This is a very early release, this package is far from being complete and provide minimal functionnalities as of today.
composer require makinacorpus/autocomplete-bundle
This autocomplete widget works with the select2 library, it is your responsability to ensure the javascript is correctly loaded for it to work.
You also need jQuery installed (sorry, this might change later).
Register the routing.yml file in your app/routing.yml
resource: "@AutocompleteBundle/Resources/config/routing.yml"
prefix: /
And the associated form theme in your app/config.yml
debug: "%kernel.debug%"
strict_variables: false
# ...
- "AutocompleteBundle:Form:fields.html.twig"
And it should probably work.
First, implement an MakinaCorpus\AutocompleteBundle\Autocomplete\AutocompleteSourceInterface
class, that is meant to reflect the business objects in which to autocomplete.
Then just use the MakinaCorpus\AutocompleteBundle\Form\Type\TextAutocompleteType
form type
in your own form builders, and set the source class name as the source
parameter for the form type.