File manipulation utility methods.
TTY::File provides independent file utilities component for TTY toolkit.
Though Ruby's File
and FileUtils
libraries provide very robust apis for dealing with files, this library aims to provide a level of abstraction that is much more convenient, with useful logging capabilities.
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem "tty-file"
And then execute:
$ bundle
Or install it yourself as:
$ gem install tty-file
TTY::File.replace_in_file("Gemfile", /gem 'rails'/, "gem 'hanami'")
The following methods are available for creating and manipulating files.
If you wish to silence verbose output use verbose: false
. Similarly if you wish to run action without actually triggering any action use noop: true
To check whether a file is a binary file, i.e. image, executable etc. do:
TTY::File.binary?("image.png") # => true
To generate a checksum for a file, IO object, or String, use checksum_file
. By default the MD5
algorithm is used, which can be changed by passing a second argument.
Among the supported message digest algorithms are:
For example, to create a digest for a string using SHA1
TTY::File.checksum_file("Some content\nThe end", "sha1")
# => "289388f187404135e6c15b21460442cf867180dd"
To change file modes use chmod
, like so:
TTY::File.chmod("filename.rb", 0777)
There are a number of constants available to represent common mode bits such as TTY::File::U_R
and TTY::File::O_X
, and they can be used as follows:
TTY::File.chmod("filename.rb", TTY::File::U_R | TTY::File::O_X)
Apart from traditional octal number definition for file permissions, you can use the more convenient permission notation used by the Unix chmod
TTY::File.chmod("filename.rb", "u=wrx,g+x")
The u
, g
, and o
specify the user, group, and other parts of the mode bits. The a
symbol is equivalent to ugo
Copies a file's contents from a relative source to a relative destination.
TTY::File.copy_file "Gemfile", "Gemfile.bak"
If you provide a block then the file content is yielded:
TTY::File.copy_file("Gemfile", "app/Gemfile") do |content|
"\n" + content
If the source file is an ERB
template then you can provide a :context
in which the file gets evaluated, or if TTY::File
gets included as a module then appropriate object context will be used by default. To use :context
variables =
variables[:foo] = "bar"
TTY::File.copy_file("templates/application.html.erb", context: variables)
You can also specify the template name surrounding any dynamic variables with %
to be evaluated:
variables =
variables[:file_name] = "foo"
TTY::File.copy_file("templates/%file_name%.rb", context: variables)
# => Creates templates/foo.rb
If the destination is a directory, then copies source inside that directory.
TTY::File.copy_file "docs/", "app"
If the destination file already exists, a prompt menu will be displayed to enquire about action:
If you wish to preserve original owner, group, permission and modified time use :preserve
TTY::File.copy_file "docs/", "app", preserve: true
To create a file at a given destination with some content use create_file
TTY::File.create_file "file-a/", content
On collision with already existing file, a menu gets displayed:
collision examples/file-a
Overwrite examples/file-a? (enter "h" for help) [y,d,n,q,h]
The d
option allows to compare the changes:
--- a/examples/file-a
+++ b/examples/file-a
@@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
Overwrite examples/file-a? (enter "h" for help) [y,d,n,q,h]
You can force to always overwrite file with :force
option or always skip by providing :skip
There is examples/overwrite.rb that demonstrates diffing file with new content.
To recursively copy a directory of files from source to destination location use copy_directory
or its alias copy_dir
Assuming you have the following directory structure:
# doc/
# subcommands/
# command.rb.erb
# %name%.rb
You can copy doc
folder to docs
by invoking:
TTY::File.copy_directory("doc", "docs", context: ...)
