Project is using PHP Silex framework, phantomjs, python and R.
Core module communicates with Chrome extension, parser and evaluator. It receives a HTTP request and returns proper response.
Parser is written in phantomjs and python. You can read more about it here.
Evaluator module is written in R and it's using already built prediction model based on randomForest.
Flasknose Chrome extension can be found in chrome-extension directory. You can find out here how to load and test extension.
Vagrant box is available at After you set it up, server will be available at You have to be sure to properly setup shared directory (in the Vagrantfile) where synced folder has to point to the directory where your project is settled.
In my case, Vagrant box is in /home/username/dev/vagrant-php-dev-boilerplate
and synced_folder then points to the ../master-thesis/flasknose
, which means that my project is settled in /home/username/dev/flasknose
config.vm.synced_folder "../master-thesis/flasknose", "/var/www/webapp", id: "vagrant-root"
config.vm.synced_folder "../master-thesis/flasknose/exports", "/var/www/webapp/exports", {:mount_options => ['dmode=777','fmode=777'], :owner => "www-data", :group => "www-data"}
config.vm.synced_folder "../master-thesis/flasknose/scripts", "/var/www/webapp/scripts", {:mount_options => ['dmode=777','fmode=777'], :owner => "www-data", :group => "www-data"}
- Install latest composer into project directory
- Install r-base: sudo apt-get install r-base
- Install phantomjs
- Install all python dependencies used by wparser
- change to your needs
To see how to load an extension, read the documentation.
php composer.phar install