This Python extension enables you to read measurement data by the BME68X sensor and the BSEC2.0 library from BOSCH.
The BME68X sensors by BOSCH Sensortec measure temperature, pressure and humidity.
Most importantly the sensor estimates the air pollution by recording the amount of VOCs (Volatile Organic Compounds).
With use of the (licensed) BSEC library from BOSCH, this allows for measuring the IAQ (Indoor Air Quality).
Check out this Installation Video!
pip3 install bme68x
- clone this repo to a desired location on you hard drive
- download the licensed BSEC2.0 library from BOSCH
- unzip it into the bme68x-python-library-main folder, next to this
- open a new terminal window inside the bme68x-python-library-main folder
sudo python3 install
or to install under venv use
path/to/venv/bin/python3 install
- to import in Python
import bme68x
from bme68x import BME68X
- see for reference
- to test the installation make sure you connected your BME68X sensor via I2C
- run the following code in a Python3 interpreter
from bme68x import BME68X
# Replace I2C_ADDR with the I2C address of your sensor
# Either 0x76 (default for BME680) or 0x77 (default for BME688)
bme68x = BME68X(I2C_ADDR, 0)
bme68x.set_heatr_conf(1, 320, 100, 1)
data = bme68x.get_data()
For documentation and examples please refer to our GitHub
For feedback, bug reports or functionality requests send an E-mail to [email protected]
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