gstatsd - A statsd service implementation in Python + gevent.
If you are unfamiliar with statsd, you can read why statsd exists, or look at the NodeJS statsd implementation.
License: Apache 2.0
- Python - I'm testing on 2.6/2.7 at the moment.
- gevent - A libevent wrapper.
- distribute - (or setuptools) for builds.
Show gstatsd help:
% gstatsd -h
Usage: gstatsd [options]
A statsd service in Python + gevent.
--version show program's version number and exit
bind [host]:port (host defaults to '')
-s SINK, --sink=SINK a graphite service to which stats are sent
-v increase verbosity (currently used for debugging)
flush interval, in seconds (default 10)
-p PERCENT, --percent=PERCENT
percent threshold (default 90)
-D, --daemonize daemonize the service
-h, --help
Start gstatsd listening on the default port 8125, and send stats to graphite server on port 2003 every 5 seconds:
% gstatsd -s 2003 -f 5
Bind listener to host 'foo' port 8126, and send stats to the Graphite server on host 'bar' port 2003 every 20 seconds:
% gstatsd -b foo:8126 -s bar:2003 -f 20
To send the stats to multiple graphite servers, specify '-s' multiple times:
% gstatsd -b :8125 -s stats1:2003 -s stats2:2004
The code example below demonstrates using the low-level client interface:
from gstatsd import client
# location of the statsd server
hostport = ('', 8125)
raw = client.StatsClient(hostport)
# add 1 to the 'foo' bucket
# timer 'bar' took 25ms to complete
raw.timer('bar', 25)
You may prefer to use the stateful client:
# wraps the raw client
cli = client.Stats(raw)
timer = cli.get_timer('foo')
... do some work ..
# when .stop() is called, the stat is sent to the server