .. C++ subtraction operation. Example: (- x y) => x - y
    • .. C++ multiplication operation. Example: (* x y) => x * y
  • ^ .. C++ bitwise XOR operation. Example: (^ x y) => x ^ y
  • xor .. C++ bitwise XOR operation. Example: (xor x y) => x ^ y
  • & .. C++ bitwise AND operation. Example: (& x y) => x & y
  • / .. C++ division operation. Example: (/ x y) => x / y
  • or .. C++ bitwise OR operation. Example: (or x y) => x | y
  • and .. C++ bitwise AND operation. Example: (and x y) => x & y
  • logior .. C++ logical OR operation. Example: (logior x y) => x || y
  • logand .. C++ logical AND operation. Example: (logand x y) => x && y
  • = .. C++ assignment operation. Example: (= x y) => x = y
  • /= .. C++ division assignment operation. Example: (/= x y) => x /= y
  • *= .. C++ multiplication assignment operation. Example: (*= x y) => x *= y
  • ^= .. C++ XOR assignment operation. Example: (^= x y) => x ^= y
  • <=> .. C++ spaceship (three-way comparison) operator. Example: (<=> x y) => x <=> y
  • <= .. C++ less than or equal to comparison. Example: (<= x y) => x <= y
  • < .. C++ less than comparison. Example: (< x y) => x < y
  • != .. C++ not equal to comparison. Example: (!= x y) => x != y
  • == .. C++ equality comparison. Example: (== x y) => x == y
  • % .. C++ modulo operation. Example: (% x y) => x % y
  • << .. C++ left shift operation. Example: (<< x y) => x << y
  • .. C++ right shift operation. Example: (>> x y) => x >> y

  • incf .. C++ increment operation. Example: (incf x) => x++
  • decf .. C++ decrement operation. Example: (decf x) => x--
  • string .. C++ string literal. Example: (string "hello") => "hello"
  • string-r .. C++ raw string literal. Example: (string-r "hello") => R"(hello)"
  • string-u8 .. C++ UTF-8 string literal. Example: (string-u8 "hello") => u8"(hello)"
  • char .. C++ char literal. Example: (char 'a') => 'a'
  • hex .. C++ hexadecimal literal. Example: (hex 255) => 0xff
  • ? .. C++ ternary conditional operator. Example: ( ? x y z) => x ? y : z
  • if .. C++ if statement. Example: (if condition true-branch false-branch)
  • when .. C++ if statement without else branch. Example: (when condition body)
  • unless .. C++ if not statement. Example: (unless condition body)
  • cond .. C++ switch-case structure. Example: (cond (cond1 body1) (cond2 body2) (t default))
  • dot .. C++ member access operator. Example: (dot object member) => object.member
  • aref .. C++ array access operator. Example: (aref array index) => array[index]
  • -> .. C++ pointer member access operator. Example: (-> object member) => object->member
  • lambda .. C++ lambda expression. Example: (lambda (args) (body))
  • case .. C++ switch-case statement. Example: (case key (case1 body1) (case2 body2))
  • for .. C++ for loop. Example: (for (init cond iter) body)
  • for-range .. C++ range-based for loop. Example: (for-range (var range) body)
  • dotimes .. C++ for loop with fixed iterations. Example: (dotimes (i n step) body)
  • foreach .. C++ range-based for loop. Example: (foreach (item collection) body)
  • while .. C++ while loop. Example: (while condition body)
  • deftype .. C++ typedef statement. Example: (deftype name (type))
  • struct .. C++ struct keyword. Example: (struct name)
  • defstruct0 .. C++ struct definition without initialization. Example: (defstruct0 name slots)
  • handler-case .. C++ try-catch block. Example: (handler-case body (exception-type handler) ...)

Some entries like defun*, defun+, and certain variants of expressions were omitted. The are variations to separate implementation from declaration.

C/C++ Specifics

In addition to the basic uses, cl-cpp-generator2 uses the declare statement to define C/C++ specifics such as lambda captures, constructors, constructor initializer lists, and attributes like static, inline, virtual, final, and override. This enables users to have finer control over their code generation.

Project Status

This project is continually evolving with occasional new features being added to enhance its functionality. One of the main ongoing improvements is the reduction of unnecessary parentheses in the generated expressions. The ideal scenario would be to use an external tool such as clang-format to address this issue, but no suitable options have been identified thus far.

One such tool, StyleCop.Analyzers, which is part of the StyleCopAnalyzers project, does a great job of handling these cases, but unfortunately, it only works for C# and not for our context of C or C++ languages. The use of paid solutions like Clion, despite its capabilities, remains less preferred due to the cost and the cumbersome process involved. It's worth mentioning that SonarLint could potentially serve as an option. Licensed under LGPL, SonarLint isn't a standalone tool, necessitating operation within an IDE, like Visual Studio Code.

