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Resolve haskell#6281: Add foo:bar syntax to mixins
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phadej committed Jun 17, 2020
1 parent 9b380e2 commit 3435704
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Showing 19 changed files with 216 additions and 51 deletions.
4 changes: 3 additions & 1 deletion Cabal/Cabal-described/src/Distribution/Described.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -431,7 +431,9 @@ instance Described LibVersionInfo where
reDigits = reChars ['0'..'9']

instance Described Mixin where
describe _ = RENamed "package-name" (describe (Proxy :: Proxy PackageName)) <>
describe _ =
RENamed "package-name" (describe (Proxy :: Proxy PackageName)) <>
REOpt (reChar ':' <> RENamed "library-name" (describe (Proxy :: Proxy UnqualComponentName))) <>
REOpt (RESpaces1 <> describe (Proxy :: Proxy IncludeRenaming))

instance Described ModuleName where
Expand Down
42 changes: 15 additions & 27 deletions Cabal/Distribution/Backpack/ConfiguredComponent.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -32,7 +32,6 @@ import Distribution.Types.PackageName
import Distribution.Types.Mixin
import Distribution.Types.ComponentName
import Distribution.Types.LibraryName
import Distribution.Types.UnqualComponentName
import Distribution.Types.ComponentInclude
import Distribution.Package
import Distribution.PackageDescription
Expand All @@ -48,7 +47,8 @@ import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Distribution.Compat.NonEmptySet as NonEmptySet
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Distribution.Pretty
import Text.PrettyPrint
import Text.PrettyPrint (Doc, hang, text, vcat, hsep, quotes, ($$))
import qualified Text.PrettyPrint as PP

-- | A configured component, we know exactly what its 'ComponentId' is,
-- and the 'ComponentId's of the things it depends on.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -112,13 +112,12 @@ mkConfiguredComponent
mkConfiguredComponent pkg_descr this_cid lib_deps exe_deps component = do
-- Resolve each @mixins@ into the actual dependency
-- from @lib_deps@.
explicit_includes <- forM (mixins bi) $ \(Mixin name rns) -> do
let keys = fixFakePkgName pkg_descr name
aid <- case Map.lookup keys deps_map of
explicit_includes <- forM (mixins bi) $ \(Mixin pn ln rns) -> do
aid <- case Map.lookup (pn, CLibName ln) deps_map of
Nothing ->
dieProgress $
text "Mix-in refers to non-existent package" <+>
quotes (pretty name) $$
text "Mix-in refers to non-existent library" <+>
quotes (pretty pn <<>> prettyLN ln) $$
text "(did you forget to add the package to build-depends?)"
Just r -> return r
return ComponentInclude {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -150,9 +149,17 @@ mkConfiguredComponent pkg_descr this_cid lib_deps exe_deps component = do
cc_includes = explicit_includes ++ implicit_includes
bi :: BuildInfo
bi = componentBuildInfo component

prettyLN :: LibraryName -> Doc
prettyLN LMainLibName = PP.empty
prettyLN (LSubLibName n) = PP.colon <<>> pretty n

deps_map :: Map (PackageName, ComponentName) (AnnotatedId ComponentId)
deps_map = Map.fromList [ ((packageName dep, ann_cname dep), dep)
| dep <- lib_deps ]

is_public = componentName component == CLibName LMainLibName

type ConfiguredComponentMap =
Expand All @@ -179,10 +186,7 @@ toConfiguredComponent pkg_descr this_cid lib_dep_map exe_dep_map component = do
-- Return all library components
forM (NonEmptySet.toList sublibs) $ \lib ->
let comp = CLibName lib in
case Map.lookup (CLibName $ LSubLibName $
packageNameToUnqualComponentName name) pkg
<|> Map.lookup comp pkg
case Map.lookup comp pkg of
Nothing ->
dieProgress $
text "Dependency on unbuildable" <+>
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -302,19 +306,3 @@ newPackageDepsBehaviourMinVersion = CabalSpecV1_8
newPackageDepsBehaviour :: PackageDescription -> Bool
newPackageDepsBehaviour pkg =
specVersion pkg >= newPackageDepsBehaviourMinVersion

