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HTML::StateTable - Displays tables from DBIC resultsets and other iterators


package YourApp::Table::User;

use HTML::StateTable::Constants qw( FALSE NUL SPC TABLE_META TRUE );
use Moo;
use HTML::StateTable::Moo;

extends 'HTML::StateTable';
with    'HTML::StateTable::Role::Configurable';
with    'HTML::StateTable::Role::Searchable';
with    'HTML::StateTable::Role::CheckAll';
with    'HTML::StateTable::Role::Form';
with    'HTML::StateTable::Role::Active';

has '+form_buttons' => default => sub {
   return [{
      action    => 'user/remove',
      class     => 'remove-item',
      selection => 'select_one',
      value     => 'Remove User',

has '+icons' => default => sub {
   return shift->context->request->uri_for('img/icons.svg')->as_string;

set_table_name 'user';

has_column 'id' =>
   cell_traits => ['Numeric'],
   label       => 'ID',
   width       => '3rem';

has_column 'name' =>
   label      => 'User Name',
   link       => sub {
      my $self    = shift;
      my $context = $self->table->context;

      return  $context->uri_for_action('user/view', [$self->result->id]);
   searchable => TRUE,
   sortable   => TRUE,
   title      => 'Sort by user',
   width      => '10rem';

has_column 'role_id' =>
   cell_traits => ['Capitalise'],
   label       => 'Role',
   searchable  => TRUE,
   sortable    => TRUE,
   title       => 'Sort by role',
   value       => '';

has_column 'timezone' =>
   value => sub {
      my $self    = shift;
      my $profile = $self->result->profile;

      return $profile ? $profile->preference('timezone') : local_tz;
   width => '15rem';

has_column 'check' =>
   cell_traits => ['Checkbox'],
   label       => SPC,
   value       => 'id';

use namespace::autoclean -except => TABLE_META;


A rich description of the required table is serialised to the browser via the data attributes of an empty HTML div element. The JS running in the browser renders the table a fetches row data from the server which it also renders. User interactions with the table result in mutated query parameters on the request for row data to the server. New row data is rendered without any page reload. Stateful


Files wcom-*.js are included in the share/js directory of the source tree. These will be installed to the File::ShareDir distribution level shared data files. Nothing further is done with these files. They should be concatenated in sort order by filename and the result placed under the webservers document root. Link to this from the web applications pages. Doing this is outside the scope of this distribution

When content is loaded the JS method WCom.Table.Renderer.manager.scan(content) must be called to inflate the otherwise empty HTML div element. The function WCom.Util.Event.onReady(callback) is available to install the scan when the page loads


A file hstatetable-minimal.less is included in the share/less directory of the source tree. This will be installed to File::ShareDir distribution level shared data files. Nothing further is done with this file. It would need compiling using the Node.js LESS compiler to produce a CSS file which should be placed under the web servers document root and then linked to in the header of the web applications pages. This is outside the scope of this distribution

Example Usage

There is a simple Catalyst test application in the t/lib directory of the source tree.

Catalyst components can create and stash a table object which are rendered in the template by a call to the table objects render method

There is a repository for an example application on Github ( This contains a number of example tables and the uses to which they can be put. That application uses Web::Components which is also an Plack based MVC framework whose autoloaded components share the same method signatures with Catalyst

Configuration and Environment

Defines the following attributes;

  • caption

    An mutable string with a null default. If set will display as the tables caption

  • cell_class

    A lazy loadable class that defaults to HTML::StateTable::Cell

  • columns

    A lazy privately mutable array reference of Column objects in sorted order

  • all_columns

    Handled via array trait on columns

  • context

    An optional Context object passed to the constructor. If supplied it is expected to contain a request object. Some table roles require this to function

  • has_context

    Predicate for the context attribute. Weakened reference

  • displayable_columns

    A lazy hash reference of booleans keyed by column name. Indicates that the column is displayable

  • is_displayable_column

    Handled via the hash trait on displayable_columns

  • empty_text

    A string to display when there is no data

  • icons

    An immutable string with a null default. URI of the SVG file containing named symbols. If not supplied default UTF-8 characters will be used instead

  • is_filtered

    A mutable boolean that defaults to false. Is set to true by the Filterable and Searchable table roles

  • log

    Optional logging object used to log errors

  • has_log


  • max_page_size

    A non zero positive integer that defaults to 100. The hard limit on the page_size attribute

  • max_width

    A string with a null default. Used to set the maximum width on the table

  • name

    A non empty simple string that defaults to one supplied by the meta class

  • no_count

    A boolean which defaults to false. If set to true will prevent the counting of database table rows which in turn leads to the non displaying of the page count and the last link