Recently, exploratory work has been initiated on separating headers and implementation for C++ classes in a user-friendly manner, which can be found in more recent examples (usually defined in a file named util.lisp).

Looking ahead, one of the project's long-term goals is to develop a comprehensive test suite to ensure the quality and reliability of the code. However, this is a complex endeavor that requires stable output, specifically, minimized parentheses and elimination of superfluous semicolons. At this stage, such stabilization is yet to be achieved, and the task remains a future goal. The inherent high information density of the code, as illustrated by the for loop code generator, adds to the complexity of this effort, making it a challenging yet exciting future prospect.

 (for (destructuring-bind ((start end iter) &rest body) (cdr code)
			 (format nil "for (~@[~a~];~@[~a~];~@[~a~]) ~a"
				 (emit start)
				 (emit end)
				 (emit iter)
				 (emit `(progn ,@body)))))

The conditional operator ~@[ of format is used to only print the start parameter if it is not nil. A thorough test of can require a lot of cases.

Efficient Parentheses Management (Under Development)

In this section, I discuss the paren* operator which inspects its arguments and adds parentheses only when necessary. Alternatively, you can use the paren operator to enforce the inclusion of parentheses, leading to potential redundancy but ensuring that the syntax tree, constructed from the s-expression input, is precisely mirrored by the resulting C++ output string.

Implementing the paren* operator means we can't just return strings anymore. Instead, we must return the most recent operator so that we can evaluate its precedence against the operator at the next higher level in the abstract syntax tree. To facilitate this, I have defined a string-op class in c.lisp. Along with the helper functions m and m-of , the string-op class is used throughout c.lisp to represent both the string and the current operator.

Testing for the paren* operator has begun in the 't/01_paren' directory. Here, I establish an s-expression, the expected C++ string, and a Common Lisp function that yields the same value. Each test generates a C++ file to confirm that the C++ code, derived from the s-expression, matches the result of the Common Lisp code.

Additionally, we draw a comparison between code that employs the newly introduced paren* operator, which eliminates superfluous parentheses, and code that still includes the full set of parentheses.

As a general guideline, if given a choice, I lean towards over-employing parentheses. For instance, I prefer (3+4)(13/4)((171+2)/5) over (3+4)13/4(171+2)/5.

However, it is crucial to properly handle complex cases such as (static_cast(((1) & ((v) >> (1))))).

A lingering question is whether paren* needs to know if the operators are positioned to the left, right, or both sides of the current element. In response to this, ChatGPT-4 says:

You generally only need to know the precedence of each operator to
correctly order the operations, and you only need to know the
associativity of an operator when dealing with multiple instances of
the same operator.

Despite this, I encountered a contradiction in the Lisp expression (- (+ 3 4) (- 7 3)), which translates to the infix expression 3+4-7-3 but should ideally be 3+4-(7-3).

ChatGPT-4 provided this explanation:

In this case, we have the subtraction operator -, which is left
associative, being used twice. The right operand of the first
subtraction is another subtraction. Even though the - operator is left
associative, the right operand needs to be parenthesized to correctly
represent the original expression. This is because the subtraction in
the right operand should be evaluated before the first subtraction.

Although this is insightful, I am uncertain of the implications. It may suggest the need to modify the precedence table, differentiating between the - and + operators.

Remarks 2023-12-30

I started reading Stroustrup: A Tour of C++. In this section I note some ideas how the Lisp code could be improved.

Initialization Preferences

  • Bjarne Stroustrup, the creator of C++, recommends using braces {} for initialization over the equals sign =. This approach, known as brace initialization, offers advantages such as uniform syntax and prevention of narrowing conversions (if the type is not auto).

consteval Functions

  • Functions declared as consteval must be evaluated at compile time and thus should be defined in a way that makes them accessible to all relevant translation units. In traditional C++ with header files, this means declaring consteval methods in the header. In the context of C++20 modules, consteval functions are defined within a module interface unit, which functions similarly to a header but is integrated into the module system.

Variable Introduction in Control Structures

  • C++ allows the introduction of a variable within the condition of control structures like for and if. This feature enables both the declaration of a variable and its conditional evaluation in a single statement. For example:

    if (auto n = v.size(); n != 0) { ...

Mapping to Lisp

  • When considering how to map this C++ feature to Lisp, a straightforward approach would be using if with let:

    (if (let ((n (v.size))) (!= n 0)) ...)
  • However, this Lisp translation might only necessitate one comparison and one semicolon. Given its infrequent occurrence in the code, implementing a direct equivalent may not be sufficiently beneficial to justify the effort.


cl-cpp-generator2 is the tenth in a series of code generators. It builds on the learnings and experiences from various other projects like cl-cpp-generator, cl-ada-generator, cl-py-generator, and more.


The project is open-source, free to use, modify, and distribute under the MIT License.


Common Lisp s-expression code generator for C and C++ like languages. Examples for generating Cuda and Vulkan code.







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