This provides extra commands to manipulate tree structure for the Tree Style Tab addon.
- Signed package on AMO
- Development builds for each commit are available at "Artifacts" of the CI/CD action
I'm finding successor developers of the "TST More Tree Commands" project. I'm ready to transfer the ownership of this project to successors.
I generally use TST without manual manipulation modifying the tree structure, instead I use TST mainly with automatically constructed tree. "Indent", "outdent", and more other tree manipulation commands are non-critical for my usecase, and I'm negative about adding more new tree manipulation commands to TST itself. This is the reason why I decided to separate these features from TST to a helper addon.
From the same reason, sorry but I have less motivation to develop and maintain this project. I believe that this project should be owned by someone who really want to use it. If you are interested to take the ownership of this project, please contact me via the issue tracker or email.
This software does not collect any privacy data automatically, but this includes ability to synchronize options across multiple devices automatically via Firefox Sync. Any data you input to options may be sent to Mozilla's Sync server, if you configure Firefox to activate Firefox Sync.
このソフトウェアはいかなるプライバシー情報も自動的に収集しませんが、Firefox Syncを介して自動的に設定情報をデバイス間で同期する機能を含みます。 Firefox Syncを有効化している場合、設定画面に入力されたデータは、Mozillaが運用するSyncサーバーに送信される場合があります。