The context
needs to respond to name
message and given it returns foo
value the following directory gets created:
# docs/
# subcommands/
# command.rb
# foo.rb
If you only need to copy top level files use option recursive: false
TTY::File.copy_directory("doc", "docs", recursive: false)
By passing :exclude
option you can instruct the method to ignore any files including the given pattern:
TTY::File.copy_directory("doc", "docs", exclude: "subcommands")
To create directory use create_directory
or its alias create_dir
passing as a first argument file path:
Or a data structure describing the directory tree including any files with or without content:
tree =
"app" => [
["Gemfile", "gem 'tty-file'"],
"lib" => [
["file_utils.rb", "require 'tty-file'"]
"spec" => []
# =>
# app
# app/
# app/Gemfile
# app/lib
# app/lib/cli.rb
# app/lib/file_utils.rb
# app/spec
As a second argument you can provide a parent directory, otherwise current directory will be assumed:
TTY::File.create_dir(tree, "/path/to/parent/dir")
To compare files line by line in a system independent way use diff
, or diff_files
print TTY::File.diff_files("file-a", "file-b")
Printing output to console would result in:
diff examples/file-a and examples/file-b
--- examples/file-a
+++ examples/file-b
@@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
You can also pass additional parameters such as:
- accepted values are:unified
. Defaults to:unified
as seen in the output above - similar to git tool.:lines
- how many extra lines to include in the output around the compared lines. Defaults to3
- set maximum file size in bytes. By default files larger than10Mb
are no processed.:header
- controls display of two-line files comparison. By defaulttrue
Changing format to :old
, removing context lines and skipping log output:
TTY::File.diff_files("file_a", "file_b", format: :old, lines: 0, verbose: false)
Results in the following output:
<<< examples/file-a
>>> examples/file-b
< ccccc
> xxxxx
< ggggg
> yyyyy
In addition, you can perform a comparison between a file and a string or between two strings. For example, comparing file with content:
TTY::File.diff_files("file-a", "new\nlong\ntext")
Will output:
diff a/examples/file-a and b/examples/file-a
--- a/examples/file-a
+++ b/examples/file-a
@@ -1,8 +1,4 @@
Please run examples/diff.rb to see how output works.
To download a content from a given address and to save at a given relative location do:
TTY::File.download_file("", "doc/")
If you pass a block then the content will be yielded to allow modification:
TTY::File.download_file("", "doc/") do |content|
content.gsub("\n", " ")
By default download_file
will follow maximum 3 redirects. This can be changed by passing :limit
TTY::File.download_file("", "doc/", limit: 5)
# => raises TTY::File::DownloadError
Inject content into a file at a given location and return true
when performed successfully, false
TTY::File.inject_into_file "filename.rb", "text to add", after: "Code below this line\n"
Or using a block:
TTY::File.inject_into_file "filename.rb", after: "Code below this line\n" do
"text to add"
You can also use Regular Expressions in :after
or :before
to match file location.
By default, this method will always inject content into file, regardless whether it is already present or not. To change this pass :force
set to false
to perform check before actually inserting text:
TTY::File.inject_into_file("filename.rb", "text to add", after: "Code below this line\n"
Alternatively, use safe_inject_into_file
to check if the text can be safely inserted.
TTY::File.safe_inject_into_file("Gemfile", "gem 'tty'")
The append_to_file and prepend_to_file allow you to add content at the end and the begging of a file.
Replace content of a file matching condition by calling replace_in_file
or gsub_file
, which returns true
when substitutions are performed successfully, false
TTY::File.replace_in_file "filename.rb", /matching condition/, "replacement"
The replacement content can be provided in a block
TTY::File.gsub_file "filename.rb", /matching condition/ do
Appends text to a file and returns true
when performed successfully, false
otherwise. You can provide the text as a second argument:
TTY::File.append_to_file("Gemfile", "gem 'tty'")
Or inside a block:
TTY::File.append_to_file("Gemfile") do
"gem 'tty'"
By default, this method will always append content regardless whether it is already present or not. To change this pass :force
set to false
to perform check before actually appending:
TTY::File.append_to_file("Gemfile", "gem 'tty'", force: false)
Alternatively, use safe_append_to_file
to check if the text can be safely appended.
TTY::File.safe_append_to_file("Gemfile", "gem 'tty'")
Prepends text to a file and returns true
when performed successfully, false
otherwise. You can provide the text as a second argument:
TTY::File.prepend_to_file("Gemfile", "gem 'tty'")
Or inside a block:
TTY::File.prepend_to_file("Gemfile") do
"gem 'tty'"
By default, this method will always prepend content regardless whether it is already present or not. To change this pass :force
set to false
to perform check before actually prepending:
TTY::File.prepend_to_file("Gemfile", "gem 'tty'", force: false)
Alternatively, use safe_prepend_to_file
to check if the text can be safely appended.
TTY::File.safe_prepend_to_file("Gemfile", "gem 'tty'")
To remove a file do:
TTY::File.remove_file "doc/"
You can also pass in :force
to remove file ignoring any errors:
TTY::File.remove_file "doc/", force: true
To read the last 10 lines from a file do:
TTY::File.tail_file "doc/"
# => ["## Copyright", "Copyright (c) 2016-2017", ...]
You can also pass a block:
TTY::File.tail_file("doc/") do |line|
puts line
To change how many lines are read pass a second argument:
TTY::File.tail_file("doc/", 15)
After checking out the repo, run bin/setup
to install dependencies. Then, run rake spec
to run the tests. You can also run bin/console
for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.
To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install
. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb
, and then run bundle exec rake release
, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the .gem
file to
Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the Contributor Covenant code of conduct.
The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.
Copyright (c) 2016 Piotr Murach. See LICENSE for further details.