This Project has moved to
This project has been renamed to grease and moved to
An example of building a clojure library for iOS with graalvm native-image.
See examples/gol
Try the public beta iOS app through test flight
- Download java's arm64 static libraries built for ios. They can be downloaded using
$ scripts/download-deps
- Setup graalvm and make sure your clojure project is graalvm compatible.
is set and is on your path before starting.
export GRAALVM_HOME=/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/graalvm-ce-java11-VERSION/Contents/Home
- Install Graalvm LLVM Backend
$ gu install llvm-toolchain
- Compile your clojure project
$ ./scripts/compile-shared
This can take a while.
- Open the xcode project in xcode/MobileTest/MobileTest.xcodeproj
- Select "Any iOS Device(arm64)" or your connected device as the build target. (iOS Simulator not supported yet)
- Build and run
An example project that uses membrane for UI can be found under xcode/TestSkia/TestSkia.xcodeproj. It also starts a sci repl that can be used for interactive development. Simply connect to the repl and start hacking! To update the UI, just reset!
the main view atom. Example scripts below.
- Compile
- Open xcode/TestSkia/TestSkia.xcodeproj
- Build and run
- The console will print the IP addresses available. Connect to repl on your device using the IP address and port 23456.
- Hack away!
Hello World!
(require '[membrane.ui :as ui])
(require '[com.phronemophobic.mobiletest.membrane :refer
(def red [1 0 0])
(reset! main-view
(ui/translate 50 100
(ui/with-color red
(ui/label "Hello World!"
(ui/font nil 42)))))
Simple Counter
(require '[membrane.ui :as ui])
(require '[com.phronemophobic.mobiletest.membrane :refer
(def my-count (atom 0))
(defn counter-view []
(ui/translate 50 100
(fn [pos]
(swap! my-count inc)
(ui/label (str "the count "
(ui/font nil 42)))))
(add-watch my-count ::update-view (fn [k ref old updated]
(reset! main-view (counter-view))))
(reset! my-count 0)
Basic Drawing
(require '[membrane.ui :as ui])
(require '[com.phronemophobic.mobiletest.membrane :refer
(def pixels (atom []))
(defn view []
(fn [pos]
(swap! pixels conj pos))
[(ui/rectangle 600 800)
(into []
(map (fn [[x y]]
(ui/translate x y
(ui/with-color [0 0 1 1]
(ui/rectangle 10 10)))))
(add-watch pixels ::update-view (fn [k ref old updated]
(reset! main-view (view))))
(reset! pixels [])
Found in examples/
examples/ants - Classic ant sim
examples/gol - Game of Life
examples/objc - Objective-c interop
t3tr0s-bare - Tetris
snake - Snake
Questions? Comments? Connect with us on clojurians slack in #graalvm-mobile (join here).
Copyright © 2021 Adrian
Distributed under the GPLv2 License. See LICENSE.