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A community-developed version of the original Marble Marcher - a fractal physics game.


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Marble Marcher: Community Edition

Version 1.4.3


This is the community edition of Marble Marcher, a procedurally rendered fractal physics marble game in which you must get to the flag in each level as fast as you can. With 24 levels to unlock and an active speedrunning community, along with a fully-featured level editor, there's always new features being developed. If you complete all levels, you can use cheats to create and enhance a more exploratory experience.

Because version 1.1.0 was the last feature update of Marble Marcher, we (the Marble Marcher Community) opted to create a community edition to keep the community around the game alive and continuously improve the experience. Currently this is maintained mainly by members of the Marble Marcher Community on Discord, in addition to the members of the subreddit and anyone else who has contributed.

Marble Marcher: Community Edition comes with a wealth of new features and improvements, including performance improvements and graphical enhancements.

If you have suggestions, issues, or would like to contribute, feel free to submit issues and pull requests. After all, this is a community project!

Note: This project requires a mid-range dedicated graphics card (non-integrated) to run in HD (1920x1080) at a good FPS. Anything higher and you'll likely need a higher-range card. However, if no HD isn't an issue, you can lower the resolution or settings to run on something like a laptop or budget computer, in which case the game will run just fine. link:

All credit goes to HackerPoet (aka CodeParade) for the original game.

Original Summary

Marble Marcher is a video game demo that uses a fractal physics engine and fully procedural rendering to produce beautiful and unique gameplay unlike anything you've seen before.

The goal of the game is to reach the flag as quickly as possible. But be careful not to fall off the level or get crushed by the fractal! There are 24 levels to unlock.

Download Link:

Video Explanation:

Table of Contents


  • Many, many fixes have been applied
  • Easier compilation for macOS
  • Feasible Windows and Linux compilation
  • overhaul
  • New rendering engine
  • Ingame statistics added (marble speed, ground/air state, ...). Press o to toggle.
  • AntTweakBar editor added. Press F4 to toggle.
  • Confirmation, exit buttons in end screens
  • Change "controls" menu to "settings" and have audio, controls, sensitivity and fullscreen options there, also allow custom input bindings
  • Added controller support (+deadzone)
  • Improved text rendering
  • Better layout
  • Anaglyph/stereoscopic mode
  • Screenshot mode (temporarily higher resolution and AA)
  • Metal marble skin
  • Added auto-exposure, aka adaptive brightness
  • Improved bloom
  • Improved shadow upscaling
  • Added DOF
  • Added original shaders as a new configuration
  • Added NEON shaders
  • Added simple shaders, for those with low-spec machines
  • Added experimental PTGI shaders
  • Added TXAA
  • Added a credits menu
  • New pause menu
  • New settings menu
  • Added a screenshot sound
  • Improved screensaver mode
  • Added several new levels
  • Added custom texture support to compute shaders
  • Ability to edit shaders in real-time
  • Level Editor and custom level support Editor Levels For more changes, please see the release notes.

Proposed Changes

Though Marble Marcher CE is a largely finished game, there are still several improvements we'd like to implement. Here are our proposed changes:

  • Fixes

    • Make sure game runs at the same speed everywhere
    • Mouse/camera speed is too fast while skipping cutscenes
  • User Experience Improvements

    • Pre-built versions for the common operating systems and make them available as GitHub releases (in progress)
    • Make the fractal recoloring from cheats persistent
    • More efficient anti-aliasing modes
    • Toggle to always activate fast cutscenes
    • Better autosplitter integration
  • New Features

    • Cheat: no drag
    • Custom marble designs
    • Add a script to build for all platforms at once
    • Have MarbleMarcher added to package managers
  • Currently WIP

    • Recording/replay functionality
    • Debug info screen
    • Cheat: unlock all levels
    • Add creation of macOS .dmg for easy distribution.

