These are dotfiles that I changed/modified/added to get best of larbs.
Here are three branches:
- master
- libxft-bgra-dead-zone
- twilight
- Master:
- this build is years old
- uses moc, vifm, dmenu, rofi and other custom scripts
- libxft-bgra-dead-zone
- This branch emerged when I was using void linux
- and libxft-bgra simply refused to install
- because one of its dependacy upgraded and messed it up
- specially made for spectrwm
- twilight zone
- this zone emerged when i was fall in love with twemoji
- and installed artix on second drive
- here i changed dwm dramatically
- most of the keybinds ported to sxhkd
- various new patches applied on st
- working slim login manager with my custom theme
Dotfiles common in all branches
- Music Player: Moc (Music On Console)
- visualizer: cava
- Image Viewer: Sxiv (from suckless.org)
- File Explorer = lf, vifm
- and other larbs stuff
- my custom scripts besides lukes