-- | 'build-depends:' stanzas are currently ambiguous as the external packages
-- and internal libraries are specified the same. For now, we assume internal
-- libraries shadow, and this function disambiguates accordingly, but soon the
-- underlying ambiguity will be addressed.
-- Multiple public libraries (cabal 3.0) added an unambiguous way of specifying
-- sublibraries, but we still have to support the old syntax for bc reasons.
fixFakePkgName :: PackageDescription -> PackageName -> (PackageName, ComponentName)
fixFakePkgName pkg_descr pn =
if subLibName `elem` internalLibraries
then (packageName pkg_descr, CLibName (LSubLibName subLibName))
else (pn, CLibName LMainLibName )
subLibName = packageNameToUnqualComponentName pn
internalLibraries = mapMaybe (libraryNameString . libName)
(allLibraries pkg_descr)
32 changes: 27 additions & 5 deletions Cabal/Distribution/PackageDescription/Parsec.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ import Distribution.Fields.LexerMonad (LexWarning, toPWarnings)
import Distribution.Fields.Parser
import Distribution.Fields.ParseResult
import Distribution.PackageDescription
import Distribution.PackageDescription.Configuration (freeVars, transformAllBuildDependsN)
import Distribution.PackageDescription.Configuration (freeVars, transformAllBuildInfos)
import Distribution.PackageDescription.FieldGrammar
import Distribution.PackageDescription.Quirks (patchQuirks)
import Distribution.Parsec (parsec, simpleParsecBS)
Expand All @@ -56,6 +56,7 @@ import Distribution.Parsec.Position (Position (..), zeroPos)
import Distribution.Parsec.Warning (PWarnType (..))
import Distribution.Pretty (prettyShow)
import Distribution.Simple.Utils (fromUTF8BS, toUTF8BS)
import Distribution.Types.Mixin (Mixin (..), mkMixin)
import Distribution.Utils.Generic (breakMaybe, unfoldrM, validateUTF8)
import Distribution.Verbosity (Verbosity)
import Distribution.Version (Version, mkVersion, versionNumbers)
Expand All @@ -71,6 +72,7 @@ import qualified Distribution.Types.Executable.Lens as L
import qualified Distribution.Types.ForeignLib.Lens as L
import qualified Distribution.Types.GenericPackageDescription.Lens as L
import qualified Distribution.Types.PackageDescription.Lens as L
import qualified Distribution.Types.SetupBuildInfo.Lens as L
import qualified Text.Parsec as P

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -727,14 +729,25 @@ checkForUndefinedFlags gpd = do
-- i.e. what you write is what you get;
-- For pre-3.4 we post-process the file.
-- Similarly, we process mixins.
-- See

postProcessInternalDeps :: CabalSpecVersion -> GenericPackageDescription -> GenericPackageDescription
postProcessInternalDeps specVer gpd
| specVer >= CabalSpecV3_4 = gpd
| otherwise = transformAllBuildDependsN (concatMap f) gpd
| otherwise = transformAllBuildInfos transformBI transformSBI gpd
f :: Dependency -> [Dependency]
f (Dependency pn vr ln)
transformBI :: BuildInfo -> BuildInfo
= over L.targetBuildDepends (concatMap transformD)
. over L.mixins (map transformM)

transformSBI :: SetupBuildInfo -> SetupBuildInfo
transformSBI = over L.setupDepends (concatMap transformD)

transformD :: Dependency -> [Dependency]
transformD (Dependency pn vr ln)
| uqn `Set.member` internalLibs
, LMainLibName `NES.member` ln
= case NES.delete LMainLibName ln of
Expand All @@ -744,7 +757,16 @@ postProcessInternalDeps specVer gpd
uqn = packageNameToUnqualComponentName pn
dep = Dependency thisPn vr (NES.singleton (LSubLibName uqn))

f d = [d]
transformD d = [d]

transformM :: Mixin -> Mixin
transformM (Mixin pn LMainLibName incl)
| uqn `Set.member` internalLibs
= mkMixin thisPn (LSubLibName uqn) incl
uqn = packageNameToUnqualComponentName pn

transformM m = m

thisPn :: PackageName
thisPn = pkgName (package (packageDescription gpd))
Expand Down
40 changes: 29 additions & 11 deletions Cabal/Distribution/Types/GenericPackageDescription.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}

module Distribution.Types.GenericPackageDescription (
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -74,14 +75,31 @@ emptyGenericPackageDescription = GenericPackageDescription emptyPackageDescripti
-- Traversal Instances

