A full-stack technical challenge I took too seriously, with asynchronous Vue.js on the front end and Sinatra on the back.
(Also with an Elixir Phoenix back end)
- Write a web app that will accept CSV files in three slightly different formats and display them as a sortable table.
Try it here with one of the test files below.
Test files (right click then select, "Save link as"):
Since the project was so simple and didn't call for any persistence, I felt like it was a great case for Sinatra. I thought it would be fun to submit the files asynchronously and return data via JSON for a single-page app, using Vue.js on the front end.
I used RSpec, Capybara, and Poltergeist for some basic testing. PhantomJS couldn't handle Vue, so I used Webpack and Babel to transpile down so the tests would pass.
To run:
bundle install
To test: