nrf51822 ID107 smartwatch arduino heartrate BPM
this is work in progress, that piggy backs on previous work by many people, mainly : @goran-mahovlic, @rogerclarkmelbourne, @curtpw, @Gordon, @micooke and in this case @arglurgl
I used code from in order to upload firmware with a bluetooth 4.0 dongle on a raspberry pi code is included in the repository
to compile : platformio run to upload : ./genhex (uses stlink and has to be executed twice for some reason ....)
some backgroundinfo can be found here :
the original firmware uses a legacy FOTA (firmware over the air) procedure
by executing the ./uploadblue script
the watch will be put in DFU mode, and you program will be uploaded over the air!
might be neccessary to execute the script twice ....
gen_dat generates application.dat