The code and jupyter notebooks to go along with the manuscript: Comparison of the Cellular and Molecular Atlases of the Macaque and Mouse Dorsal Horns. This github details the analysis performed on single nucleus RNA-seq data sampled from the Rhesus macaque dorsal. The resulting analysis yielded precise gene markers for all neural cell types in the macaque dorsal horn and a comparison of the expression patterns with their homologous mouse cell types. You can follow along the analysis with the Jupyter notebooks below.
The rest of the requirements can be found below:
- python : conda_env.yml
- R: R_installed_packages.csv
The analysis was composed of the following steps and can be viewed in the analysis jupyer notebooks.
Computational Step | Associated Notebook |
Empty Droplet Removal | qc_analysis.ipynb |
Doublet Removal | qc_analysis.ipynb |
Preclustering | preclustering.ipynb |
Normalization | normalization.ipynb |
Biological Replicate Integration | integration_analysis.ipynb |
Marker Gene Analysis | integration_analysis.ipynb |
Mouse Comparative Analysis | mouse_comparison.ipynb |
Data will be available via SRA and GEO soon!