Python frieze generator.
We recomment using a venv environment to install the required packages and run the program. However, this is choosen by the user.
First of all, some packages may need to be installed:
pip install -r requirements.txt
The Hermann-Mauguin notation is used to describe the seven frieze groups.
usage: friezy_peasy [-h] image-path destiny-path pattern N
Frieze images generator
positional arguments:
image-path Path to the image used to generate the frieze.
destiny-path Path to the file where the generated image will be saved.
pattern IUCr frieze pattern group that will be used to generate the frieze.
N Number of times the resulting frieze image will be repeated.
-h, --help show this help message and exit
To generate a p2 (only halfturns) frieze with six repetitions of the motif:
python3 -m friezy_peasy img/image.jpg dest/result.jpg p2 6