System Dependencies


On macOS these can be conveniently installed using HomeBrew:

brew install cmake eigen sfml anttweakbar

The version of SFML required is 2.5.1 or newer. It has come to my attention that HomeBrew does now have this version (unlike when these instructions where first written) so installing via HomeBrew should work but you can still download manually if you wish and install using these instructions. You must install the Frameworks option not the dylib option or the build script may fail. Note that if HomeBrew installed a version of SFML older than 2.5.1 for some reason or you wish to install manually, you must remove the version of SFML that Brew installed using brew remove sfml.

Alternatively, vcpkg can be used though it is unsupported:

vcpkg install cmake eigen3 sfml anttweakbar

It may also be possible to use MacPorts which is also unsupported and untested.

Arch Linux

The packages eigen, sfml, git, cmake and make are on the core, extra and community repositories. sudo pacman -S eigen sfml git cmake make However, anttweakbar is on the AUR. Clone and build it yourself, or use and AUR Helper like yay : yay -S anttweakbar



Build Script

Note for the current version: the macOS build is not yet entirely working properly so revert to the previous prerelease as required. SFML is properly included but as of yet, AntTweakBar is not so this executable will not work on machines without it installed. Simply run ./ This will generate the full Application bundle that can be used like any other application. It can even be used on systems without SFML as SFML is included in the bundle and the binary is relinked to these versions. Currently the script will only do the relinking part properly if you use SFML 2.5.1 specifically however it is planned to allow for any version. If you have another version, the script will still work, the app just won't work on a machine without SFML.


  • mkdir build && cd build
  • cmake ..
  • cmake -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS="-I/usr/local/include" ..
    • If you use vcpkg, add the flag -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=[path/to/vcpkg]/scripts/buildsystems/vcpkg.cmake
  • cd ..
  • cmake --build build

Note that this just builds a binary and not an Application bundle like you might be used to seeing. To run properly, you must move the binary (which, after building, is build/MarbleMarcher) to the same folder as the assets folder. It is not recommended to build the Application bundle manually so no instructions for that are provided however you may peek in to see how it is done.

Alternatively, one can use the platform-dependent build system, for example Make:

  • make -C build

Arch Linux

  • cd ~
  • git clone
  • cd Marble-Marcher-Community-Edition
  • mkdir build && cd build
  • cmake ..
  • cd ..
  • cmake --build build
  • cp build/MarbleMarcher ./


The main problem with the installation is the dependency AntTweakBar, a C++ library with no Ubuntu package.

But the first and easy step is to ensure that the following development tools and libraries are installed: libsfml-dev, libglm-dev, libeigen3-dev, libglew-dev, cmake, libglu1-mesa-dev and mesa-common-dev. You can get it done with

sudo apt-get install libsfml-dev libglm-dev libeigen3-dev \
     libglew-dev cmake libglu1-mesa-dev mesa-common-dev

You may need to install more (or fewer) libraries, depending on what do you already have on your system.

How to Install on Ubuntu 20.04

The first step is to download and install AntTweakBar library. I assume you have unpacked it into Downloads folder. The installation is as easy as running make in AntTweakBar/src folder. As a result, make should create libAntTweakBar.a and in your AntTweakBar/lib folder. You may want to move those to a better location, e.g. into $HOME/lib.

This installation can be done with commands

cd ~/Downloads/AntTweakBar/src

The next task is to clone (or download) Marble Marcher. In the following examples we assume you have downloaded Marble Marcher into Downloads-folder as well. First you create an empty folder build in the Marble Marcher folder, and run cmake from there. However, and this is important, for the following compilation step you also have to specify the location of AntTweakBar.h and libAntTweakBar.a files using the CPATH and LIBRARY_PATH environment variables. You can do all these steps as follows:

cd ~/Downloads
git clone
cd Marble-Marcher-Community-Edition
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
CPATH="$HOME/Downloads/AntTweakBar/include/" LIBRARY_PATH="$HOME/Downloads/AntTweakBar/lib" cmake --build .

