Library to support downloading and analysis of documents, mainly from Open Access repositories, from published scholarly articles, or from authoritative sites such as UN IPCC or UNFCCC. The current version 2024-12-01 includes entry points but the longer term plan is to integrate with docanalysis and pygetpapers. That will give a onestop toolset for downloading Open Access articles/reports in bulk, making them semantic , and analysing them with NLP and AI/ML methods.
is written as a set of libraries developed by test-driven-development (TDD). The main strategy is to tackle a real download/transform/analyse problem as a series of tests, and then abstract the tests into the library. The tests therefore act as a guide to functionality and simple how-tos. During development the libraries can be accessed through the command-line (argparse
) and this is the current normal approach. (However we plan to move the main entry points for most users to docanalysis
This represents functionality at 2024-12-02. There are about non-trivial 1000 methods.
Module | Function |
amilib/ | Abstract class for argparse option | | Bibliographic support | | create, normalize, search, tranform a corpus | | CSV utilities | | Ami Dictionary | | (stub) | | large collection for manipulating HTML | | miscellaneous conversions | | (stubs) | | large PDF2HTML , includes pdfplumber | | (stub) mainly convenience routiines | | lowlevel numeric/geom utilities | | headless browser | | entry point for amilib main | | bounding box manipulation | | (stub) | | dictionary options in argparse | | file utilities | | messy utility routines (may be obsolete) | | HTML options in argparse | | stub obsolete? | | messy ?obsolete | | markup HTML (messy) | | PDF options in argprase | | search options in argparse | | many scattered utilities | | download and conversion of Wikimedia | | convenience routies (lxml wrappers) |
has an argparse
dommand-set and 4 sub-command-sets. These exercise most of the functionality and are used by the commuity for many purposes. However it makes more sense to move some of the entry-points to docanalysis
and this will occur gradually.
This is really only a placeholder.
amilib --help
usage: amilib [-h] [-v] {DICT,PDF,HTML,SEARCH} ...
pyamihtml: create, manipulate, use CProject
amilib is a set of problem-independent methods to support document retrieval and analysis
The subcommands:
DICT <options> # create and edit Ami Dictionaries
HTML <options> # create/edit HTML
PDF <options> # convert PDF into HTML and images
SEARCH <options> # search and index documents
After installation, run
amilib <subcommand> <options>
Examples (# foo is a comment):
amilib # runs help
amilib -h # runs help
amilib PDF -h # runs PDF help
amilib PDF --infile foo.pdf --outdir bar/ # converts PDF to HTML
positional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-v, --version show version 0.3.0
pyamihtmlx <subcommand> <args>
where subcommand is in {DICT, HTML,PDF, SEARCH} and args depend on subcommand
amilib DICT
is used to make and maintain dictionaries.
amilib DICT --help
usage: amilib DICT [-h] [--description {wikipedia,wiktionary,wikidata} [{wikipedia,wiktionary,wikidata} ...]] [--dict DICT]
[--inpath INPATH [INPATH ...]] [--figures [{None,wikipedia,wikidata} ...]] [--operation {create,edit,markup,validate}]
[--outpath OUTPATH [OUTPATH ...]] [--synonym SYNONYM [SYNONYM ...]] [--title TITLE] [--validate]
[--wikidata [WIKIDATA ...]] [--wikipedia [WIKIPEDIA ...]] [--wiktionary [WIKTIONARY ...]] [--words [WORDS ...]]
AMI dictionary creation, validation, editing
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--description {wikipedia,wiktionary,wikidata} [{wikipedia,wiktionary,wikidata} ...]
add extended description tp dict from one or more of these
--dict DICT path for dictionary (existing = edit; new = create (type depends on suffix *.xml or *.html)
--inpath INPATH [INPATH ...]
path for input file(s)
--figures [{None,wikipedia,wikidata} ...]
sources for figures: 'wikipedia' uses infobox or first thumbnail, wikidata uses first figure
--operation {create,edit,markup,validate}
operation: 'create' needs 'words' 'edit' needs 'inpath' 'markup' need 'inpath' and 'outpath` (move to search?)
'validate' requires 'inpath' default = 'create
--outpath OUTPATH [OUTPATH ...]
output file
--synonym SYNONYM [SYNONYM ...]
add sysnonyms (from Wikidata) for terms (NYI)
--title TITLE internal title for dictionary, normally same as stem of dictionary file
--validate validate dictionary; DEPRECATED use '--operation validate'
--wikidata [WIKIDATA ...]
