- Filter the countries table by typing in the text field. Change the filtering column by choosing it with the 'filter by' selector. You can also rotate filtering columns by continuously pressing either '/' or '\' (backwards rotation) inside the text field.
- Press 'Esc' to clear the text field.
- Open the country details screen by clicking a corresponding flag icon in a table row
- Sort countries by population using the 'asc', 'desc', and 'reset' buttons
When working on the solution I had several goals:
- I went for a minimalistic UI design that stays within the requirements and at the same time has some practical value. Also I wanted this small program to be very easy to use
- From the design perspective I followed SOLID design principles and functional programming best practices.
- I also covered most of the functionality with unit tests using testing library that makes it easier to use behavioral driven testing
The main goal of this assessment is to create a React Application using TypeScript in order to show a list of countries, and then showing for each country the data associated to it.
Fork the current repository and start the skeleton executing the following scripts:
yarn install
yarn start
The application provides a basic setup using Create React App with a typescript template.
The description of the API is available here
During the implementation, you must accomplish the following functional and technical requirements
- You must use Hooks and Functional Components
- You must use TypeScript for typing your methods, your components and the data structures associated
- You must not use any third party JavaScript utility libraries
- You can use any style approach you prefer (CSS, CSS Preprocessors, Styled Components, etc.)
- You can use any library you like for fetching the data (also the builtin fetch would be totally fine)
- You can use any testing library for unit testing some of your code (Jest is already setup in the project and ready to be executed through the command
yarn test
Show a main page with the list of countries, allowing filtering and sorting (asc/desc) by the population of the capital city of the country
Selecting a country, show the following information of the country:
- Capital City with the related info
- Language
- Currency
Provide a way to filter out countries by name or code
Provide a way to sort countries (asc/desc) by the population of its capital city
Add tests associated to the filter and sorting features
Add styles for displaying the items in a user friendly way