Recursively initializes all nil maps and slices in a given object, so json.Marshal() serializes they as empty object {} or array [] instead of null.
This is more complete solution based on the idea from nilslice. It works not only for nil slices but also for nil maps.
type T struct {
M map[string]any `json:"m"`
S []any `json:"s"`
PM *map[string]any `json:"pm"`
PS *[]any `json:"ps"`
var v T
m1, _ := json.MarshalIndent(v, "", " ")
m2, _ := json.MarshalIndent(niltoempty.Initialize(&v), "", " ")
// output
// {
// "m": null,
// "s": null,
// "pm": null,
// "ps": null
// }
// {
// "m": {},
// "s": [],
// "pm": null,
// "ps": null
// }