instance L.HasBuildInfos GenericPackageDescription where
traverseBuildInfos f (GenericPackageDescription p v a1 x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6) =
<$> L.traverseBuildInfos f p
<*> pure v
<*> pure a1
<*> (traverse . traverse . L.buildInfo) f x1
<*> (traverse . L._2 . traverse . L.buildInfo) f x2
<*> (traverse . L._2 . traverse . L.buildInfo) f x3
<*> (traverse . L._2 . traverse . L.buildInfo) f x4
<*> (traverse . L._2 . traverse . L.buildInfo) f x5
<*> (traverse . L._2 . traverse . L.buildInfo) f x6
traverseBuildInfos f (GenericPackageDescription p v a1 x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6) =
<$> L.traverseBuildInfos f p
<*> pure v
<*> pure a1
<*> (traverse . traverseCondTreeBuildInfo) f x1
<*> (traverse . L._2 . traverseCondTreeBuildInfo) f x2
<*> (traverse . L._2 . traverseCondTreeBuildInfo) f x3
<*> (traverse . L._2 . traverseCondTreeBuildInfo) f x4
<*> (traverse . L._2 . traverseCondTreeBuildInfo) f x5
<*> (traverse . L._2 . traverseCondTreeBuildInfo) f x6

-- We use this traversal to keep [Dependency] field in CondTree up to date.
:: forall f comp v. (Applicative f, L.HasBuildInfo comp)
=> LensLike' f (CondTree v [Dependency] comp) L.BuildInfo
traverseCondTreeBuildInfo g = node where
mkCondNode :: comp -> [CondBranch v [Dependency] comp] -> CondTree v [Dependency] comp
mkCondNode comp branches = CondNode comp (view L.targetBuildDepends comp) branches

node (CondNode comp _ branches) = mkCondNode
<$> L.buildInfo g comp
<*> traverse branch branches

branch (CondBranch v x y) = CondBranch v
<$> node x
<*> traverse node y
57 changes: 54 additions & 3 deletions Cabal/Distribution/Types/Mixin.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,19 +3,31 @@

module Distribution.Types.Mixin (
) where

import Distribution.Compat.Prelude
import Prelude ()

import Distribution.CabalSpecVersion
import Distribution.Parsec
import Distribution.Pretty
import Distribution.Types.IncludeRenaming
import Distribution.Types.LibraryName
import Distribution.Types.PackageName
import Distribution.Types.UnqualComponentName

import qualified Distribution.Compat.CharParsing as P
import qualified Text.PrettyPrint as PP

-- |
-- /Invariant:/ if 'mixinLibraryName' is 'LSubLibName', it's not
-- the same as 'mixinPackageName'. In other words,
-- the same invariant as 'Dependency' has.
data Mixin = Mixin { mixinPackageName :: PackageName
, mixinLibraryName :: LibraryName
, mixinIncludeRenaming :: IncludeRenaming }
deriving (Show, Read, Eq, Ord, Typeable, Data, Generic)

Expand All @@ -25,11 +37,50 @@ instance Structured Mixin
instance NFData Mixin where rnf = genericRnf

instance Pretty Mixin where
pretty (Mixin pkg_name incl) = pretty pkg_name <+> pretty incl
pretty (Mixin pn LMainLibName incl) = pretty pn <+> pretty incl
pretty (Mixin pn (LSubLibName ln) incl) = pretty pn <<>> PP.colon <<>> pretty ln <+> pretty incl