  • page

    A mutable non zero positive integer that defaults to 1. The number of the current page of data being displayed

  • page_control_location

    An immutable non empty simple string which defaults to 'BottomLeft'. The location of the page control

  • page_manager

    An immutable simple string with a null default. Name of the JS page management object

  • page_size

    A mutable non zero positive integer which defaults to 20. The number of rows to be displayed per page. This is settable from preferences

  • page_size_control_location

    An immutable non empty simple string which defaults to 'BottomRight'. The location of the page size control

  • pager

    The pager object on the prepared resultset. Lazy and immutable

  • paging

    A mutable boolean which default to true. If false paging is disabled and no limit is placed on the number of rows retrieved from the database

  • prepared_resultset

    A required lazy ResultSet built from the resultset attribute. The builder method is build_prepared_resultset. The prepared resultset restricts the rows retrieved from the database to those requested by the Searchable and Filterable table roles

  • has_prepared_resultset

    Predicate for prepared_resultset

  • render_style

    A mutable simple string which defaults to 'replace'. Used by the experimental animation feature to select which type of row replacement animation to use

  • renderer

    The object used to render the table. Lazy and immutable

  • renderer_args

    A hash reference of arguments passed the renderer's constructor

  • renderer_class

    A lazy loadable class. The class name of the renderer object

  • request

    A lazy weakened reference to the Request object supplied by the context

  • resultset

    A DBIx::Class::ResultSet object. Lazy and immutable

  • row_class

    A lazy loadable class which defaults to HTML::StateTable::Row. The class name for the row object

  • row_count

    The total row count as return by either the resultset pager object or the prepared resultset count depending on whether paging is enabled. Lazy immutable positive integer with no initialiser

  • serialisable_columns

    A lazy hash reference of booleans keyed by column name. Indicates that the column is serialisable

  • is_serialisable_column

    Handled via the hash trait on serialisable_columns

  • sort_column_name

    A mutable simple string which defaults to the first sortable column name

  • sort_desc

    A mutable boolean which defaults to false. If true the sort will be in descending order

  • sortable

    A lazy boolean which is true if the number of sortable columns is greater than zero

  • sortable_columns

    A lazy array reference of Column objects with no initialiser

  • title_location

    Immutable string which defaults to inner. If set to outer causes the title and credit control divs to be rendered outside of the top and bottom control divs

  • visisble_columns

    A lazy array reference of Column objects that are not hidden

  • all_visible_columns

    Handled via the array trait on visible_columns


Defines the following methods;


    Modifies the method in the base class. Allow the renderer_class to be specified without a fully qualified package name


    Called after object instantiation it applies parameters from the query string in the request object if context has been provided

  • add_role

      $table->add_role( $role_name, $class_name );

    Called by the applied table roles this method registers the role and it's class with the serialiser. Each table role is expected to implement a method called "serialise_<role_name>"

  • apply_params

    If context is provided extracts query parameter values from the request and applies them to the table attributes. Query parameters are; sort, desc, page, and page_size

  • build_prepared_resultset

    Applies column SQL, paging, and sorting to the supplied resultset

  • get_displayable_columns

    Returns an array reference of displayable column objects

  • get_serialisable_columns

    Returns an array reference of serialisable column objects

  • next_result

    Call next on the prepared resultset and returns the result

  • next_row

    Call next_result to obtain the next result object which is used to instantiate a row object which is returns

  • param_value

      $value = $table->param_value( $name );

    If context has been provided returns the named query parameter. Will look for "<table name>_<param name>" in the query parameters and return it if it exists. If not will return "<param name>" from the query parameters if that exists. If that does not exist then returns a null string

  • reset_resultset

    Resets the resultset so that next can be called again

  • serialiser

      $serialiser = $table->serialiser( $moniker, \&writer, \%args );

    Returns the requested serialiser object. The moniker is the serialiser class without the prefix. The writer is a code reference that is called to write the serialised output. The args are passed to the constructor call for the serialiser object

  • sort_column

      $column = $table->sort_column( $column_name );

    Accessor mutator for sort_column_name attribute. Returns the current sort column object

  • sorted_columns

      @columns = $table->sorted_columns( @columns );

    Returns the supplied list of column objects sorted by their position attribute value




See dist.ini for full list


There are no known incompatibilities in this module

Bugs and Limitations

There are no known bugs in this module. Please report problems to Patches are welcome


Larry Wall - For the Perl programming language


Peter Flanigan, <[email protected]>

License and Copyright

Copyright (c) 2024 Peter Flanigan. All rights reserved

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. See perlartistic

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE


Stateful HTML table rendering






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