This module will deploy Kubernetes utils on an already-existing EKS cluster, those are the following components:
- AWS EFS CSI Drivers for ReadWriteMany Kubernetes support. (Optional)
- Kubernetes autoscaler across all the subnets provided in private_subnets and their respective AZs.
- Kubernetes Dashboard
- Certificate Manager for Let's Encrypt certificates on non-ELB Ingress components
- External DNS for integration with Route 53
- Fluent Bit for Cloudwatch Logs
- Cloudwatch Metrics
- SSM Session Manager access instead of Bastion host access. (Not sure it works anymore)
- Cloudwatch alarms for EFS-related metrics (including loss of credits)
- Cloudwatch alarms for Tx instance type loss of credits.
- Autoscaling operations notifications to Slack.
EKS version v1.18+
- AWS CLI tools installed (the
command). kubectl
tool.- Helm > v3.2
- (Optional) Local installation of Istio as per config location:
These are the parameters supported by this module
Name | Type | Default | Description | Required |
cluster_name | string |
Name of the EKS cluster. Also used as a prefix in names of related resources. | yes | |
vpc_id | string |
ID of the VPC this project is going to be deployed on | yes | |
oidc_provider_arn | string |
ARN of the OIDC provider of the K8s cluster. Used for authentication. This value is given by the EKS creation process and it's used for IAM role creation | yes | |
cluster_oidc_issuer_url | string |
URL of the OIDC issuer of the K8s cluster, Used for authentication. This value is given by the EKS creation process and it's used for IAM role creation. | yes | |
cluster_endpoint | string |
The endpoint for your EKS Kubernetes API. | yes | |
kubeconfig_filename | string |
The filename of the generated kubectl config. | yes | |
dns_public_zone_names | list(string) |
[] |
The zone names of AWS route53 zones that external-dns, cert-manager, base services use. First in the list is the Primary for internal services | no |
dns_private_suffix | string |
internal |
Private dns zone suffix for the cluster ({cluster_name}.{dns_private_suffix}) | no |
cert_manager_enabled | bool |
false |
deploy cert-manager ( | no |
cert_manager_chart_version | string |
v1.0.3 |
The Helm chart version of cert-manager (chart repo: | no |
cert_manager_lets_encrypt_cluster_issuer_enabled | bool |
true |
Create default Lets encrypt cluster issuers | no |
cert_manager_lets_encrypt_notification_email | string |
"" |
Lets encrypt certificate email notifications. default LetsEncrypt cluster issuers will not get created without this | no |
cert_manager_lets_encrypt_default_certificate_type | string |
staging |
default cluster issuer type this can be staging or production |
no |
aws_lb_ingress_enabled | bool |
false |
Additional IAM roles to add to the aws-auth configmap. See examples/basiπc/ for example format. | no |
aws_lb_ingress_chart_version | string |
Check defaults in | The Helm chart version of aws-alb-ingress-controller (chart repo: | no |
aws_lb_ingress_app_version | string |
Check defaults in | The version of aws-alb-ingress-controller (repo: | yes |
cluster_autoscaler_enabled | bool |
false |
Deploy Cluster Autoscaler ( group. | yes |
cluster_autoscaler_chart_version | string |
Check defaults in | The Helm chart version of Cluster Autoscaler (chart repo: | no |
cluster_autoscaler_image_tag | string |
Check defaults in | The version of Cluster Autoscaler (repo: | no |
cluster_autoscaler_extra_arguments | string |
"" |
Additional container arguments for K8s Autoscaler in an HCL map. Changes how Autoscaler takes decisions. Possible values at | no |
external_dns_enabled | bool |
false |
Deploy external_dns ( | no |
external_dns_chart_version | string |
