This module is a part of the Pip.Services polyglot microservices toolkit.
The Mongoose module simplifies working with Mongo databases using ODM and contains everything you need to get started with MongoDB.
The module contains the following packages:
- Build - contains a factory for creating MongoDB persistence components.
- Connect - instruments for configuring connections to the database. The component receives a set of configuration parameters and uses them to generate all necessary database connection parameters.
- Persistence - abstract classes for working with the database that can be used for connecting to collections and performing basic CRUD operations.
NOTE: This module has been deprecated. We recommend to use plan MongoDb persistence instead.
Install the NPM package as
npm install pip-services3-mongoose-node --save
As an example, lets create persistence for the following data object.
import { IIdentifiable } from 'pip-services3-commons-node';
export class MyObject implements IIdentifiable {
public id: string;
public key: string;
public value: number;
The persistence component shall implement the following interface with a basic set of CRUD operations.
export interface IMyPersistence {
getPageByFilter(correlationId: string, filter: FilterParams, paging: PagingParams,
callback: (err: any, page: DataPage<MyObject>) => void): void;
getOneById(correlationId: string, id: string, callback: (err: any, item: MyObject) => void): void;
getOneByKey(correlationId: string, key: string, callback: (err: any, item: MyObject) => void): void;
create(correlationId: string, item: MyObject, callback?: (err: any, item: MyObject) => void): void;
update(correlationId: string, item: MyObject, callback?: (err: any, item: MyObject) => void): void;
deleteById(correlationId: string, id: string, callback?: (err: any, item: MyObject) => void): void;
Before starting persistence you shall create a schema, that Mongoose will use to perform object relational mapping.
Here is the schema for MyObject
import { Schema } from "mongoose";
export let MyObjectMongooseSchema = function(): Schema {
let schema: Schema = new Schema(
_id: { type: String },
key: { type: String, required: true },
value: { type: String, required: false }
autoIndex: true
schema.index({ key: 1 });
schema.set('toJSON', {
transform: function (doc, ret) { = ret._id;
delete ret._id;
delete ret.__v;
return ret;
return schema;
To implement Mongoose persistence component you shall inherit IdentifiableMongoosePersistence
Most CRUD operations will come from the base class. You only need to override getPageByFilter
method with a custom filter function.
And implement a getOneByKey
custom persistence method that doesn't exist in the base class.
import { IdentifiableMongoosePersistence } from 'pip-services3-mongoose-node';
export class MyMongoosePersistence extends IdentifableMongoosePersistence {
public constructor() {
super('myobjects', MyObjectMongooseSchema());
private composeFilter(filter: FilterParams): any {
filter = filter || new FilterParams();
let criteria = [];
let id = filter.getAsNullableString('id');
if (id != null)
criteria.push({ _id: id });
let tempIds = filter.getAsNullableString("ids");
if (tempIds != null) {
let ids = tempIds.split(",");
criteria.push({ _id: { $in: ids } });
let key = filter.getAsNullableString("key");
if (key != null)
criteria.push({ key: key });
return criteria.length > 0 ? { $and: criteria } : null;
public getPageByFilter(correlationId: string, filter: FilterParams, paging: PagingParams,
callback: (err: any, page: DataPage<MyObject>) => void): void {
super.getPageByFilter(correlationId, this.composeFilter(filter), paging, "_id", null, callback);
public getOneByKey(correlationId: string, key: string,
callback: (err: any, item: MyObject) => void): void {
let criteria = { key: key };
this._model.findOne(criteria, (err, item) => {
if (!err)
this._logger.trace(correlationId, "Retrieved from %s by key = %s", this._collection, key);
item = this.convertToPublic(item);
callback(err, item);
Configuration for your microservice that includes mongodb persistence may look the following way.
- descriptor: pip-services:connection:mongoose:con1:1.0
collection: {{MONGO_COLLECTION}}{{#unless MONGO_COLLECTION}}applications{{/unless}}
host: {{{MONGO_SERVICE_HOST}}}{{#unless MONGO_SERVICE_HOST}}localhost{{/unless}}
port: {{MONGO_SERVICE_PORT}}{{#unless MONGO_SERVICE_PORT}}27017{{/unless}}
database: {{MONGO_DB}}{{#unless MONGO_DB}}app{{/unless}}
username: {{MONGO_USER}}
password: {{MONGO_PASS}}
- descriptor: myservice:persistence:mongoose:default:1.0
connection: pip-services:connection:mongoose:con1:1.0
For development you shall install the following prerequisites:
- Node.js 8+
- Visual Studio Code or another IDE of your choice
- Docker
- Typescript
Install dependencies:
npm install
Compile the code:
Run automated tests:
npm test
Generate API documentation:
Before committing changes run dockerized build and test as:
The library is created and maintained by Sergey Seroukhov.
The documentation is written by Mark Makarychev.