BASE Laundry List
Testing out Milestone feature, and gathering up outstanding items for Balloons and Static Electricity. Design work for implementation to take place should be done by May 31 at the latest.
For some reason, the content of my main issue with the lanudry list checkboxes was lost on Feb 2.
I will not use the Milestones tool anymore. Switching to Project boards.
Testing out Milestone feature, and gathering up outstanding items for Balloons and Static Electricity. Design work for implementation to take place should be done by May 31 at the latest.
For some reason, the content of my main issue with the lanudry list checkboxes was lost on Feb 2.
I will not use the Milestones tool anymore. Switching to Project boards.
This milestone is closed.
No open issues remain. View closed issues or see open milestones in this repository.