Java STX implementation based on Joost 0.9.1 from Licensed under Mozilla Public License 1.1
(and because I heard that XSLT 3 has focus on streaming support)
If you want to take it over, just drop me a note. Find my email address in the pom.xml.
- Using Maven to build
- Integrated jflex and java_cup for consistency
- Upgraded to JUnit 4
- Changed from commons-logging to SLF4J
- Changed from log4j to SLF4J
- Removed commons-discovery in favour of ServiceLoader
- Removed bsf - will use the Java scripting API instead
- Started a JavaCC based parser
- Using generics where applicable
- Remove unnecessary dependencies
- Changed to a more convenient grammar
- Modernize
- Use scripting API
My personal Coding Styleguide | On Twitter: @philiphelger