Web extensions for Azure DevOps
- Visit the Marketplace and install the extension.
- task: Boots@1
displayName: Install Xamarin.Android
uri: https://aka.ms/xamarin-android-commercial-d16-2-windows
- Install Node.
- Install the TypeScript Compiler.
npm install -g typescript
- Install Mocha for testing.
npm install -g mocha
- Install tfx-cli for packaging.
npm install -g tfx-cli
Open a terminal and navigate to the task directory you want to work on, and run the following commands.
npm install
Once a task is built, you can run it with node
node boots.js
If tests exist, they can be ran with mocha
mocha Tests\suite.js
Run the following to package the extension as a vsix.
tfx extension create --manifest-globs Tasks\vss-extension.json