django-genshi-template is a template backend that allows you to use Genshi with Django 1.8+
- The following context variable are already pre-configured and usable:
- 'static' # staticfiles_storage.url
- 'url' # reverse
- 'request' # request
- 'csrf_input' # csrf_input_lazy(request)
- 'csrf_token' # csrf_token_lazy(request)
In your, change the TEMPLATE section to the following:
TEMPLATES = [ { 'BACKEND': 'django_genshi_template.backends.genshi.Genshi', 'DIRS': [], 'APP_DIRS': True, 'OPTIONS': { 'auto_reload': False, 'app_dirname': 'genshi', 'serialization': 'html', 'doctype': 'html', }, }, ]
How do I add additional context variables or functions that are available to every template?
Define a receiver function of the signal template_render and add context variables:
from django.dispatch import receiver from django_template_backend_genshi import template_render @receiver(template_render) def add_render_globals(sender, **kwargs): genshi_context = kwargs['genshi_context'] request = genshi_context['request'] genshi_context['mynewvar'] = type(request)