-- |
-- >>> simpleParsec "mylib" :: Maybe Mixin
-- Just (Mixin {mixinPackageName = PackageName "mylib", mixinLibraryName = LMainLibName, mixinIncludeRenaming = IncludeRenaming {includeProvidesRn = DefaultRenaming, includeRequiresRn = DefaultRenaming}})
-- >>> simpleParsec "thatlib:sublib" :: Maybe Mixin
-- Just (Mixin {mixinPackageName = PackageName "thatlib", mixinLibraryName = LSubLibName (UnqualComponentName "sublib"), mixinIncludeRenaming = IncludeRenaming {includeProvidesRn = DefaultRenaming, includeRequiresRn = DefaultRenaming}})
-- >>> simpleParsec "thatlib:thatlib" :: Maybe Mixin
-- Just (Mixin {mixinPackageName = PackageName "thatlib", mixinLibraryName = LMainLibName, mixinIncludeRenaming = IncludeRenaming {includeProvidesRn = DefaultRenaming, includeRequiresRn = DefaultRenaming}})
-- Sublibrary syntax is accepted since @cabal-version: 3.4@.
-- >>> map (`simpleParsec'` "mylib:sub") [CabalSpecV3_0, CabalSpecV3_4] :: [Maybe Mixin]
-- [Nothing,Just (Mixin {mixinPackageName = PackageName "mylib", mixinLibraryName = LSubLibName (UnqualComponentName "sub"), mixinIncludeRenaming = IncludeRenaming {includeProvidesRn = DefaultRenaming, includeRequiresRn = DefaultRenaming}})]
instance Parsec Mixin where
parsec = do
mod_name <- parsec
pn <- parsec
ln <- P.option LMainLibName $ do
_ <- P.char ':'
parsecWarning PWTExperimental "colon specifier is experimental feature (issue #5660)"
LSubLibName <$> parsec
incl <- parsec
return (Mixin mod_name incl)
return (mkMixin pn ln incl)

versionGuardMultilibs :: CabalParsing m => m ()
versionGuardMultilibs = do
csv <- askCabalSpecVersion
when (csv < CabalSpecV3_4) $ fail $ unwords
[ "Sublibrary mixin syntax used."
, "To use this syntax the package needs to specify at least 'cabal-version: 3.4'."

-- | Smart constructor of 'Mixin', enforces invariant.
mkMixin :: PackageName -> LibraryName -> IncludeRenaming -> Mixin
mkMixin pn (LSubLibName uqn) incl
| packageNameToUnqualComponentName pn == uqn
= Mixin pn LMainLibName incl
mkMixin pn ln incl
= Mixin pn ln incl
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions Cabal/doc/buildinfo-fields-reference.rst
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -197,7 +197,7 @@ build-depends
* Documentation of :pkg-field:`build-depends`

.. math::
\mathrm{commalist}\left(\mathop{\mathit{pkg\text{-}name}}{\left(\mathop{\mathord{``}\mathtt{\text{:}}\mathord{"}}\left\{ \mathop{\mathit{unqual\text{-}name}}\mid\mathop{\mathord{``}\mathtt{\{}\mathord{"}}\circ{\mathop{\mathit{unqual\text{-}name}}}^\ast_{\left(\circ\mathop{\mathord{``}\mathtt{\text{,}}\mathord{"}}\circ\right)}\circ\mathop{\mathord{``}\mathtt{\}}\mathord{"}} \right\}\right)}^?{\left(\circ\mathop{\mathit{version\text{-}range}}\right)}^?\right)
\mathrm{commalist}\left(\mathop{\mathit{pkg\text{-}name}}{\left(\mathop{\mathord{``}\mathtt{\text{:}}\mathord{"}}\left\{ \mathop{\mathit{unqual\text{-}name}}\mid\mathop{\mathord{``}\mathtt{\{}\mathord{"}}\circ{\mathop{\mathit{unqual\text{-}name}}}^+_{\left(\circ\mathop{\mathord{``}\mathtt{\text{,}}\mathord{"}}\circ\right)}\circ\mathop{\mathord{``}\mathtt{\}}\mathord{"}} \right\}\right)}^?{\left(\circ\mathop{\mathit{version\text{-}range}}\right)}^?\right)
* Monoidal field
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -452,7 +452,7 @@ mixins
* Documentation of :pkg-field:`mixins`

