Utility to read emails written by Zend Framework File Mail Transport (a transport to write mails into files rather than sending them). Scenario: set the Zend testing environment to use the file transport, then assert that mails have been sent using these libraries.
Compatible with ZF1 and ZF2
Valid to read any email with headers written in separate files inside a directory
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use Ec\File\DirectoryRegexIterator;
use Ec\EmailLogReader\MailEntry;
use Ec\EmailLogReader\MailDirectoryIterator;
$itFiles = new DirectoryRegexIterator(
new \DirectoryIterator('/path/to/saved-mails'),
'#^ZendMail_#' //this is the default prefix used by Zend_Mail_Transport_File
$itMails = new MailDirectoryIterator($itFiles);
foreach ($itMails as $mail) { /* @var $mail MailEntry */
echo "Mail for {$entry->getTo()} with subject {$entry->getSubject()} \n";