Check defaults in | The Helm chart version of external_dns (chart repo: | no |
istio_enabled | bool |
false |
Deploy istio ( | no |
istio_version | string |
Check defaults in | The version of Istio to deploy. This is pass as the docker tag | no |
istio_request_auth_enabled | bool |
false |
Create RequestAuthentication resource and limits to tokens with cluster audiences | no |
istio_oauth_issuer | string |
"" |
The OAuth issuer for token verification. For auth0 this is the tennant URL | no |
istio_oauth_jwks_uri | string |
"" |
The OAuth JWKS url for token verification against issuer public key | no |
knative_enabled | bool |
false |
Deploy knative ( | no |
knative_version | string |
Check defaults in | The version of knative | no |
kong_ingress_enabled | bool |
false |
Deploy kong_ingress ( | no |
kong_ingress_chart_version | string |
Check defaults in | The Helm chart version of kong_ingress (chart repo: | no |
ambassador_ingress_enabled | bool |
false |
Deploy Ambassador Ingress ( | no |
ambassador_ingress_chart_version | string |
Check defaults in | The Helm chart version of Ambassador Ingress (chart repo: | no |
ambassador_oauth_enabled | bool |
false |
Enable an Oauth2 filter on the Ambassador Ingress controller | no |
ambassador_oauth_protected_hosts | list(any) |
[""] |
List of hostnames protected by oauth filter. | no |
ambassador_oauth_url | string |
"" |
OAuth root url. For Auth0 this is https://{tentant} | no |
ambassador_oauth_client_id | string |
"" |
OAuth Client ID | no |
ambassador_oauth_client_secret | string |
"" |
OAuth Client Secret | no |
kubernetes_dashboard_enabled | bool |
"" |
Deploy Kubernetes Dashboard ( | no |
kubernetes_dashboard_chart_version | string |
Check defaults in | The Helm chart version of Kubernetes Dashboard (chart repo: | no |
kubernetes_dashboard_ingress_enabled | bool |
false |
Enable ingress for Kubernetes Dashboard. | no |
kubernetes_dashboard_ingress_class | string |
ambassador |
Ingress class for Kubernetes Dashboard. | no |
kubernetes_dashboard_ingress_hostname | string |
"" |
Ingress hostname for Kubernetes Dashboard. | no |
efs_enabled | bool |
false |
Deploy AWS EFS CSI driver ( | no |
aws_efs_chart_version | string |
Check defaults in | The Helm chart version of AWS EFS CSI driver (chart repo: | no |
fluentbit_cloudwatchlogs_enabled | bool |
false |
Deploy fluent bit for EKS ( | no |
fluentbit_cloudwatchlogs_chart_version | string |
Check defaults in | The Helm chart version of AWS for fluent bit Helm chart ( | no |
fluentbit_cloudwatchlogs_image_tag | string |
Check defaults in | The app version of AWS for fluent bit ( | no |
fluentbit_cloudwatchlogs_log_group_name | string |
"" |
The name of the Log Group used to store all the logs in Cloudwatch Logs | yes (if installed) |
fluentbit_cloudwatchlogs_retention_in_days | number |
Specifies the number of days you want to retain log events in the specified log group. Possible values are: 1, 3, 5, 7, 14, 30, 60, 90, 120, 150, 180, 365, 400, 545, 731, 1827, 3653, and 0. If you select 0, the events in the log group are always retained and never expire. | yes (if installed) | |
fluentbit_cloudwatchlogs_toleration_noschedule | list(string) |
[] |
List of keys to add to pod tolerations (e.g.: It will be added as 'operator: Exists' and 'effect: NoSchedule' | no |
cloudwatch_metrics_enabled | bool |
false |
Deploy AWS Cloudwatch metrics agent for EKS ( | no |
cloudwatch_metrics_chart_version | string |
Check defaults in | The Helm chart version of aws-cloudwatch-metrics Helm chart ( | no |
cloudwatch_metrics_image_tag | string |
Check defaults in | The app version of AWS Cloudwatch metrics agent for EKS ( | no |
For a complete list please check in the
The module outputs the following:
Name | Description |