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A false step; a stumble; a misstep; a loss of footing or balance. Fig.: An error; a failure; a mistake. [1913 Webster]

Find here the source for "trip", a program that can intentionally simulate failing C library function invocations.

$ trip mkdir some-program-that-creates-a-directory
mkdir: Too many links

The utility uses LD_PRELOAD to intercept libc function calls and "trip" them by immediately returning an error code. For more details, please read the "trip" manual page (trip.1 in this directory).


On a GNU/Linux system, you should be able to build and install in a single make call:

$ make install

Note that by default this will install trip and the trip man page under ~/.local, so you should check if ~/.local/bin is in your PATH. If you run the above command as the super user,

$ make
# make install

then the Makefile with install "trip" globally, targeting /usr/local. If neither of the two fit your preferred designation, you can always override the PREFIX macro while invoking make:

$ make -e PREFIX=/some/other/directory


Trip is currently developed on a GitLab instance and mirrored on Codeberg, but I am fine with accepting patches sent directly to me via Email. Keep in mind that the program is currently still experimental and does not always behave the way it should. If you experience any such difficulties, do not hesitate to reach out so to solve the problem.