Repo for simple FOnline Reloaded Modding Tools
A simple script that takes a PSD in Photoshop and splits a single layer of text into single layers for each character. This makes it easy to use the other tool...
This script takes a PSD of single-character text layers and creates an FOFNT file based on those layers for use in FOnline Reloaded. Instead of hand-coding the x/y coords, width, height, and offsets, this script will attempt to infer this information for you. Then, save your PSD as a PNG and add the following to the top of the generated FOFNT file:
Image <Your Png Name>
YAdvance 1
To use either, make sure you have a PSD open in PhotoShop (CS6 used for testing) and go to File - Scripts - Browse and open the script you want to use.
I have no idea what "YAdvance" does
OffsetY is used to give a "baseline" to characters - 'j,' 'q,' etc need a lower OffsetY
XAdvance is the space given to the character in total - so if it's width is 8, it's XAdvance
of 9 would give an additional pixel buffer after the letter (kerning-esque?)
- Version 0.3
- Fixes for antiAliasMethod, defaults font in TextSplit to font properties of source layer (thanks again, b__B)
- Version 0.2
- Fixes for Photoshop CS2 (thanks b__B from FODev)
- Version 0.1
- Intial commit