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Phone Conference, December 1st 2011

phdeniel edited this page Dec 5, 2011 · 2 revisions

NFS-Ganesha's wikipedia page

JV has started to write a wiki page on NFS-Ganesha (follow this link ). The page has be be approved by wikipedia's authority, any comments and elements are welcome for having the page been approved.

Cache Inode invalidation

A new function cache_inode_invalidate has been added for entry invalidation. It should not operate on a file that holds states for clear reasons (see discussion on the list). A function to check is a file's pentry holds state or not is needed. Frank will provide feedback on this.

API for "refreshing" a dirty entry will be added as well (required to handle the case where a file's pentry holds states but has dirty cached metadata).


Ganesha currently has no improved NFSv4 recovery mechanism (only CLAIM_NULL). A new development will start to have CLAIM_PREVIOUS supported.

Files Delegations

Ganesha has no file's delegation. A new development is started for this feature. It is a "nice to have" feature, but not a critical one. It is important to notice that delegation sometimes enhances the performances and sometimes drops them down.


LinuxBox's code is almost ready. Adam will send elements on this on the list.

FSAL Upcalls

Now that cache_inode_invalidate is ready, it should be used from FSAL Upcalls handlers.

Big Merge + New release

A big merge will be made next week, gathering latest cea+ibm+panasas. Current 'master' will become release 1.2 (on SourceForge).

Miscellaneous topics

IBM has enhanced the "cache_inode_renew_entry" function to deal with multiple servers's coherency. Two more FSAL Upcalls patches will be posted. Jim has a patch that changes ./configure so that every possible flavours of ganesha are build in one step, depending on what is installed on the machine.