I know what my WHY is. I try to get up every day to do something that can give people back their most precious asset, TIME. I believe that thinking differently we can use this finite resource in a better way. The most interesting thing is that we have different ways to be able to give people time back and one of them is to use technology. That's why I'm a Bachelor of Computer Science from the Federal University of Ouro Preto - UFOP. I was president of the junior company Voluta Soluções Digitais - UFOP. President of the Academic Center of the Computer Science Course - UFOP 2013/14. Teacher by the PRONATEC program and by the Let’s Code, programming school. AMP Cognizant / Google specialist and currently front-end developer, founder and CEO at NeXTIME. I am very lucky to have worked in places that have helped me and help me in my why.
- 🦅 Software Engineer NeXTIME @nextimetec
- 🎓 B.Sc. in Computer Science at Ouro Preto University.
- 🎒 Digital nomad.
- 👨🏫 Pursuing knowledge to make incredible dynamic apps, and an Open Source enthusiast.
- 📺 Youtube