Sprint 4: Use case for Europe
No due date
100% complete
Include E-OBS, PEP725, Phenocam, MODIS
Area around Germany (?)
Scientifically meaningful experimental setup,
Brainstorm on paper outline
MERF, EBM, MERF+EBM, SKLearn, Pycaret builtins, pyphenology
Also include physical models (should adhere to sklearn API)
Update of documentation
Follow up:
- Mini sprint (wrap up stuff) in August/September
- S…
Include E-OBS, PEP725, Phenocam, MODIS
Area around Germany (?)
Scientifically meaningful experimental setup,
Brainstorm on paper outline
MERF, EBM, MERF+EBM, SKLearn, Pycaret builtins, pyphenology
Also include physical models (should adhere to sklearn API)
Update of documentation
Follow up:
- Mini sprint (wrap up stuff) in August/September
- Sprint 5 (~end of October):
- Evaluation metrics / strategy
- Refactoring/generalizing MERF
- Explainability of ME-EBM
- Dataset loading -> stac/intake/...
- Paper outline
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