An irssi plugin to connect to quassel core
You can discuss about it on #quassel-irssi on Freenode.
Huge thanks to QuasselDroid. QuasselDroid protocol code is way easier to read than Quassel's.
First install irssi-dev (on debian-based distributions) or irssi-devel (on rpm distributions), everything needed to compile C code, based on glib2 and git. You might also need SSL libs (libssl-dev on debian) Then:
git clone --recursive
cd quassel-irssi/core
make user_install
Edit ~/.irssi/config and add a quassel chatnet with Quassel type, and your quassel server accordingly:
chatnets = {
quassel_phh = {
type = "Quassel";
servers = (
{ address = ""; port = "4242"; chatnet = "quassel_phh"; password="password"; use_ssl="yes"; }
You may disable ssl if you really need to.
You also need to have your login equal to your nick:
settings = {
core = { nick = "phh"; };
(I'm guessing it's not needed, you can specifiy it on /connect command)
Then, launch irssi, and do:
/load quassel
/connect quassel_phh
(where quassel_phh is the chatnet name)
To automtically connect to it, you can add:
load quassel
connect quassel_phh
in your ~/.irssi/startup
If someone knows how to do all this 100% from irssi text frontend, i'd appreciate it :-)
- quassel-irssi implements behaviours, but linked with the core: the trackbar is synchronized among quassel clients.
- hidden buffers have -1 activity level. compares activity level to awl_hide_data, which by default is set to 0. Meaning,, in its default setting, will only show unhidden buffers.
In appropriate chatnet section (in this example, quassel_phh section), you can add some settings:
- legacy is a boolean to define wether to use the legacy (< 0.10) protocol, or the newer one, which includes compression.
- load_backlog is an integer between 0, 1, 2 to load backlog on connect. 0 means no loading, 1 means loading backlog on unhidden buffers, 2 means loading backlog on all buffers
- backlog_additional is a positive integer to specify how much backlog you want to get. By default, quassel-irssi gets max 150 unread messages per buffer. Setting backlog_additional to X requests X additional messages to the unread messages.
I'm using the following scripts:
- List "open" buffers
- I have many opened buffers, so i do /go chan when i don't have a shortcut to a buffer. Because the channel names in irssi start with X-# where X is the number of network, i deleted the ^ line 104, to be able to just do /go quassel-irssi
If you're using screen, you may want to add
You'll need basic build systems, openssl, irssi, and glib libraries and includes to build this.
For instance on a debian/ubuntu:
apt-get install build-essential libglib2.0-dev irssi-dev libssl-dev
If you don't want to have your password in your config file, you can drop the password="" option and call: /server 0 [yourpassword]