This should create an executable file MarbleMarcher in the current src folder.

The executable needs run-time library for running. So when executing it, you have to tell it where the library is by using LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable. Hence you run the game as

LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$HOME/Downloads/AntTweakBar/lib" ./MarbleMarcher

Consider moving into a dedicated location for run-time libraries and configuring your LD_LIBRARY_PATH.


Installing on Ubuntu 18.04

Compiling on Ubuntu 18.04 works mostly in the same way as on Ubuntu 20.04. However, the default gcc 7.5.0 is too old for the source code. You have to use gcc 8.4.0, provided in the package gcc-8. First, install all the packages required for Ubuntu 20.04. Thereafter also install gcc-8:

sudo apt-get install libsfml-dev libglm-dev libeigen3-dev \
     libglew-dev cmake libglu1-mesa-dev mesa-common-dev
sudo apt-get install gcc-8

Next, as the default gcc is still version 7, we have to tell make and cmake explicitly that we we want gcc 8 instead.

Open AntTweakBar/src/Makefile in a text editor (e.g. gedit), and set the make variables CXX and LINK (see lines 18 and 21) to gcc-8 and g++-8.
So the relevant lines should look like

CXX      	= gcc-8
CXXFLAGS 	= $(CXXCFG) -Wall -fPIC -fno-strict-aliasing -D_UNIX -D__PLACEMENT_NEW_INLINE
INCPATH  	= -I../include -I/usr/local/include -I/usr/X11R6/include -I/usr/include
LINK     	= g++-8

Now run make in the src-folder as in case of Ubuntu 20.04:

cd AntTweakBar/src

Cloning Marble Marcher on Ubuntu 18.04 works exactly as on Ubuntu 20.04. But now, when creating cmake environment, we tell cmake that we use gcc-8 by setting CC and CXX environment variables. Otherwise we follow exactly the steps for Ubuntu 20.04. So on 18.04 you can do

cd ~/Downloads
git clone
cd Marble-Marcher-Community-Edition
mkdir build
cd build             
CC=/usr/bin/gcc-8 CXX=/usr/bin/g++-8 cmake ..
CPATH="$HOME/Downloads/AntTweakBar/include/" LIBRARY_PATH="$HOME/Downloads/AntTweakBar/lib" cmake --build .

As above, your should see the executable MarbleMarcher that can be started with

LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$HOME/Downloads/AntTweakBar/lib" ./MarbleMarcher

Compiling on Windows

Windows compilation should work just fine now. It's relatively easy to do without help, but in case you'd like them, here are some configuring and compiling instructions. A copy of the instructions is also in the root.

Cross-Compile for Windows on macOS

This requires you to install wget, mingw-w64, and git (which you probably already have) either with HomeBrew (recommended) or otherwise. Theoretically, you should be able to just run There are no manual instructions because due to issues I had to just compile the thing manually which is annoying and has too many steps.



If the macOS build script was used, simply launch the app as normal, otherwise:

  • Make sure that the current working directory contains the assets folder
  • Run the executable generated by CMake, located in build (or a subdirectory)
  • If running MarbleMarcher from a tarball and you see a message like

./MarbleMarcher: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory You'll just need to run MarbleMarcher with the correct LD_LIBRARY_PATH:

LD_LIBRARY_PATH=`pwd`/usr/lib ./MarbleMarcher

Windows/Linux/Anything Else

Launching should be self-explanatory for these systems, just run the excecutable file relevant to your system that is generated by the build process.

Special Controls

  • Press o to toggle the debug screen.
  • Press F5 to take a screenshot.
  • Press F4 to open AntTweakBar.


A community-developed version of the original Marble Marcher - a fractal physics game.







No packages published


  • C++ 72.5%
  • GLSL 25.1%
  • CMake 1.3%
  • Other 1.1%