This is a sequence labeler that supports the following tasks:
- Named Enitity Recognition
- Parts of Speech Tagging
- SuperSense Tagging (use the Named Entity Recognition mode)
If you use this software please cite:
Pierpaolo Basile, Giovanni Semeraro, Pierluigi Cassotti. Bi-directional LSTM-CNNs-CRF for Italian Sequence Labeling, Fourth Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics (CLIC-it 2017), 2017.
- Python 3.6
- Numpy
- Tensorflow
- Theano
- Keras
Main supports the following parameters:
- task Task type default='NER' choices=['NER','POS']
- tag_scheme Tag scheme default='IOBES' choices=['IOB2', 'IOBES']
- train_path Training file path
- dev_path Development file path
- test_path Test file path
- embed_char 1 for using character embeddings 0 otherwise default=1
- lowerword 1 for performing token lowercase default=1
- char_dim Character embeddings dimension default=30
- word_dim Word embeddings dimension default=300
- word2vecBINARY 1 if word2vec embeddings is binary 0 otherwise default=0
- label_column The column index of labels default=3
- word_column The column index of words default=0
- embedding Word embeddings tools default='word2vec' choices=['word2vec','glove','senna','random']
- dataset_encoding The dataset encoding format default='utf-8'
- embedding_encoding The embeddings encoding format default='utf-8'
- n_filters Filter number of convolutional networks default=30
- window_size Window size of convolutional networks default=3
- lstm_size The state size of Long Short Term Memory default=200
- epochs Number of epochs default=50
- batch_size Batch size default=10
- learning_alghoritm Optimization method choices=['Adadelta', 'Adagrad', 'SGD'] default='Adadelta'
- learning_rate The learning rate in case of SGD default=0.015
- decay The deacy rate in case of SGD default=0.05
- grad_clipping The clip value default=5.0
- feature_column The column index of the feature default=2
- features 1 for using features 0 otherwise default=0 Additional parameters:
- log Log file for PoS Tagging (Training set)
- log2 Log file for PoS Tagging (Development set)
- log3 Log file for PoS Tagging (Test set)
- log4 Log file for Sentiment (Training set)
- log5 Log file for Sentiment (Development set)
- log6 Log file for Sentiment (Test set)
- senti_train_path Training file path (sentiment)
- senti_test_path Test file path (sentiment)
- sentiment default=1 1 for performing sentiment analysis
- k_fold default=1 1 for performing KFOLD5
- k_n default=1 Specify the partion of training set to use in Development set