- assets/ contains assets definition
- commands/ contains console commands (controllers)
- config/ contains application configurations
- controllers/ contains Web controller classes
- mail/ contains view files for e-mails
- migrations/ contains database migrations
- models/ contains model classes
- runtime/ contains files generated during runtime
- template/ contains template files for GII
- tests/ contains various tests for the basic application
- vendor/ contains dependent 3rd-party packages
- views/ contains view files for the Web application
- web/ contains the entry script and Web resources
Clone the repo:
git clone https://github.com/piantgrunger/yii2-stisla
Install composer packages:
composer global require "fxp/composer-asset-plugin:~1.1"
composer update
Create a new database and adjust the components['db'] configuration the file config/db.php with real data, for example:
return [
'class' => 'yii\db\Connection',
'dsn' => 'mysql:host=localhost;dbname=db_coba',
'username' => 'root',
'password' => '1234',
'charset' => 'utf8',
Install composer packages:
php yii migrate
Now you should be able to access the application through the following URL, assuming single is the directory directly under the Web root.
there is build in user and password in this application : username = admin password = admin1234 Check and edit the other files in the config/ directory to customize your application as required. Refer to the README in the tests direcotry for information specific to basic application tests.
URL: http://yii2-stisla.alfiannaufal.com
- YiiFramework
- Stisla Bootstrap 4 Admin Panel Template
- yii2-mimin Simple RBAC Manager for Yii2 (minify of yii2-admin)
This template is an OpenSource project so your contribution is very welcome.
In order to get started:
- Install this in your local (read installation section)
- Clone this repository.
- Check README.md.
- Send pull requests.
Aside from contributing via pull requests you may submit issues.