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Expressive Theme: research

photodow edited this page Jul 30, 2021 · 2 revisions
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This document is to understand and establish requirements for base type size based on our users to inform the type theming design and development.

IBM Customers

Z system persona

Z systems main customers are system admins, which require years of experience. According to a survey, they start feeling comfortable in their roles after 10 years.

Role Age
Sr. systems programmer/admin 50+
Mid-level systems programmer 35+
Entry-level programmer 22+

Main user journey personas

The Journey System team identified the following four main user persona groups, and their age distribution is as follows.

1. Biz leaders

Role Avg age Ref
CFO 50.7 ref
CMO 52 ref

2. Tech leaders

Role Avg age Ref
CTO 44 ref
CIO 49.5 ref

3. Developers

Age Percentage Ref
20-39 17.7% ref
40+ 17.4% ref

4. Business analyst

Role Avg age Ref
Business analyst 41.3 years ref

General workforce within the industry

Age group Percentage
16-20 5%
21-36 35%
37-52 33%
53-71 25%
72+ 2%


Accessibility is not just about color contrast and color blindness. It's also about age, vision, cognitive abilities.


  • Need to maintain minimum 16px

  • Choose minimum 16px

  • The default paragraph font size is 19px on large screens and 16px on small screens.

Designing for ADHD

  • In terms of size, 12-point (= 16px) is often suggested for use on a screen

Base type size

General web resources

The Responsive Website Font Size Guidelines

  • When the user taps on input field with label smaller than 14px, it zooms in.

16 Pixels Font Size: For Body Copy. Anything Less Is A Costly Mistake

  • At age 40, only half the light gets through to the retina as it did at age 20. For 60-year-olds, it’s just 20%.
  • Nearly 9% of Americans are visually impaired, meaning their vision cannot be completely corrected with lenses.


  • generally agreed upon size is 16px

Designing for seniors

the best font size for the web

Desktop, 104PPI at 23 inches

Times Arial
Min 14pt 19px 12pt 16px 🔹
Reco 18pt 24px 15pt 21px

Laptop, 121PPI at 14 inches

Times Arial
Min 10pt 14px 9pt 12px
Reco 13pt 17px 11pt 15px

Phone, 167PPI at 14 inches

Times Arial
Min 14pt 19px 12pt 16px 🔹
Reco 18pt 24px 15pt 21px

Component size

  • Are we okay with mixing 16px body and 14px components?


  • Body + component pairing
  • URX
  • Checkout
  • Search


  • is it more of the website issue?
  • general type size theming

Website guidelines

Design guideline drafts (6)
Design office hours (1)
Publishing guidelines (5)

Functional specs

Layout component (35)
Service (3)
UI component (32)
Utility (4)

Additional components

Carbon component (16)
Design only (10)
Feature flag (3)
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