Source code of KeeperRL
- make essentials
- gcc-4.8.2 OR clang-3.3
- git
- libboost 1.5+ with libboost-serialization, libboost-program-optoins
- For compiling on OSX you'll also need libboost-system and libboost-thread
- libsfml-dev 2+ (Ubuntu ppa that contains libsfml 2: )
- freeglut-dev
- libglew-dev (if you're still getting undefined symbols about GLEW, try compiling SFML from source)
- angelscript (
In terminal:
git clone
cd keeperrl
make -j 8 # for slow & debug mode or
make -j 8 OPT=true RELEASE=true # for release
# add CLANG=true to compile with clang.
# add OSX=true to compile on OSX