Eternal scanner is an network scanner for Eternal Blue exploit CVE-2017-0144 & Eternal Romance (named pipe) CVE-2017-0145 .
- Eternal Scanner 2.0 :
- Eternal Scanner 2.2 (install & run) :
- netcat
- masscan
- metasploit-framework
- wget (To Update Eternal Scanner Directly from github)
- pip (for alternative install of python modules)
- python-crypto (Dependency for Eternal Romance check)
- python-impacket (Dependency for Eternal Romance check)
- python-pyasn1-modules (Dependency for Eternal Romance check)
- git clone
- cd eternal_scanner && ./escan
- OR ./escan -h (to change scanner speed)
- apt-get install masscan metasploit-framework wget python-pip python-crypto python-impacket python-pyasn1-modules netcat
For python modules as alernative it can be used pip to install the libraries :
- pip install crypto && pip install impacket && pip install pyasn1-modules
- Starting from version 2.0 , eternal scanner will auto install itself on your system on 1st run .
- Vulnerable scanned Ip data (vuln.txt) will be placed from now on in /usr/local/share/eternal_scanner
- Multiples sessions of escan will break the script , however , user can be scanning or checking with escan in one terminal and use another escan session terminal to search in database by writing ( escan -l)
- Escan will run normally as before if eternal Romance dependencies are not installed , however (escan -er) will not work without them .
- Escan requires root previleges
- From Version 2.2
- Eternal Romance Vulnerability check original source :