.. math::
\mathrm{commalist}\left(\mathop{\mathit{package\text{-}name}}{\left(\bullet\left\{ \mid\mathop{\mathord{``}\mathtt{hiding}\mathord{"}}\circ\mathop{\mathord{``}\mathtt{\text{(}}\mathord{"}}\circ{\mathop{\mathit{module\text{-}name}}}^\ast_{\left(\circ\mathop{\mathord{``}\mathtt{\text{,}}\mathord{"}}\circ\right)}\circ\mathop{\mathord{``}\mathtt{\text{)}}\mathord{"}}\mid\mathop{\mathord{``}\mathtt{\text{(}}\mathord{"}}\circ{\left(\mathop{\mathit{module\text{-}name}}{\left(\bullet\mathop{\mathord{``}\mathtt{as}\mathord{"}}\bullet\mathop{\mathit{module\text{-}name}}\right)}^?\right)}^\ast_{\left(\circ\mathop{\mathord{``}\mathtt{\text{,}}\mathord{"}}\circ\right)}\circ\mathop{\mathord{``}\mathtt{\text{)}}\mathord{"}} \right\}{\left(\circ\mathop{\mathord{``}\mathtt{requires}\mathord{"}}\bullet\left\{ \mid\mathop{\mathord{``}\mathtt{hiding}\mathord{"}}\circ\mathop{\mathord{``}\mathtt{\text{(}}\mathord{"}}\circ{\mathop{\mathit{module\text{-}name}}}^\ast_{\left(\circ\mathop{\mathord{``}\mathtt{\text{,}}\mathord{"}}\circ\right)}\circ\mathop{\mathord{``}\mathtt{\text{)}}\mathord{"}}\mid\mathop{\mathord{``}\mathtt{\text{(}}\mathord{"}}\circ{\left(\mathop{\mathit{module\text{-}name}}{\left(\bullet\mathop{\mathord{``}\mathtt{as}\mathord{"}}\bullet\mathop{\mathit{module\text{-}name}}\right)}^?\right)}^\ast_{\left(\circ\mathop{\mathord{``}\mathtt{\text{,}}\mathord{"}}\circ\right)}\circ\mathop{\mathord{``}\mathtt{\text{)}}\mathord{"}} \right\}\right)}^?\right)}^?\right)
\mathrm{commalist}\left(\mathop{\mathit{package\text{-}name}}{\left(\mathop{\mathord{``}\mathtt{\text{:}}\mathord{"}}\mathop{\mathit{library\text{-}name}}\right)}^?{\left(\bullet\left\{ \mid\mathop{\mathord{``}\mathtt{hiding}\mathord{"}}\circ\mathop{\mathord{``}\mathtt{\text{(}}\mathord{"}}\circ{\mathop{\mathit{module\text{-}name}}}^\ast_{\left(\circ\mathop{\mathord{``}\mathtt{\text{,}}\mathord{"}}\circ\right)}\circ\mathop{\mathord{``}\mathtt{\text{)}}\mathord{"}}\mid\mathop{\mathord{``}\mathtt{\text{(}}\mathord{"}}\circ{\left(\mathop{\mathit{module\text{-}name}}{\left(\bullet\mathop{\mathord{``}\mathtt{as}\mathord{"}}\bullet\mathop{\mathit{module\text{-}name}}\right)}^?\right)}^\ast_{\left(\circ\mathop{\mathord{``}\mathtt{\text{,}}\mathord{"}}\circ\right)}\circ\mathop{\mathord{``}\mathtt{\text{)}}\mathord{"}} \right\}{\left(\circ\mathop{\mathord{``}\mathtt{requires}\mathord{"}}\bullet\left\{ \mid\mathop{\mathord{``}\mathtt{hiding}\mathord{"}}\circ\mathop{\mathord{``}\mathtt{\text{(}}\mathord{"}}\circ{\mathop{\mathit{module\text{-}name}}}^\ast_{\left(\circ\mathop{\mathord{``}\mathtt{\text{,}}\mathord{"}}\circ\right)}\circ\mathop{\mathord{``}\mathtt{\text{)}}\mathord{"}}\mid\mathop{\mathord{``}\mathtt{\text{(}}\mathord{"}}\circ{\left(\mathop{\mathit{module\text{-}name}}{\left(\bullet\mathop{\mathord{``}\mathtt{as}\mathord{"}}\bullet\mathop{\mathit{module\text{-}name}}\right)}^?\right)}^\ast_{\left(\circ\mathop{\mathord{``}\mathtt{\text{,}}\mathord{"}}\circ\right)}\circ\mathop{\mathord{``}\mathtt{\text{)}}\mathord{"}} \right\}\right)}^?\right)}^?\right)
* Monoidal field
Expand Down
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions Cabal/tests/ParserTests/regressions/mixin-1.expr
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -58,6 +58,7 @@ GenericPackageDescription
includeRequiresRn = DefaultRenaming},
mixinLibraryName = LMainLibName,
mixinPackageName = PackageName
Expand All @@ -69,6 +70,7 @@ GenericPackageDescription
includeRequiresRn = DefaultRenaming},
mixinLibraryName = LMainLibName,
mixinPackageName = PackageName
oldExtensions = [],
Expand Down

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