With GroupDocs.Viewer for Cloud plugin for Confluence you can easily view PDF, Word, Excel and Powerpoint documents online with the GroupDocs Embedded Viewer tool, directly from within your Confluence powered website.
###Plugin Installation Instructions:
- Go to your dashboard at http://apps.groupdocs.com/ to get your Client ID and API Key
- Install plugin in Confluence.
- Configure plugin by clicking on "configure" link or find "GroupDocs Settings" link on left side menu.
- Select "My GroupDocs" menu item in top navigation dropdown
- Enter your Client ID and API Key
- Done. Macro can be accessed via Insert Menu -> GroupDocs - File and GroupDocs - Folder
###Sign, Manage, Annotate, Assemble, Compare and Convert Documents with GroupDocs
- View PDF, Word, Excel, Powerpoint and Images with GroupDocs.Viewer
- Download GroupDocs.Viewer for Cloud plugin package here
- [Embed DOC, DOCX, PDF Viewer in your Confluence powered website] (https://marketplace.atlassian.com/plugins/com.groupdocs.plugins.confluence-groupdocs)
###Created by GroupDocs Marketplace Team.