DEPRECATED use --description wikidata add WikidataIDs (NYI)
--wikipedia [WIKIPEDIA ...]
add Wikipedia link/s; DEPRECATED use '--description wikipedia'
--wiktionary [WIKTIONARY ...]
add Wiktionary output as html (may be messy); DEPRECATED use '--description wiktionary'
--words [WORDS ...] path/file with words or list of words to create dictionaray
Examples: DICT --words wordsfile --dict dictfile --description wikipedia # creates dictionary from wordsfile and adds wikipedia info
creates, manages, transforms HTML
amilib HTML --help
INFO***** amilib VERSION 0.3.0 *****
INFO:amilib.amix:***** amilib VERSION 0.3.0 *****
INFO ['HTML', '--help']
INFO:amilib.amix:command: ['HTML', '--help']
usage: amilib HTML [-h] [--annotate] [--color COLOR] [--dict DICT] [--inpath INPATH] [--outpath OUTPATH] [--outdir OUTDIR]
HTML editing, analysing annotation
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--annotate annotate HTML file with dictionary
--color COLOR colour for annotation
--dict DICT dictionary for annotation
--inpath INPATH input html file
--outpath OUTPATH output html file
--outdir OUTDIR output directory
Converts PDF to structured HTML. Heuristic.
amilib PDF --help
INFO***** amilib VERSION 0.3.0 *****
INFO:amilib.amix:***** amilib VERSION 0.3.0 *****
INFO ['PDF', '--help']
INFO:amilib.amix:command: ['PDF', '--help']
usage: amilib PDF [-h] [--debug {words,lines,rects,curves,images,tables,hyperlinks,texts,annots}] [--flow FLOW] [--footer FOOTER]
[--header HEADER] [--imagedir IMAGEDIR] [--indir INDIR] [--inform INFORM [INFORM ...]] [--inpath INPATH]
[--infile INFILE] [--instem INSTEM] [--maxpage MAXPAGE] [--offset OFFSET] [--outdir OUTDIR] [--outpath OUTPATH]
[--outstem OUTSTEM] [--outform OUTFORM] [--pdf2html {pdfminer,pdfplumber}] [--pages PAGES [PAGES ...]]
[--resolution RESOLUTION] [--template TEMPLATE]
PDF tools.
Typically reads one or more PDF files and converts to HTML
can clip parts of page, select page ranges, etc.
* PDF --help
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--debug {words,lines,rects,curves,images,tables,hyperlinks,texts,annots}
debug these during parsing (NYI)
--flow FLOW create flowing HTML, e.g. join lines, pages (heuristics)
--footer FOOTER bottom margin (clip everythimg above)
--header HEADER top margin (clip everything below
--imagedir IMAGEDIR output images to imagedir
--indir INDIR input directory (might be calculated from inpath)
--inform INFORM [INFORM ...]
input formats (might be calculated from inpath)
--inpath INPATH input file or (NYI) url; might be calculated from dir/stem/form
--infile INFILE input file (synonym for inpath)
--instem INSTEM input stem (e.g. 'fulltext'); maybe calculated from 'inpath`
--maxpage MAXPAGE maximum number of pages (will be deprecated, use 'pages')
--offset OFFSET number of pages before numbers page 1, default=0
--outdir OUTDIR output directory
--outpath OUTPATH output path (can be calculated from dir/stem/form)
--outstem OUTSTEM output stem
--outform OUTFORM output format
--pdf2html {pdfminer,pdfplumber}
convert PDF to html
--pages PAGES [PAGES ...]
reads '_2 4_6 8 11_' as 1-2, 4-6, 8, 11-end ; all ranges inclusive (not yet debugged)
--resolution RESOLUTION
resolution of output images (if imagedir)
--template TEMPLATE file to parse specific type of document (NYI)
Searches and annotates HTML documents
amilib SEARCH --help
usage: amilib SEARCH [-h] [--debug DEBUG] [--dict DICT] [--inpath INPATH [INPATH ...]]
[--operation {annotate,index,no_input_styles} [{annotate,index,no_input_styles} ...]]
[--outpath OUTPATH [OUTPATH ...]] [--title TITLE]
SEARCH tools.
Search documents and corpora and make indexes and maybe knowledge graphs.Not yet finished.
* SEARCH --help
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--debug DEBUG debug these during parsing (NYI)
--dict DICT path for dictionary *.xml or *.html)
--inpath INPATH [INPATH ...]
path for input file(s)
--operation {annotate,index,no_input_styles} [{annotate,index,no_input_styles} ...]
operation: 'no_input_styles' needs 'inpath ; remove styles from inpath 'annotate' needs 'inpath and dict';
annotates words/phrases 'index' needs 'inpath' optionally outpath (NYI) default = annotate
--outpath OUTPATH [OUTPATH ...]
output file
--title TITLE internal title for dictionary, normally same as stem of dictionary file