JQuery plugin for Javascript templating. 2.6k minified. Supports fields, filters, conditionals, and loops. Uses plain HTML templates. Requires jQuery.
$('.my_template').fillInWith(data) <-- returns a jquery containing the filled-in template
...where 'my_template' points at some markup to use as a template, and data is an object.
Just some HTML with template elements. Typically a hidden div on your page.
<div class="my_template" style="display:none">
My name is [[name]] and I have [[animals|count]] [[species]][[animals|count|sIfPlural]]:
<div data-repeat-on="animals">
<span data-if="loop_last"> and </span>
[[name]] who weighs [[weight]] pound[[weight|sIfPlural]]
<span data-if="loop_notlast">,</span>
<span data-if="animals.length>3">
I have too many animals
<span data-else="true"> I don't have too many animals</span>
Fields go in double-brackets: [[fieldname]] (no spaces!).
Filters are marked with '|'. Built-in filters are count() and sIfPlural(). You can add more with the extraFilters option (see below).
Repeating elements are marked with data-repeat-on attribute, which should match the name of an array in your data.
Conditionals are marked with data-if and data-else. Use conditionals ONLY with trusted data as they use javascript eval() (there's an option to indicate untrusted data, below).
Supports loop variables loop_first, loop_last, loop_notlast, loop_notfirst, loop_multiple
A js object:
var data = {
species: 'moose',
animals: [
{weight:300, name:'Bill'},
{weight:100, name:'Sam'},
{weight:120, name:'Heidi'}
- Data can contain arrays of other objects (e.g. 'animals', above.
extraFilters: an object containing functions that you can use as filters. Filters should take a single argument and return a string or number.
ldelim, rdelim: delimiters for fields; default to '[[' and ']]'
debug: if true, then some errors will be reported in the console
untrusted: If true, then 'if' conditions won't be evaluated (can't evaluate without eval()). Set if you may be using untrustworthy (e.g. user-supplied) data in your templates.
inPlace: If true, then the template will be modified in place. The default is to return a copy and leave the original template untouched.