The future home of chadev.com. Woot!
We'll be designing and developing this publicly, so expect to see lots of changes and few bugs ;)
##Adding yourself to the developers list
We invite anyone who identifies as a developer or is interested in becoming a developer in Chattanooga to join our community.
For directions on how to add yourself see the Wiki page
Feel free to contact us via the #chadev IRC channel on freenode, or email [email protected] if you have trouble.
##Instructions for Local Development
To replicate our development environment a number of open source tools are required, specifically:
##Getting Started
###Install Node Simply visit nodejs.org and click on the big green “Install” button.
###Install Gulp Globally
$ npm install -g gulp
###Install Jekyll
$ gem install jekyll
###Install Dependencies
Make sure you're in the root project folder.
$ npm install
###Run Gulp
$ gulp